If Xiao Feng beat Shi Yuanlong with a fist, he still has a strong force value and good skill, then what ye Xiao shows is violence, absolute violence

For young men and women of this age group, fighting is a common occurrence. In schools and outside schools, it can be said that fighting in groups is not a big thing.

Just like Xiao Feng, they don't feel much surprised. Shi Yuanlong's background is good. Xiao Feng's move may be because he is not afraid of Shi Yuanlong's background. Maybe he doesn't know Shi Yuanlong's background at all, but he is very confident in his own strength, but that is only the scope of ordinary fighting. Even now Xiao Feng is defeated by a group of people Beating, but at most, it's fists and kicks. How could ye Xiao smash people's heads on the glass table like Ye Xiao

It's not beating people. It's just killing people, and it's still a terrible killing.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Xiao's violence and looked at all this with a daze

In particular, Ouyang Qianqian, although she killed all directions in the middle of the movie, after all, it was in the movie, and many scenes were cut. But now, this idol in my mind, if you don't do it, it's just earth shaking Bloody brutality, this is too a man, yes, this is the man, the real pure man

The quiet Li Shiqin also looks at Ye Xiao in horror. Although she thinks Ye Xiao is not simple, she never thinks that ye Xiao is so violent

As for Huang lingyao, her eyes widened at the moment. She looked at Ye Xiao in horror, at her lonely back

Xiao Feng's move has made her very curious. After all, in recent years, no one has started a fight with Shi Yuanlong in the University of business and economics. However, Xiao Feng is the first to attack Shi Yuanlong. But now, this guy named Ye Xiao, who once played a movie, is merciless. Doesn't he know the consequences of this?

The fat and coquettish men sitting on the stool had already been scared to death. They were the children of ordinary people. They had never seen such a violent scene

Ye Xiao doesn't know what the consequences of beating Shi Yuanlong will be, let alone what other people will think. After smashing Shi Yuanlong into a raging blood storm, he throws him aside, just like throwing a dead dog

It seems that doing such a thing is just trivial

Seeing ye Xiao's ruthlessness, the others who followed Shi Yuanlong were shocked. They were all shocked by Ye Xiao's violent aesthetics. Only when they saw Shi Yuanlong lying on the ground did they come back to their senses.

"Brothers..." The guy who sprinkled Xiao Feng's face with lime powder immediately yelled, grabbed a beer bottle on the table and rushed to Ye Xiao.

His name is Zhang Gu, and he is Shi Yuanlong's confidant younger brother. In his opinion, Xiao Feng's skill may be regarded as good, but this guy is just a little hot. He can defeat Shi Yuanlong because everyone didn't notice

There are so many people on his side, can he still beat all of them down?

If you and others are indifferent, the captain will be angry for a while, and they will have a lot to eat

Originally, they just wanted to teach these new students a lesson. Now they see each other's hands smashing and bleeding. What's the meaning of keeping hands

Soon, the guy had come to Ye Xiao's side, and the beer bottle in his hand was smashed towards Ye Xiao

Seeing such a scene, Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help exclaiming, as if the beer bottle had already hit ye xiaotou

However, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, ye Xiao suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Zhang Gu's wrist holding the beer bottle. However, he did not see how hard he tried, so he pulled Zhang Gu's wrist and smashed it into his head

"Bang..." Zhang Gu only felt a tremendous force coming from him, and his wrist was out of control. The beer bottle hit his head directly, causing a burst of pain. He could not help but open his mouth, and ye Xiao had already clasped his wrist

"Hi..." The broken glass directly cut Zhang Gu's lips, tearing his mouth skin, and the bright red blood sprayed out. However, he couldn't even make a scream, but could only make a whine

Such a bloody scene completely shocked other people, one by one looked at Ye Xiao like a monster, is this still human? Or did he treat Zhang Gu as a person? Just smashed Shi Yuanlong into his head. Isn't it afraid of human life?

No one dares to step forward, but doesn't that mean ye Xiao will let them go? He has given them a chance

As soon as he stepped on it, he rushed to the front man. He was so happy when he beat Xiao Feng just now. Ye Xiao won't let him go easily

Another big hand grabbed the man's head and pressed it down. His right knee was lifted up

"Bang..." The man's nose bone was smashed by the man's nose bone, and his head was thrown back to the groundThen ye Xiao, like a shadow, came to another person's body and directly slapped him in the face. The man had no time to dodge, so he heard "pa..." At the sound of the sound, the man was directly slapped by Ye Xiao and flew out. He hit the ground heavily. Several teeth fell down, and half of his face became red and swollen

Then ye Xiao raised his legs and punched again, but in the blink of an eye, all the people who followed Shi Yuanlong were lying on the ground except for a thin guy. Everyone had seen blood on his body, which was not bloody

All this happened so fast that the last man thought of running away. But how could ye Xiao let him run away easily? His body shook and he came to the man

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you..." Seeing the man's frightened eyes, a ferocious smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. I don't know whether it's been a long time since there was a fight, or whether Tan Xiaoxiao was engaged to someone else, which made Ye Xiao's violent spirit break out completely.

When he heard that ye Xiao would not touch himself, the man was relieved. He was about to say thank you instinctively, but he saw Ye Xiao suddenly bow his head and bump into him

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's head hit the man's nose hard, and then there was a crackling sound. The bone of the man's nose was smashed, and the whole person was knocked backward.

Red blood bloomed in the middle of his face. His mouth moved and wanted to say something, but his mouth was full of blood. Where could he say it

All this seems like a long time, in fact, it is less than a minute. When ye Xiao knocked the last man to the ground, the scene was silent. All the people looked at it in horror. It was better to look at Ye Xiao as if he were a demon

Is this really a student of the University of business and economics? How does it feel like he's more terrifying than the killers in the movies? If you don't, you will see blood. Even if Xiao Feng is looking at Ye Xiao, there are some changes in his eyes

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