"Ah..." The huge pain made Wei Yuan couldn't help but scream. His body was shaken back and forth. His whole arm was almost broken by force. The bones of Bai Sen were pierced, and the flesh and blood penetrated out. As for the boys, the eyes looking at Ye Xiao were full of worship.

How much strength does it take to blow off a man's arm under one blow? This is an instructor in the army. It's not a cat and dog outside. Even Xiao Feng's eyes at Ye Xiao have changed again.

Yesterday, he saw Ye Xiao's extraordinary, but after all, he was some ordinary students. If he didn't be attacked, it would be easy to clean them up. However, the instructor was obviously not an ordinary person, and his skill was absolutely good. However, such a person, when he bumped hard, was knocked off his arm directly. How strong does it take? Even those boxers may not have such power?

What kind of a man is he? Xiao Feng became more and more curious about ye Xiao.

It was at this time that Wei Yuan's comrades in arms had already rushed over. When ye Xiao broke Wei Yuan's arm with a fist, everyone's faces showed a look of horror.

None of them can do this, not even their chief instructor.

However, they were surprised to see that their comrades in arms were seriously injured by a student. They would not be lenient and rush towards Ye Xiao one by one.

Seeing these soldiers, they have to fight against themselves one by one. Ye Xiao's eyebrows raised. Soldiers are supposed to be a sharp weapon to protect the country. But now, for some private reasons, they are specially dealing with these students. Are they still real soldiers? Is this qualified to be called a soldier?

This is simply a scum in the army. In this case, there is no need to keep hands. Facing several instructors, ye Xiao also shakes her body and pours directly at them, just like a giant dragon rushing into the wolves.

Seeing this group of drillmasters rushing forward, Xiao Feng intended to attack, but seeing ye Xiao initiate the attack, he stopped himself. Ye Xiao said, let him come, let him come, and believe him.

The other students were surprised when they saw Ye Xiao dare to pick a group of instructors on their own. It seemed that ye Xiao was doing an incredible thing.

Even if you just beat a drillmaster and seriously injured him, it only shows that you are strong, but now there are five or six instructors?

In addition, there is the art of joint attack in the army. If six people are combined together, the power is far more than six. How can you be stronger than these instructors?

However, their surprise has not been completely sent out. One instructor's body has already flown out. Before they can return to their senses, the second instructor's body also flies out Next came third place, fourth place

But a few breathing time, rushed up the six instructors have all flew out, heavily fell on the ground, one by one either covered their own abdomen, or covered their own heart and screamed.

Quiet, the whole scene is as quiet as death. Everyone is staring at Ye Xiao. Even Xiao Feng, who knows Ye Xiao's strength is very strong, is he still a man?

Even if he is facing these six instructors, he will have a lot of trouble. Even if he is surrounded by them, he may be captured alive. But what about him? Have you knocked them all to the ground before they are surrounded? How fast is the speed and how strong is the strength?

What is his identity and how can he be so powerful?

Don't say these students, even Wei Yuan, are staring at Ye Xiao's lonely figure. Is this really just a college student?

It's OK to interrupt your wrists. It's nothing to see a few strong ones in school. But how many of your comrades in arms go up together and all of them are solved in less than a minute? This strength is too terrible, right? With such strength, how can he and others get a bargain from him?

In the distance, the chief instructor Tian Qiang naturally saw this side. When he saw Ye Xiao beating several instructors under his command to the ground without any effort, his face was also ugly. No wonder the boy dared to be so rampant, and he had two sons.

However, this is the barracks, this is their own territory, is a dragon, you give me a plate, is a tiger, you give me lying, dare to fight against me, this is looking for death.

Immediately put down the things in his hand, raised his feet and walked towards the square array where ye Xiao was, and groups of soldiers with guns and live ammunition also followed him and ran towards the square array.

In fact, the students dare to beat the instructor, but also beat the instructor to a serious injury. This is not to seek death. What is it?

Some students would have cheered because of Ye Xiao's strength, but when they saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition rushing over, they immediately covered their mouths.

Good boy, even those who hold guns are out. This is a big deal.When Xiao Feng saw the soldiers with guns, his eyes were worried. Ye Xiao could fight again, but he was also flesh and blood. How could he resist the attack of bullets?

However, when he saw Ye Xiao's calm face, the worry was inexplicably put down. He was not an impulsive person. Since he had made a move, he should have thought of it for a long time.

"Somebody, take this student who beat the instructor for no reason to the confinement room..." Tian Qiang comes to the front of the square array where ye Xiao is. He looks at several instructors who fall on the ground and scream. His face is very ugly, and he orders directly to his soldiers.

As soon as he heard Tian Qiang's words, Xiao Feng understood that the reason why these instructors aimed at them was because of the order of Tian Qiang. Otherwise, how could they not ask anything and put all the responsibility on them as soon as they came up?

When he was about to speak, he heard Chen Tan Shang's voice: "report to the drillmaster, it was the instructor who didn't treat us as human beings, and this classmate helped him. As soon as these instructors came over, they didn't ask us all about it, but they didn't have the same skills as others, and the result was that..."

Hearing the sultry man's voice, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng both looked at him in surprise. Obviously, they didn't expect that at such a moment, Chen Tan Shang would stand up to speak for them.

"Yes, everything is the same as what this student said. The instructor doesn't treat us as people at all..." Xiao Feng also then interface way, with the second person to speak, other students also summoned up courage, one by one yelled, there are so many people here, is it difficult that they really dare to shoot here to kill them all?

They may not dare to let them take the lead, but they are really waving the flag to help them. That is no problem. For a moment, the scene was surrounded by people.

Everyone pointed the spearhead at Wei Yuan

"Shut up, all of you..." Seeing that the scene was about to lose control, Tian Qiang roared. He took out a pistol and pulled the trigger to the sky

As soon as the gunshot went off, the scene immediately became quiet

"You don't have to say much. I'll go with them It was at this time that ye Xiao said that even if he knew the existence of the confinement room, a faint smile appeared on his face, which was a ferocious smile

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