Ouyang Qianqian's mouth has become O-shaped, her eyes are wide open, as if to see Avatar come in front of her. She never thought that ye Xiao, who has always been gentle and gentle in front of her, would have such a violent side. The man who would reveal a light sadness in driving a car should have such a masculine side.

This is the idol in her mind. At the moment, ye Xiao and Lin Xiao in the film are perfectly combined. Her eyes twinkle with a burning light. Yes, it is an excitement. It is a kind of stimulation. She only feels that the blood of her whole body is boiling and constantly upward. She never thought that watching others fight is also such a boiling thing.

Not to mention Ouyang Qianqian, even if she is elegant like Li Shiqin and sexy as Huang lingyao, her eyes are shining with burning light. They even feel the blood rolling in their bodies. The only one who can keep calm is Tan Xiaoxiao. Unlike other people's excitement, her eyes are flickering with tears. It seems that time has really returned to that moment, Back to the moment when I first noticed him

I can fight!

What a simple sentence, what a domineering sentence, a person, a pair of fists, so hit a world.

This is the Ye Xiao that she is familiar with, this is the Ye Xiao that she loves deeply, this is the Ye Xiao that she loves deeply. I don't know why, she feels that there is a violent monster in Ye Xiao's heart at the moment, and gradually wakes up.

Two years ago, he came to Jinghai city. Jinghai City, which has been quiet for many years, has stirred up waves and waves. With his iron fist, he has become the youngest godfather of the underworld in the history of Jinghai city.

It has become the king of the underground world of Jinghai City, and now it is the real king of Jinghai city

Now, he came to Kyoto, which is the undercurrent surging Kyoto. Will he tremble because of his existence?

However, when I think of the huge Lin family and the family that has existed since the founding of China, the passion aroused by the family is extinguished and replaced by deep worry.

Although she only knew that ye Xiao had come to Kyoto today, although she only saw Ye Xiao today, she knew why Ye Xiao came here. She thought of the sentence he had said half a year ago in her mind, and her worry became stronger.

She understands Ye Xiao's character. Since he has come, he will definitely stick to it until the end. No matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he will never shrink back. But because of this, she is deeply worried about

At this time, the hall on the third floor sounded the sound of rapid footsteps, and then saw a group of men in security clothing rushed over. When they saw the scene of extremely bloody scene, they were all scared. What is this? Is this a mob fight?

In particular, after seeing that the person lying on the ground and calling the worst was actually Shi Yuanlong, the head of the security guard turned pale.

"What are you doing? In broad daylight, they even fight in public. Do you want to study here? Come on, who did it? " The name of the security leader clearly knows the identity of Shi Yuanlong. Is that the nephew of the director of the education department? Now he has been beaten like this. If the director of the education department knows, will he continue to work here?

"I..." Ye Xiao has not yet said, Ouyang Qianqian has directly stood up and walked in front of the security chief.

But she knows how serious this incident is. Even if she fights and fights in the school canteen, she will definitely be expelled. She has a hard time getting along with her idol. She doesn't want Ye Xiao to be expelled.

"Miss Ouyang, don't be kidding. How can you beat them with so many people?" Seeing Ouyang Qianqian stand up, the head of the security guard said bitterly, it's not too much in the senior government office of the University of business and economics, but Ouyang Qianqian is definitely one. Maybe Ouyang's family can't compare with those rich families, but her grandfather is the Executive Deputy Minister of the Ministry of education. Although the Ministry of education is inferior to other ministers in some rights, it is also a minister after all. Where is it A little security guard can offend him

What's more, as long as the fool on the scene knows that it's the man in the Zhongshan suit. Ouyang Qianqian obviously wants to protect this guy.

If she was beaten by someone else, who dares to say more when Miss Ouyang speaks, but there is Shi Yuanlong who is beaten. This is the eldest son of the Shi family. His father's official rank is not lower than that of Ouyang's.

Of course, if ordinary people do not dare to offend Ouyang Qianqian.

"Why can't it be me?" Ouyang Qianqian's face is not happy, that expression seems to be saying, can't I beat them?

Hear Ouyang Qianqian so unreasonable words, the security team leader almost cry, you so torture people? I'm just a little security guard. What kind of disputes do you have between the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people? Would you like to settle them in private? What am I in trouble here now?

"Qian Qian, don't make trouble. I beat all these people..." Fortunately, at this time, ye Xiao opened his mouth. Although he knew that fighting in school was a very serious matter, he did not have the habit of hiding behind women. He said to Qianqian at the moment.Ouyang Qianqian originally wanted to say something more, but as soon as she heard Ye Xiao calling herself Qianqian, she didn't know why. She swallowed the words she wanted to refute, and she felt sweet and nourishing in her heart.

"And I have one more..." At this time, Xiao Feng, who was beaten black and blue, got up from the ground and said.

Ye Xiao did it in order to help him get ahead. He didn't want all the crimes to be fought by Ye Xiao alone.

"Well, you go to the security room with me and take a confession..." Seeing that the client finally stood up, the security captain was relieved. However, seeing Ouyang Qianqian listening to the man's words, she felt puzzled and did not dare to offend him. She said politely.

"OK, but you'd better send them to the hospital first..." Ye Xiao nodded. The other party was so polite that he would not be angry with these people. How to say, they were just making a living.

"Yes, yes, yes, you guys. Take them to the infirmary quickly..." The head of the security guard immediately came back to himself and said to his subordinates.

At the moment, several security guards ran over and helped Shi Yuanlong and others who had fallen to the ground and walked downstairs. Shi Yuanlong passed Ye Xiao's back, and his eyes shot two angry rays, but ye Xiao didn't pay any attention to it.

When the security guards took Shi Yuanlong and his party away, ye Xiao said to Xiao Feng, "are you ok?"

"It's ok..." Xiao Feng shook his head, in addition to some pain in the eyes, the other did not matter.

"Let's go to the security room..." Xiao nodded to the security guard and walked with him

Xiao Feng also followed him closely, looking at Ye Xiao's lonely and proud back. His eyes twinkled with curiosity, and he didn't know what he was thinking

Seeing ye Xiao taken away, big fat and sultry man face a burst of anxiety. We all share the same bedroom. Although we only met on the first day, they are roommates anyway. They are very sorry that they didn't fight when they fought just now. Now they are taken away, but they can't do anything. What is this?

"Don't worry, they'll be ok..." As if seeing their worries, Tan Xiaoxiao stood up from her seat and said faintly. As she spoke, Li Shiqin and Huang lingyao showed a surprised look on their faces. Only Ouyang Qianqian was happy

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