"What are you doing? Get up? " Wei Yuan goes directly to Da Pang's body and roars at him

"Instructor, I I can't... " At this time, Da Pang's whole body is covered with sweat. The whole person seems to have lost a circle, and he has reached the limit

"I order you to get up..." Wei Yuan shouts

"I I really can't get up... " Da Pang's physical quality is not good at all. After such a long military posture, he has already collapsed. Now he talks about it as though he is short of breath. It seems that he may lose his breath at any time.

"Bang..." Wei Yuan directly kicked down, kicked in the big fat belly, the huge force to let his ugly face even more ugly.

Seeing such a scene, many students were stunned. They had heard that the instructors in the army were not human beings. Now they have finally seen it with their own eyes. It seems that Da Pang has become exhausted. He has to ask others to stand up. Isn't this not to treat people as people? What's that about kicking people?

As for ye Xiao, when he saw Wei Yuan do something to Da Pang, there was a flash of murder in his eyes. From Wei Yuan's eyes, he could see that the other party was targeting Da Pang or his party. It seems that director Qiu has calculated all four of them.

Xiao Feng is also looking at Wei Yuan with anger on his face. He would like to rush forward and tear it into pieces.

Although the school has a clear provision that instructors are not allowed to do anything to students during military training, it is just a piece of paper. In the implementation of military training, no one takes this as a matter of fact. Otherwise, where is the dignity of instructors.

The army itself is a place where strength is supreme. The dignity of many low-level officers is based on their absolute strength. Many recruits are often beaten, which is not a rumor. Since the school teaches these students to them, they will naturally train them according to the requirements of training recruits.

What's more, it's director Qiu who is in charge of military training. This time, he works for him. Can he still speak for these students?

"Get up This is an order... " Wei Yuan didn't pay any attention to the students' faces and roared at the fat man on the ground

Being kicked by the drillmaster, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. However, he was afraid of the drillmaster's dignity, so he struggled to get up. Just as he was about to stand up, Wei Yuan kicked out again

"Bang..." With a sound, the fat body fell heavily on the ground

The faces of all the students on the scene changed again. They were all students. They naturally stood on the side of chubby. Now they saw that Da Pang was about to stand up, but the instructor kicked people over again. Is this accident difficult?

However, no one dares to say anything more even if they are angry. How can they say that they are not very familiar with Da Pang, and there is no need to make a start for him, are they?

Xiao Feng's teeth are creaking and his fists are clenched together. This son of a bitch is too much

Big fat vomited a mouthful, which was mixed with blood. He felt the pain in his chest and abdomen. He didn't dare to resist. He could only support the ground with both hands and continued to struggle to get up. However, his physical strength was too heavy. He was repeatedly punched by the instructor. The speed of his rise was slow. However, just before he was about to stand up, Wei Yuan was another foot Kick out, this time, he even kicked his body backward. Finally, he sat on the ground and opened his mouth with a gush of blood

"I order you to get up, immediately..." Wei Yuan roared. His eyes were cold

Angry, Xiao Feng completely angry, this guy is too much, simply too much, how to deal with them like this? It was really too much. I had to rush forward to fight Wei Yuan for 300 rounds. A firm big hand suddenly seized his shoulder

"Don't do it. Let me do it..." Ye Xiao's voice faintly rings from his ear, and then he can see his figure passing by. Xiao Feng wants to rush up, but he stops thinking of what ye Xiao said. Since ye Xiao said so, we should believe that he is not?

"Stop it..." Seeing Wei Yuan start again, ye Xiao said, and his body has come out of the queue, to Wei Yuan's body.

"Who allowed you to go out in private?" See ye Xiao come out, Wei Yuan's eyes flashed a touch of light, boy, you can't hold your breath, this time see how I deal with you.

"I..." Ye Xiao snorted coldly.

"You? Don't you know that this is a barracks, and it's against you to obey orders like this... "

"Against your sister..." Seeing Wei Yuan still talking, ye Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He scolded him and hit Wei Yuan's head with a fist.

All Wei Yuan's thoughts fall on Ye Xiao. Seeing ye Xiao dare to do it himself, he is shocked and excited. If you don't do it, you will die.

Feeling the terrible fist style, he instinctively wanted to avoid it, but suddenly he found that when he made this idea, the fist had come to his eyes.Why so fast? This is Wei Yuan's most real idea at the moment. He never thought that ye Xiao's fist would be so fast.

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's fist hit the bridge of his nose, which is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. All of a sudden, people heard a click sound. Wei Yuan's nose bone had been smashed to pieces, and his whole person retreated backward, several steps in a row, and then stopped.

He wiped the blood off his neck and felt the burning pain in his nose. Wei Yuan's eyes were wide open. It seemed that he was hit by this guy.

Seeing ye Xiaoyi's fist smashing the drillmaster's nosebleed out, the students below cried out in their hearts. They were not used to the instructor's practice for a long time. Now, some people stand out, and they are naturally happy.

Of course, everything here also attracted the attention of other teams. When they saw that some students dared to beat the instructor, another 56 instructors ran towards this side

Seeing his comrades running towards this side, he thought that he was beaten by this guy in front of so many people. Wei Yuan's face was very ugly. He didn't care about the sharp pain from his nose. He stepped forward and rushed to Ye Xiao.

In his opinion, although Ye Xiao has some abilities, he was able to hit himself just now. Can't he deal with a college student with his years of training in the army?

As soon as his body shook, Wei Yuan had come to Ye Xiao's, and raised his fist and smashed it at Ye Xiao's head. He punched his nose, and he also wanted to return him.

In the face of Wei Yuan's blow, ye Xiao sneered, but he didn't dodge it, and then the same blow went up.

"Bang..." Wei Yuan sneered. How could such strength be his opponent? Just now I don't know how he can smash his nose bone, but his smile hasn't fully bloomed. He feels the second force coming, which is a force several times stronger than just now.

Cunjin, Wei Yuan's mind suddenly thought of what the instructor said when they first entered the military camp.

Anyone who can understand Cunjin is a genius in the martial arts field. How can this guy be Cunjin? No wonder he dares to be so arrogant, but what makes Wei Yuan feel even more surprised is that when the heavy inch force has just passed, a stronger force hits him, and then his wrist can no longer bear such a force, and it directly breaks open

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