Just now Ouyang Qianqian said that Tan Xiaoxiao is the eldest sister in their bedroom. In fact, it is mainly Tan Xiaoxiao's indisputable character. Whether it is Huang lingyao who is sexy and gentle, or Li Shiqin, who is gentle and quiet, they can talk with Tan Xiaoxiao. And many things related to the dormitory are finally decided by Tan Xiaoxiao. However, except Ouyang Qianqian, they don't know the identity of Tan Xiaoxiao.

In their opinion, Tan Xiaoxiao's identity is also the general official's children. In Kyoto, such a family should not have too much money. Although we have been together for more than a year, we have not asked more about this issue. They do not want to affect the friendship between each other because of their family background.

It can be said that the impact of this beating incident is extremely serious. Even if there is a considerable background, the school can not easily let Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng go. Now Tan Xiaoxiao says it's ok?

If you are not familiar with Tan Xiaoxiao, you will think she is talking big. However, Huang lingyao and Li Shiqin, who have a deep understanding of Tan Xiaoxiao's character, know that if she is not sure, she will not easily state her position. Since she dares to say so, she will certainly be ok, but what is she sure of?

But Ouyang Qianqian, because she lived with Tan Xiaoxiao's family when she was a child, and then went to school together. They were childhood sweethearts. She deeply understood the energy of Tan Xiaoxiao.

In this matter, other people may not be able to help, but once Tan Xiaoxiao opens his mouth, it is absolutely OK. With the strength of the tan family, it is not easy for the school to calm down a small fight.

Don't care about people's expression, Tan Xiaoxiao picked up her handbag and walked outside

At this time, Qiu Ziyuan, the director of the teaching office of the University of business and economics, wearing a black suit, was lying in front of the computer, browsing some web pages and reading some news. When he saw some news, his nephew Shi Yuanlong called.

"This guy, it's time to eat now. What's wrong with me?" Qiu Ziyuan is a bit upset. Since Shi Yuanlong came to this school, he has not caused him less trouble. He is busy cleaning his butt behind many times. He is very upset with this boy, but he can't ignore it. His current position is caused by the stone family. If he angers the boy, he should say something bad about himself in front of his sister and brother-in-law That would be a tragedy.

"Hello, Xiao Long, I'm calling my uncle at noon. I don't want to invite my uncle to dinner?" In spite of his displeasure, Qiu Ziyuan still made a look of intimacy.

"Uncle, you have to decide for me..." Who knows, as soon as the phone is connected, there is a pig like howl on the other end of the phone. Qiu Ziyuan is shocked.

"What's the matter? Bruce Lee, don't scare me... " Qiu Ziyuan was really shocked. Listening to the tragic voice, it seemed that Shi Yuanlong had suffered some great trauma. Did he have any accident?

"Uncle, I'm in the infirmary right now. Please come and have a look..." Shi Yuanlong on the other end of the phone seems to be very painful

Qiu Ziyuan did not dare to be careless. He quickly turned off the computer and ran to the clinic.

When he came to the infirmary, he was immediately frightened by the scene. Shi Yuanlong's head was wrapped with bandages, and the bandages were also covered with blood. The guys who used to make trouble with him were also bandaged one by one, and almost all of them were wrapped with bandages on their heads. Seeing this posture, Qiu Ziyuan thought that they were pursued and killed by the underworld? Otherwise, how could it be so miserable

"Bruce Lee, what's the matter with you?" Qiu Ziyuan was really flustered. If Shi Yuanlong's parents knew that their son had been injured like this, they didn't know how to settle their own accounts. They ran up to Shi Yuanlong and asked with concern.

"Uncle, you want to make the decision for us. I went to the canteen with my classmates just now, but I was beaten like this..." Shi Yuanlong immediately said about the canteen. Of course, his words must be on his side. He just asked Ouyang Qianqian how good he was. As a result, he called on two freshmen, one of whom was very cruel. How can such a person be qualified to study in the University of business and economics?

At the end of the day, Shi Yuanlong also proposed that the two guys must be expelled

Although he knew that Shi Yuanlong's words were ridiculous, seeing their injuries made Qiu Ziyuan tremble with anger. Not to mention that Shi Yuanlong was his nephew, even ordinary students who were beaten like this would not do.

This is a school. It's not a fight in the underworld. It's murder to smash people with beer bottles.

How can such a lawless person study in school?

"You don't have to worry. The school will give you justice. Bruce Lee, go with me to the security room. I don't believe these guys are so lawless..." Qiu Ziyuan said, pulling up Shi Yuanlong and running to the security room. Seeing his uncle's indignant appearance, Shi Yuanlong's eyes flashed a trace of resentment. I don't care who you are, offending me. I don't want to leave the University of business and economics easily.

Called two injuries are not very serious, with their own, and Qiu Ziyuan ran toward the security room.Just as Qiu Ziyuan rushed to the security room, the old headmaster in a black robe in the headmaster's office received three phone calls in succession. When he received the first call, his brow had been tightly wrinkled together. When he received the second call, his face had shown a look of horror. When he received the third call, the old principal did not say much, Hung up the phone and ran to the security room in person. He never thought that such a fight would happen in the school, let alone that this fight would alarm so many big people.

At this time, in the security room, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng are sitting on the chair, accepting the inquiry from the leader of the security team. They do not hide and tell the story.

"Do you say it first?" At the end of the day, the security captain repeated another question. Although it seems that Shi Yuanlong and others were beaten badly, if they started the matter first, they would not have taken the truth in advance.

"Fart, how can we do it first? It's this guy who started to hit me first..." When ye Xiao and Xiao Feng want to answer, there is Shi Yuanlong's roar at the door. Then ye Xiao and others see Shi Yuanlong come in with a middle-aged man in a suit.

At the sight of the middle-aged man, the captain of the security team suddenly changed his face. He stood up respectfully from his seat and said hello to the middle-aged man: "director Qiu, how are you coming?"

"Why am I here? Captain Li, there is such a big fight in the school. Why can't I come? Look at them. They are all injured like this. What did you do as the captain of the security team? " Qiu Ziyuan's face was angry, pointing to captain Li and scolding him.

Being scolded by Qiu Ziyuan, Captain Li has a face of grievance. Although they are school security guards, they can not guarantee the safety of every place. When they receive the news, they have arrived at the scene as quickly as possible, but they are so quick that when they arrive at the scene, all the people are lying on the ground. What can they do?

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