"Hello, my name is Wei Yuan. In the next 15 days, I will be your instructor. I don't need you to do anything. I just need you to do four words and obey orders..." In the middle of the lawn, in front of the queue where ye Xiao and others are, Wei Yuan, in military uniform, stands there, with a serious look and shouts at the crowd.

"It can't be..." But as soon as his voice fell, someone cut in and everyone was in a daze. Who dared to fight against the drillmaster like this? He could not help but look around and saw Xiao Feng lazily saying, "what if you ordered us to die? Shall we obey orders, too? "

When he heard Xiao Feng's words, all the other students were shocked. Yes, what if he told us to die? Are you going to die?

"Yes, the mission of a soldier is to obey orders. Even if you are told to die, you must obey..." Wei Yuan snorted coldly, but there was a flash of cold light in the corner of his eye. He was worried about how to find this guy's stubble. Now, looking at his careless appearance, is it not easy to find him?

"But we are not soldiers..." Xiao Feng said aloud, the other students are also one by one whispering, this is too bullshit, if you let them die, it is not stupid?

"In the next 15 days, you will be soldiers. Of course, this is not a time of war. You are just training. Naturally, I can't really ask you to die. I just want to emphasize that my command is everything. You don't need to think about right and wrong. You just need to obey. This is the first step of being a soldier. If you can't do it, then you can It's better to leave as soon as possible... " It seems to see the resistance of other students, Wei Yuan's voice eased some, and then said coldly.

Leave? I'm kidding. If I can leave, who would like to stay here? This is related to the situation of graduation in the future? Even those girls who are afraid that their skin will be blackened are still silent in the queue. It is not military training, who is afraid of whom.

Seeing that no one was out of the line, Wei Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to Xiao Feng and said, "you, get out of the line..."

Xiao Feng was puzzled for a while, but he immediately ran out and stood at attention in front of Wei Yuan.

"Just now, you spoke without my permission. This is against the order. Now I order you to run ten laps along the playground. If you don't finish running, you are not allowed to eat..." Wei Yuan said in a sharp voice.

"I..." Xiao Feng was very angry. When was he instructed to do so? Especially today, he just put forward his own opinion. The son of a bitch told himself to run ten laps, which is one kilometer. In such a big sun, it's killing him to run ten times?

But before he finished his words, he heard Ye Xiao's voice ring out: "Xiao Feng, obey the order..."

Looking back at Ye Xiao, he nodded his head gently, then glared at Wei Yuan and turned to run towards the playground.

"You, out of line..." Who knows Xiao Feng just ran away, Wei Yuan pointed to Ye Xiao and said.

Without any hesitation, ye Xiao walked out of the queue directly.

"Just now, without my permission, you talked privately. Like him, you ran around the playground for ten times..." Wei Yuan said coldly.

"Yes..." Without any hesitation, ye Xiao turned around and ran to the playground for ten laps, which was almost impossible for ordinary students, but for him, it was just like a child's family.

Seeing that ye Xiao was only punished for ten laps for persuasion, other people's eyes showed a look of fear, while Da Pang and Chen danshang showed their disdain. This guy is obviously a troublemaker. Military training has not officially started, but just said a few more words, and then asked people to run 10 laps. What is this?

On the other side, ye Xiao quickly catches up with Xiao Feng. Seeing ye Xiao catching up, Xiao Feng is dissatisfied and asks, "Ye Xiao, why did you persuade me just now? That son of a bitch is just trying to find fault..."

"Ha ha, he was just trying to find fault. When I got on the bus, I saw director Qiu and the chief drillmaster talking about something mysteriously. They also looked at us from time to time. If I guessed right, these people should be ordered to deal with us..." Ye Xiao said with a smile as he ran. He didn't seem to be panting at all.

"Then you advise me, you should know, he is not my opponent..." As soon as ye Xiao's voice fell, Xiao Feng was even more discontented and said that Shi Yuanlong's son of a bitch actually played Yin with them.

"I know he's not your match, but what if you beat him up? This is a military camp. Once you enter here, unless it is a major event, the school will not be in charge of it... " Ye Xiaoyu gravity center long said, he can see, Xiao Feng this guy from small to big has not suffered any great grievances.

It seems that he was beaten yesterday. Although he didn't say much, he had a fire in his heart

Now, when it comes to the barracks, there is no convergence.

"But it's too much for me to run ten laps on such a hot day?" Xiao Feng also knows that ye Xiao is right. However, as ye Xiao guessed, he was beaten in front of the four beauties yesterday. He was very depressed in his heart. Although he said that he was ok, he was very depressed all the time. Otherwise, he would not be in the limelight today."Come on, don't think I can't see it. Ten laps is not a small thing for you..." Ye Xiao directly turned a white eye, with Xiao Feng's strength, ten laps is really nothing.

"I'm not worried about sweating and being disliked by beauties?"

“……”” Ye Xiao is too lazy to talk. The son of a bitch is still thinking of a beautiful woman. Thanks to Laozi, he ran with him for him. He didn't even thank him. It's just too much.

With the sun shining high, the military training life of freshmen has officially begun. When he saw Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng calmly finish ten laps, Wei Yuan's face was a little ugly. Although Qiu Ziyuan had told him that they were good at skills, he didn't pay attention to them. In his opinion, he could deal with a few ordinary college students as long as he was more ruthless, Who can win, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, but he is not worried. Anyway, this is a military camp, even if they are stronger?

After lunch, the military training continued in the afternoon. The first thing to do was the posture of the army. The sun was shining brightly, and the hot pain was shining on people's bodies. The excitement of the students disappeared completely. When many of them had suffered such hardships, they thought of the seriousness of the instructor. As for Xiao Feng, he was quiet after knowing that the other side wanted to find fault on purpose Many, no matter what the drillmaster said, he did it conscientiously and did not give Wei Yuan a chance at all.

As for ye Xiao, he was born of the Dragon nationality. General military training for him is not the same as playing.

See ye Xiao and Xiao Feng do extremely standard, Wei Yuan's face a burst of ugly, go on like this, want to find fault is not easy to do? Can you just pull them out?

"Putong..." When Wei Yuan thought about how to deal with Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng, a huge body in the crowd suddenly fell down. It was Ye Xiao's roommate who was fat.

At the sight of the fallen man, Wei Yuan's mouth showed a grim smile. Isn't this their roommate? It's also in the list given by director Qiu. Since it's not easy to deal with the two of you, let's clean up this guy first

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