In the 808 bedroom, Chen Tan Shang is no longer in the mood to watch the love action movie. The lovely Maitreya Buddha face of Da Pang has no smile. He sits on his bed with a bitter face. Although Tan Xiaoxiao has been on the highway just now, they will be OK, but it has been so long. Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng haven't come back. How can they feel at ease?

Although it was the first day they met, they went out to eat together. Now that they have such a thing, as roommates, they can't feel at all. Sometimes the friendship between men comes so inexplicable.

"Click..." Just at this time, the door of the room opened, and then saw Xiao Feng, who was wearing a floral shirt, came in, while ye Xiao followed him closely.

"Are you all right?" See two people come back, big fat and sultry man immediately open a mouth to ask, this matter is not a small matter, if the school really expelled them, it would be bad.

"It's OK. Let's leave it to Xiao Feng. What can I do for you? Don't worry. The old headmaster speaks in person. It's all right." Xiao Feng said with a face of complacency.

"Ah, that's it?" Hear Xiao Feng say so, sultry male and big fat are a little surprised, beat a person to this appearance, so calculate?

"Of course, is it difficult to find them to compensate for the medical expenses? If you don't have money, I'll give it to them Xiao Feng rolled his eyes and said

Sultry man and chubby are speechless for a while. With regard to the injury on your body, it is more serious than you to pull someone out at will. Do you still want to ask for medical expenses? But think of it as my roommate after all, I can't say it

"Come on, you don't have to worry about self blame. This has nothing to do with you. It's not good for you to participate in it. This afternoon, everyone will have a rest in the bedroom. My brother is my treat..." See two people a look of guilt, Xiao Feng patted two people on the shoulder.

"At night?" As soon as they heard the word "night performance", their eyes lit up immediately.

"Well..." Xiao Feng nodded his head. Although he was beaten by mistake today, his face was also swollen. He held up so much fire today.

"Haole..." Fat and sultry men now and again agreed to come down, but they have never been to the University, did not expect that on the first day of University, someone will take them to the night, where there is no reason not to agree.

Ye Xiao on one side smiles. Xiao Feng is really cheerful. After such a big event, he still has the mind to pick up girls. He is really a talent.

In the evening, Xiao Feng and others had planned to go to the night party, but the reason was very simple. Ouyang Qianqian called and said that they were in trouble at noon. This time, they were invited to dinner again. No matter who was invited by the four beauties would not refuse.

It's just that this time, they didn't eat in the school canteen. Instead, they came to a place called moving times outside. It was a place integrating catering and entertainment. After dinner, Ouyang Qianqian originally wanted to ask Ye Xiao to sing songs. However, when she thought that they were all freshmen, they would go to military training tomorrow. We could not delay it too late, so we had to let it go Xiao Feng and others are naturally excited to ask them to sing again when they come back. It's a blessing that other people can't get to know each other as soon as school starts.

For the freshmen of the University of business and economics, there will be no class division when they first enter the University. They will only take each department as a unit, and then conduct military training for half a month. After the military training is completed, they will be re divided into classes.

So even now, ye Xiao and others don't know who their head teacher is. The next morning, the huge school playground has already been crowded, and almost all freshmen gather here. At a glance, there are no less than 3000 students, which is worthy of being a University of Beijing. Even if it is only a second-class University, the enrollment volume is extremely terrible.

Nowadays, the military training of college students is generally not in school, but in the army. During this half month, they are no longer students, but soldiers. No matter what, they should be required by the military standards.

As time approached, military vehicles came from outside the school and stopped at the dam beside the playground. Then a soldier ran down from the car and came to the rostrum and saluted the old headmaster

Seeing the officer to pick up the students, the old headmaster's face was covered with a kind smile and said some words of encouragement to the freshmen below, then he announced that he would start boarding.

Under the guidance of the instructor, the freshmen boarded the military vehicle one by one in the form of a queue. Ye Xiao was no exception. The four people had already gathered together and got on one of the vehicles. However, when boarding the train, ye Xiao's eyes glanced at Qiu Ziyuan, the head of the teaching office, talking with an officer who seemed to have the highest rank. From time to time He looked this way, and the officer also looked at this side, and then nodded gently.

Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Looking at the posture, Shi Yuanlong and the director of the education office did not give up on this.

However, he didn't say much. The soldiers came to block the water and cover the land. He broke through the storm of Jinghai city. What is this?Along the way, the students in the military vehicle chattered and talked incessantly, and their faces were excited. To think about it, they were going to be soldiers soon. For the army, most of the students were full of yearning, especially some girls. When they saw the soldiers with upright posture, their eyes were shining with stars, and some bold girls had already started to chat up with each other.

However, the atmosphere of Ye Xiao's carriage is a little dull, at least since the instructor got on the bus, it has been like this.

In particular, ye Xiao's four people, obviously feel that the instructor's eyes are on this side from time to time, full of aggression.

I don't seem to be handsome enough to make men like me, do I?

The officer was staring at several times in succession, and Xiao Feng had such a ridiculous idea in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it. The soldiers were not all of this temperament. Maybe he was jealous of his handsome appearance?

Only Ye Xiao understood that this man must have received some special order, and that special order was aimed at himself and others.

After driving for more than an hour, the military vehicle came to a canyon more than 100 kilometers away from Kyoto. It is a military important place to guard Kyoto. The troops stationed here are also field troops, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

The military vehicles stopped in the canyon one by one, and then under the urging of the instructor, the students jumped off the military vehicles one by one. When they saw the green mountains and green waters, many students could not help but cry out. They really did not expect that the military training place would be such a pleasant place.

But before they had time to get excited, the indifferent officers had already begun to announce their assembly. The students stood in line with their own squadrons. Seeing this, many officers' faces were ugly. These bastards were too happy, right?

As for the officer who was watching Ye Xiao and others, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth after seeing that Xiao Feng and others were also lazy gathering It's cold, it's cold

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