"Does it matter who I am?" Ye Xiao sneers, and then points the muzzle of the gun at Tian Qiang's forehead

"Dare you kill me?" See ye Xiao will be the muzzle of the gun to himself, Tian Qiang strong hold back the fear in the heart, cold hum a.

In his opinion, even if ye Xiao is good at his skills, this is a military camp after all. He can't really kill himself. It's not only him, but also Shi Yuanlong. He doesn't think ye Xiao really dare to kill people here. Otherwise, he has already shot and killed the two soldiers. How could he just hit the palm of his hand.

Seeing the expression on Tian Qiang's face, a cold smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. He didn't mean to open his mouth and pulled the trigger directly

"Bang..." A sound, Tian Qiang's forehead appeared a blood hole, the body slowly fell down, eyes wide open, it seems to die hard to understand, how ye Xiao can really shoot.

How dare he really kill himself?

Just shot himself, didn't he know the consequences of killing himself? I'm also a battalion commander.

No one would answer Tian Qiang's question. His body fell to the ground so heavily and made a loud noise. The stone Yuanlong who heard the loud noise was completely petrified in situ.

This guy, this devil, he actually killed Tian Qiang, he actually killed people?

At this moment, he no longer has the arrogance and arrogance just now. At the moment, he is like a frightened little white rabbit, and ye Xiao is the big gray wolf, full of fear and terror.

"Now, it's your turn..." A ferocious smile appears at the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, and then he points the muzzle of the gun at Shi Yuanlong

"No, please, don't kill me, don't kill me. I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't harass Ouyang Qianqian and revenge you through relationship. It's all my fault..." Feeling the cold muzzle of the gun, Shi Yuanlong's hair stood up all over his body. However, the other side even dared to kill Tian Qiang. What's killing himself again?

"What? Now it's time to repent? " Seeing Shi Yuanlong kneeling on the ground, ye Xiao sneered.

"Well, I repent, I really repent. As long as you don't kill me, I promise this will be over..." Shi Yuanlong's face is sincere. He is afraid that his expression and action are not in place, so ye Xiao misunderstands him and gives him a shot.

"Then go to the grave and repent." Who expected Ye Xiao to be ungrateful at all. He snorted coldly and pulled the trigger

"Ah, don't..." Shi Yuanlong's pupils suddenly contracted together, and he made a great cry in his mouth. Then he heard a crack. It was the sound of pulling the trigger

But there is no pain in my imagination

Open one's eyes and see ye Xiao's regretful face

"Oh, sorry, there are no bullets..." Ye Xiao held the handle of the pistol in one hand and shrugged indifferently.

"Hoo..." Shi Yuanlong breathed a long sigh of relief, and he finally escaped a robbery. This kind of feeling of going through the ghost gate is really bad.

However, without waiting for Shi Yuanlong to breathe a complete sigh of relief, ye Xiaokou has continued to say, "but in this way, you will lose the best opportunity..." The moment the voice falls, ye Xiao has already smashed the pistol in his hand towards Shi Yuanlong.

The pistol was like a stone. It hit Shi Yuanlong's forehead like lightning, and hit his forehead wrapped with gauze. Suddenly, he heard a thump. Blood came out of his forehead again, and soon the gauze was dyed red.

"Ah..." A cry of pain came from Shi Yuanlong's mouth, and ye Xiao's figure had already rushed out like lightning, and he kicked directly between Shi Yuanlong's legs. Suddenly, he heard "PATA..." A sound, it was a kind of egg cracking sound, and Shi Yuanlong's whole person was better like burning his butt and jumping directly from the ground.

"Woo Hoo..." A scream came from his mouth, and his hands had covered his crotch, and his face was even paler than snow

At this moment, Shi Yuanlong finally understood what ye Xiao said at last. You lost the chance. He lost the chance to die, and also lost the chance to escape from this torture. For him now, death may be the best ending.

When ye Xiao was abusing Shi Yuanlong, the soldiers were all pale when they heard the gunshot. Did the boy really dare to kill people here?

One by one wanted to rush in, but the confinement room was all sealed, with only one iron door. In addition, two soldiers' rifles fell into it. In case the devil was in his hands, wouldn't it be a death to rush in like this?

The most important thing is, if you rush in like this and rashly annoy the devil, what should he do if he really shoots his own officer?

Up to now, they still don't believe that ye Xiao has killed Tian Qiang.

In desperation, these soldiers quickly reported the situation here. When the officer above knew that such a bad case had happened here, he immediately informed Liu Haiming, the top commander of the field army.Liu Haiming, who had been receiving Qiu Ziyuan in the office, got up at the first time after hearing the report from his subordinates.

As Qiu Ziyuan, he was not qualified to sit face to face with Liu Haiming, but this time he was representing the school. In addition, there was a shadow of the stone family behind him, which made Liu Junchang receive him personally.

However, Liu Haiming did not know that Qiu Ziyuan secretly colluded with Tian Qiang to deal with Ye Xiao and others. Qiu Ziyuan would not be silly enough to tell Liu Haiming about such a small matter.

"What happened?" Seeing the change of Liu Haiming's face, Qiu Ziyuan asked cautiously.

"Your school students hijacked my soldiers with guns..." Liu Haiming said with an ugly face. It can be said that this kind of thing is definitely the first time in so many years. What happened in the end would make a student do such a thing?

"What?" Qiu Ziyuan was startled, and ye Xiao's figure appeared instinctively in his mind. Was it the boy?

Liu Haiming didn't pay attention to Qiu Ziyuan's face any more. He turned around and walked outside. Qiu Ziyuan was also shocked. He knew that Shi Yuanlong was still in the army at this time. If it was the boy who hijacked the soldiers with a gun, would Shi Yuanlong be ok?

He quickly got up and followed Liu Haiming out of the office.

Soon, Liu Haiming came to the outside of the confinement room in person. Not only he, but also all the officers who stayed in the barracks were almost all there. After all, students hijacked soldiers with guns. This is definitely a big event. If you are careless, it may lead to a huge disaster. No one dares to be careless.

"What happened?" At this time, Liu Haiming only saw the door of the confinement room closed, and there was a faint cry inside, and then he roared.

An officer who had a good relationship with Tian Qiang and knew the inside story of the incident rushed forward and told him what happened. Of course, he only said that ye Xiao disobeyed discipline during training and beat the drillmaster rashly on the playground. Finally, Tian Qiang had to send out soldiers and take him to the confinement room. But who would have expected that the boy would take advantage of everyone's inattention He robbed the pistol in Tian Qiang's hand and hijacked Tian Qiang

After listening to the officer's account, Liu Haiming snorted coldly. It seemed that he didn't believe the officer's words at all, but he gave the order at the first time.

"Come on, let me rush in. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed."

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