"It's true that you want to have dinner with a beautiful woman. Toads want to eat swan meat, but your fault is that you shouldn't come out to scare people..." Xiao Feng stood up and said with a smile. He didn't put these people in his eyes

When he heard Xiao Feng say that he was a toad, Shi Yuanlong was angry on the spot. His face was blue and red. Even a group of people behind him were looking at Xiao Feng with anger. Where did this little white face come from? Don't you know the identity of the captain? If you dare to fight against the team leader in the University of business and economics, isn't it a death hunt?

Hear Xiao Feng direct and this group of people on, big fat and Chen Dan Shang's face are not good-looking, this is not to death to offend people? These people are not easy to get into trouble at first, but they didn't leave when they thought that everyone was a dormitory

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?" Said Shi Yuanlong, almost gnashing his teeth.

"Talking about people, of course? Don't you understand? Oh, by the way, forget that you are not a human being. How can you understand... " Xiao Feng sneered

You're not human. How can you understand?

This sentence is like a torch, which completely ignites Shi Yuanlong's anger. In the University of business and economics, no one dares to speak to himself like this

"Looking for death..." Shi Yuanlong roared. He even twisted his fist and smashed it to Xiao Feng.

Seeing such a scene, Ouyang Qianqian is still in a daze. Obviously, she didn't expect Xiao Feng to be so strong. She didn't fear Shi Yuanlong at all. She forgot to stop her voice for a moment. As for Tan Xiaoxiao, she saw Ye Xiao sitting there calmly, without any intention of making a move. Neither Li Shiqin nor Huang lingyao did There is any indication that I close my eyes when I see such a scene

"Bang..." Chen Dan Shang and Da Pang opened their eyes involuntarily. They thought Xiao Feng would be hit by a blow. But who expected Xiao Feng to be still standing there in good condition. On the contrary, the guy named Shi Yuanlong was blown back and forth again and again. But for the support of the people behind him, he might have fallen to the ground.

What happened?

Even the girls who had been staring at Xiao Feng didn't understand what was going on. Only Ye Xiao saw Xiao Feng's hand. When Shi Yuanlong's fist was about to hit his head, Xiao Feng suddenly made a fist. Later, he made a powerful blow to Shi Yuanlong's heart. He didn't see much strength. His body was shaken out

Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao's eyes flashed a touch of light. Xiao Feng is not simple

Feeling the sharp pain from his chest and seeing Xiao Feng standing in front of him, Shi Yuanlong's face is extremely ugly

He was beaten by this guy

"It turns out that he is a practitioner. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant. Brothers, let's start together and teach this guy a lesson..." Knowing that he might not be Xiao Feng's opponent, Shi Yuanlong snorted angrily

In the face of a dozen or so people from each other, Xiao Feng didn't have the slightest fear on his face, and his body directly rushed forward

Ouyang Qianqian's face changed. This is the school. Even if Xiao Feng can fight again, even if he really wins, but once the school knows, he will be punished by the school. Maybe she will be expelled. She doesn't want to let Ye Xiao's friends be punished because of her own reasons.

Moreover, she also knew that the master of the school's teaching office was an uncle of Shi Yuanlong. Once this fight started, Xiao Feng would definitely suffer the loss

Just about to open his mouth to stop him, a thin man next to Shi Yuanlong has already rushed to Xiao Feng. He raises his hand and sprinkles a white powder

Xiao Feng is trying to show his strength in front of the beautiful woman. Who expected that the other party even sprinkled a piece of white powder and quickly closed his eyes. However, the other party's move was too sudden and too mean. Accidentally, the white powder came into his eyes, which made him unable to see. At this time, the man had already rushed to Xiao Feng's body, It's just a kick when you lift it up. Xiao Feng, who is good at it, suddenly gives a dull hum

Without waiting for him to react, several other people rushed up to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng's eyes were frustrated, and he was attacked. He was in pain. The whole person was curled up on the ground

Even if Tan Xiaoye's face is too vile to stop them from laughing, it's too hard to stop them from laughing?

"Shi Yuanlong, you despicable villain, stop it quickly..." Ouyang Qianqian is very angry. She didn't expect Shi Yuanlong to be so mean that she even made such a move

But Shi Yuanlong didn't listen to her, still kicking Xiao Feng hard

Seeing that Shi Yuanlong didn't mean to stop, Ouyang Qianqian couldn't sit still any longer. She was about to get up and stop her, but suddenly she felt a big hand holding her arm

Looking back, I see ye Xiao holding her arm

"I'll do it..." Ye Xiao said, has stood up from his seat, from the side of the table around the pastSee ye Xiao that proud back, Ouyang Qianqian a burst of consternation, I come? What can I do for you?

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, she suddenly thought of the first time I saw Ye Xiao

What would you do?

I will fight

Then he walked out of the school alone and knocked down dozens of people

The scene was deeply imprinted in her heart, time seemed to return to that moment

I don't know why, when she saw Ye Xiao go up, her heart was incredibly excited

And Li Shiqin and Huang lingyao are also looking at Ye Xiao in surprise. Can he beat Xiao Feng?

As for Da Pang and Chen Tan Shang, they were completely petrified at this time. How could they have never thought that on the first day of school, their roommates would be beaten by senior students

"Let go of him..." Ye Xiao has already walked out of the dining table and looks at Shi Yuanlong and his party with a cold face

"Who do you think you are? Do you want me to let it go? " Shi Yuanlong looks scornful

"For the last time, let him go..." Ye Xiao's voice was extremely cold. To tell the truth, from the first time Xiao Feng took a hand, he knew that Xiao Feng's strength was absolutely above these people. It was no problem to defeat them. So he didn't mean to fight. But who knows these guys are so mean that they carry lime powder with them. And Xiao Feng's experience against the enemy is obviously not rich enough, so he doesn't check it for a while Finally, he came to such an end. In this way, he had to make a move

"Believe it or not, I will fight with you..." Seeing ye Xiao dare to speak to himself in such a arrogant way, Shi Yuanlong was furious and roared directly to Ye Xiao. If it hadn't been for Xiao Feng's fist just now, he might have rushed up to fight ye Xiao for a while

"Shua..." Ye Xiao didn't speak any more. Instead, he flashed his figure and came to Shi Yuanlong's body. When everyone didn't come back to him, he grabbed Shi Yuanlong's hair and didn't give him the chance to resist. He pulled it and ran against the table beside him

"Bang..." At the sound of the sound, Shi Yuanlong's head hit the table made of toughened glass, and the table broke instantly. Meanwhile, Shi Yuanlong's head was also instantly blooming and blood splashed. All the people present, except Tan Xiaoxiao, were shocked

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