We can't turn back the clock and tell them not to fight again?

But in the face of Qiu Ziyuan's anger, he did not dare to say anything more.

"Are you the students who hit people?" Qiu Ziyuan didn't take a look at captain Li and asked directly to Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng!

"No!" Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng said with one voice.

"No?" Qiu Ziyuan frowned. Do you still have to quibble now?

"He did it first. We were just defending ourselves!" Two people said with one voice again, after finishing saying, also looked at each other, this also has tacit understanding too?

Self defense? Defend your sister? Do you have self-defense to beat people seriously?

Qiu Ziyuan almost broke out to scold, but he thought of his identity. If he really scolded like this, it would be too cheap

"What are your names?" He didn't want to get entangled in this issue, and asked directly.

"Ye Xiao!"

"Xiao Feng..." Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng answered at the same time.

"Well, from now on, you're fired..." It doesn't matter who started this matter first. What's important is that the two guys must be punished, otherwise it's hard to extinguish Shi Yuanlong's anger. Besides, he beat people like this, and there are so many witnesses. It's light to dismiss them

According to his idea, he directly called the police and asked the police to take them in for dozens of days. However, Shi Yuanlong said that he had another way to retaliate, so he didn't call the police

"Expelled?" Xiao Feng's mouth appeared a disdainful smile, "you are just a director of the education department, what qualifications do you have to dismiss us?" He has already called his father just now. If not expected, the old headmaster Ying should be on his way

"I'm not qualified to dismiss you, but I will report it to the headmaster, and the principal will also dismiss you..." Seeing that Xiao Feng was not only unrepentant, but also so tough, Shi Yuanlong was angry. Maybe compared with those officials, he was nothing. But in the University of business and economics, no student dared to speak to him like this. He controlled the life and death of many students.

And in his opinion, the impact of this incident is so bad that even if the headmaster knows about it, he will certainly agree to his request and expel some black sheep. What is this?

"Who said I had to fire them?" But at this time, the old headmaster's voice rang out at the door, and then he saw the old headmaster pacing in

"Old headmaster, you don't know, they..." Qiu Ziyuan was surprised to see the old headmaster come in person. However, he immediately came back to his senses. He had to go forward to Tell ye Xiao and other people's bad habits, but he was interrupted by the old headmaster.

"I know about it. Both sides are at fault, but it's OK to think that you are young and impulsive occasionally. Let's just let it go. Do you have any opinions?" The old headmaster can't refuse to say.

Occasionally impulsive? That's it? Hearing the old headmaster's decision, Qiu Ziyuan's eyes were staring out. Is this the old headmaster who is jealous of evil? Isn't he most disgusted with student fights? Even if it is a general fight, will directly record a major demerit punishment, this time hit so serious, even if it is? And a reason for that?

If it was not for the broad daylight, Qiu Ziyuan would even doubt whether the old headmaster was possessed by a demon.

"I don't mind..." Xiao Feng was the first to take a stand. Seeing the old headmaster's expression, he already understood that his father must have called him. But what made him curious was that the old headmaster's network in Kyoto did not really give his father such a big face?

At most, it's just a light treatment. How can you say it's ok?

"I don't mind..." Ye Xiao also later said that he was not hurt anyway. Does he still need to make suggestions?

"And you?" Seeing ye Xiao and Xiao Feng express their opinions, the old headmaster directly said to Shi Yuanlong and Qiu Ziyuan that he naturally understood what Shi Yuanlong had done in school. However, due to the Shi family, he also opened and closed his eyes. However, Shi Yuanlong obviously kicked the iron plate this time, so that their uncles and nephews could reflect on themselves.

"We don't have any problem. Everything follows the arrangement of the headmaster..." Shi Yuanlong was not willing to give up his own opinions, but he was held back by Qiu Ziyuan

"Well, that's it. You can leave now..." The old headmaster took a look at Xiao Feng, and then his eyes swept over Ye Xiao. A strange light flashed in his eyes

"Well..." Xiao Feng and ye Xiao don't want to stay any more. They turn around and go

Qiu Ziyuan also said goodbye to the old headmaster and took Shi Yuanlong out

The old headmaster, however, seemed to have no two. A pair of old eyes were staring at Ye Xiao's back, and a drop of old tears was spilled from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, it's so similar..." Murmuring, the old principal walked out of the security room slowly

The security captain, who has been paying attention to all this, felt puzzled for a while. What's the matter with the old headmaster?"Uncle, what are you doing? The old guy was obviously taking sides with them? Why are you so indifferent? " Out of the gate of the security room, Shi Yuanlong immediately yelled. He really didn't expect that things would be like this. He and others were beaten and wounded, but ye Xiao and his colleagues did not have anything. How does this balance his mind?

"Favoritism, you know it's favoritism, but you've been in school for three years. When have you seen him take sides with a person?" For Shi Yuanlong's question, Qiu Ziyuan was also angry. At least I am your uncle, but not your dogleg. Is your attitude too bad?

"Ah?" After Qiu Ziyuan said this, Shi Yuanlong realized that today's affairs are very unusual. Generally, Qiu Ziyuan handled such matters by himself. But today, the headmaster not only came here in person, but also made such a obviously biased decision. What does this mean?

"It seems that they are not small, at least they can let the old man put down his body to deal with this matter..." Qiu Ziyuan said coldly, thinking constantly in his mind, what kind of identity would it be, that he could persuade the headmaster directly?

"What about that? Is that all that matters? " Although Shi Yuanlong also thought of this possibility, after all, in Kyoto, who does not have a backstage, but those big family children, Shi Yuanlong, but all know, whether ye Xiao or Xiao Feng, are strange faces, can not be the children of the big family. Since they are not the children of the big family, what else is he afraid of?

If he doesn't agree with his old friends, maybe he doesn't like his old friends Qiu Ziyuan organized the news in his mind. He also felt that neither Xiao Feng nor ye Xiao was the son of a big family. What could be cared for by the old principal could only be his old friend

If so, they don't have to worry about too much

"Where can I do it?" As long as he can get revenge, he doesn't care where he is

"The freshmen will have military training soon? Isn't military training always my responsibility? Isn't it easy to deal with both of them in the process? " A faint smile appeared on Qiu Ziyuan's mouth. It was a trick to kill two birds with one stone. It would not offend the old headmaster or upset Shi Yuanlong

At the suggestion of his uncle, Shi Yuanlong's eyes brightened up

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