Although men and women work together, it is not tiring to work, but after all, it is the first time for people to eat. Naturally, it is impossible to sit together with each other. The tables here are all rectangular, three on the left, three on the right, one at each end

Ouyang Qianqian is the contact person of everyone. Naturally, she sits at one of them. Xiao Feng boasts that she is handsome and tries to sit opposite Ouyang Qianqian. In this way, Tan Xiaoxiao, Huang lingyao and Li Shiqin sit on one side, while ye Xiao, fat and sultry man Chen tanshang sit on one side

However, ye Xiao and Ouyang Qianqian are acquaintances. He sits on the right side of Ouyang Qianqian, and Tan Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Qianqian have the closest relationship. They sit on the left side of Ouyang Qianqian. In this way, they sit opposite each other

Just look up, you can see the face that constantly appears in the dream. Tan Xiaoxiao feels inexplicably nervous

Tan Xiaoxiao, do you want to be so disheartened? There is no possibility between you. What are you nervous about? Don't be nervous. You're just meeting for the first time. Qianqian likes him so much. Don't let Qianqian be sad again

Hold on, hold on, hold on

Tan Xiaoxiao's heart, not only to cheer himself up, and then again looked up with a smile at Ye Xiao, as if two people really met for the first time, but even so, her heart rate is still inexplicably accelerated, and fast, if not for the scene is too noisy, it is estimated that all the people around her can hear

As for ye Xiao, there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. To be honest, he is also a little nervous. The main reason is that he did not expect to meet Tan Xiaoxiao on such an occasion, let alone that Ouyang Qianqian would be a good friend of Tan Xiaoxiao. However, from their expressions, Ouyang Qianqian should not know the relationship between herself and Tan Xiaoxiao

Ye Xiao didn't want to break this relationship. He understood what Tan Xiaoxiao was worried about. If she broke the relationship directly, she would hide herself everywhere. Now, at least, she can see that she is not every day. Moreover, she can transfer the attention of Tan family and Lin family to himself, isn't it?

"Handsome Xiao, are you from South Fujian?" Soon, the waiters came up to drink. After a drink, Huang lingyao, who was sitting next to Xiaofeng, had taken the lead in asking.

I don't know if it's because Ouyang Qianqian is interested in Ye Xiao, or is she not interested in this past star at all. Her first target is Xiao Feng

"Well, my hometown is from southern Fujian, but if I grew up in Kyoto, you won't be from southern Fujian, will you?" Xiao Feng looks at Huang lingyao in surprise. Now his accent has taken on some Beijing accent. Even if ordinary people recognize that he is not a local, they will not recognize his original accent. However, it is unexpected that this woman should know that she is from southern Fujian

"Well, just like you, I've been in Kyoto for a few years..." Huang lingyao smiles. Her eyes are still lingering on Xiao Feng. She seems to be very interested in this handsome man

And Ouyang Qianqian also takes the initiative to chat with Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao is really familiar with Ouyang Qianqian. They are very chatting

When Xiao Feng comes, he chats with the beautiful woman. Ye Xiao and Ouyang Qianqian have known each other for a long time. They want to chat up with the beautiful women in front of them. However, one is the theory emperor. When there is no woman, everything is under control. When there is a woman, everything is mastered by others.

I don't know what to say at all. The other one doesn't say it. Even ordinary girls don't have much confidence, let alone face the best beauties like Tan Xiaoxiao and Li Shiqin

In this way, there are only two couples of men and women talking on the table, while the other four people are completely decorated. Li Shiqin is a little better. Her personality is a little weak, but Tan Xiaoxiao has always been the eldest sister in the bedroom. At this time, she is also silent, which makes Huang lingyao a little surprised. Who cares about Tan Xiaoxiao's idea.

At the same time, a man in a plaid shirt led a group of tall boys from the stairway. Seeing this group of people, some other students frowned slightly, and their eyes flashed a little fear. Many people even began to pack things and dodge people.

What seems to be expected

When Ouyang Qianqian saw the visitor, she frowned and showed a displeased look. Even if Tan Xiaoxiao saw such a scene, she also frowned slightly

Noticing the two women's looks, ye Xiao and others also look up. When they see the leader's eyes focused on themselves and are full of anger, ye Xiao's heart is a burst of wonder. What's the matter? You don't seem to know this guy? What does he do when he hates himself so much?

Xiao Feng's face is normal, and his eyes are even more afraid

Think about it. They are all freshmen. They have just come to school. Suddenly, they see a large group of people coming over. All of them look bad. It is impossible to say that they are not afraid at all

"You guys, go along..." Xiao Feng is sitting on the outside. These guys come directly to the front of the people's seats, pointing to Xiao Feng and others and saying

Xiao Feng's eyebrows suddenly raised. His hometown is in Southern Fujian. It's true, but he has been hanging out in Kyoto since he was a child. He has been the school's overlord since junior high school. No one has ever dared to speak to him like this, or speak to him in such a tone"Shi Yuanlong, what do you mean?" Before Xiao Feng had time to speak, Ouyang Qianqian was upset at the moment. Shi Yuanlong, the leader of the school basketball team, had been pursuing her. However, she didn't like this guy all the time. It's OK to harass herself at other times. After all, he is also a member of the Shi family. Although the Shi family is not a big family in Kyoto, it has a certain influence. She does not want to have to I mean to offend this guy, but this time I personally invited Ye Xiao and others to dinner, and this guy came to make trouble, which was a bit too much

"It's not interesting. Is it wrong to have dinner with some beautiful women?" Shi Yuanlong seems to have never seen Ouyang Qianqian's face uncomfortable at all, and said with confidence.

The University of business and economics is no more than other universities. There are not many senior dandies in this school. As Shi Yuanlong, he is also one of the top dandies in this school. Of course, on the surface, of course, Tan Xiaoxiao, a noble family whose identity is unknown to others, or how many princes there are, is unknown to others

However, in Shi Yuanlong's opinion, he is the first brother of the University of business and economics. No one dares not to give himself face

And he has been a senior in his junior year. He seems to be used to his arrogance

Seeing what Shi Yuanlong said was so natural and relaxed, Ouyang Qianqian was so angry that she shivered. What did he want, son of a bitch? Do you really think this school is owned by their family?

Tan Xiaoxiao's eyebrows also wrinkled, but did not say much, she came to this school to study, just do not want others to know her identity.

Huang lingyao looks at Xiao Feng with a look of interest. She wants to know how Xiao Feng will deal with this matter. Of course, what she wants to know most is Xiao Feng's background

As for Li Shiqin, he also glanced at the four people. When he saw that only Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng looked natural, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes

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