"No, I'll come out myself..." At this time, there was a faint voice in the confinement room, and then I saw the iron door opened from inside

When the iron gate was completely opened, the pupils of Liu Haiming and Qiu Ziyuan suddenly contracted

Liu Haiming's eyes naturally fell on Ye Xiao. From ye Xiao, he felt a strong but familiar breath, which can only be experienced when facing the most elite soldiers of China.

But how could it be in him? Is this just a teenager in his early twenties?

As for Qiu Ziyuan, he was completely shocked by the scene behind Ye Xiao. Behind Ye Xiao, Shi Yuanlong, who had been stripped of his clothes, was lying in the corner of the wall like a dead dog. His body was full of scars, especially the blood between his legs, which made him think of a very serious possibility.

If Shi Yuanlong's work is really abandoned by Ye Xiao, how can he tell Shi Yuanlong's father

"Commander Liu, you have to make decisions for Bruce Lee..." Without any hesitation, Qiu Ziyuan cried directly to Liu Haiming.

Liu Haiming didn't have the heart to ask shi Yuanlong why he was here. After his eyes moved away from ye Xiao's body, he saw Tian Qiang lying in a pool of blood. He saw a blood hole on his forehead. His pupils contracted together again. This guy actually killed people here?

Not only Liu Haiming, but other officers, including soldiers, were also looking at everything in the confinement room in surprise. How could they have never thought that the student actually dared to shoot and kill?

He killed an officer, but also an officer of high rank. This is a barracks. He doesn't want to live?

Shooting an officer in the barracks, even if he has a tough background in the school, he can never get out of the barracks gate. Many officers have already looked at Ye Xiao one by one, and only wait for Liu Haiming's order, they immediately rush up and tear him to pieces.

"Commander Liu? Liu Haiming, commander of the 3185 field army? " In the face of public anger, ye Xiao did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and said to Liu Haiming, who was shocked.

"It was so Are you? " Liu Haiming said in a deep voice. Different from other officers, he felt the breath of Ye Xiao more strongly at this moment, which even he had to fear.

Although he was very angry in his heart, he understood that he must be calm now. If the other party is really a college student and faces so many armed soldiers, it is absolutely impossible for him to be so calm. Even the general soldiers who have not been on the battlefield can not be so calm in the face of so many guns.

He can still be so calm at this time, it proves that he is really fearless, and he can also give his name, obviously the origin is not simple.

Ye Xiao did not speak. He took out an iron plate from his arms and threw it directly to Liu Haiming. Liu Haiming took the iron plate. When he saw the ferocious dragon head carved on the iron plate, his face suddenly changed.

Dragon clan, he is really a member of the dragon clan, and when he saw the towering dead word behind the iron plate, his pale face turned into transparent color.

The dragon clan, which has been the dream of all soldiers, and this dead word represents the most powerful battalion of the dragon people, the undead camp.

This is almost the pinnacle of China's military system and the strongest force of China.

This guy is from the Dragon immortal camp

This iron card is very common. Even if the ordinary people find it, they don't know what it means. But as long as people with the rank above general of China see it, they will know what it means.

In a special period of time, people with this iron plate can even accept the command of an army without passing through it. In other words, Liu Haiming, who holds the rank of major general, is not as good as ye Xiao.

Even if this is not an extraordinary period, even if he can not take over his command, but his identity is placed there, what can he do?

Ignoring the stunned Liu Haiming, ye Xiao walked step by step, while other soldiers did not dare to shoot without the command of their own officers. They just turned their eyes to their own leaders. They did not understand why their leaders reacted so much when they saw the iron card?

After taking the iron card in Liu Haiming's hand, ye Xiao turned around and walked outside, leaving only a cold word: "the army is a sharp weapon of the country, you are the strongest force to protect the motherland, but some of your officers even seek private interests through public affairs. General Liu, wait to be punished..."

"If you dare to speak to the commander like this, I will kill you..." Seeing ye Xiao go out so arrogantly, the officer who has been standing beside Liu Junchang and has a good relationship with Tian Qiang immediately takes out his pistol and prepares to shoot Ye Xiao. He doesn't know what this iron plate represents, so he dares to be so rampant.

And he also knew that Shi Yuanlong was also the lineage of the aristocratic family. He had a great relationship with the Shi family. If he really let Ye Xiao leave, it would be hard to explain to the Shi family.As for the consequences of killing Ye Xiao, it's not his problem to consider. Anyway, he is also a leader for Liu Haiming. Isn't he carrying it?

But just as his gun was pulled out, Liu Haiming had slapped it in the past and directly fanned it out.

"Somebody, catch him for me..." Although Ye Xiao didn't make it clear, Liu Haiming guessed that he must have some relationship with Tian Qiang and Shi Yuanlong after seeing the scene and connecting with the "facts" that this guy said to himself just now.

They must have done something behind their backs to annoy the members of the dragon clan.

All the other soldiers were in a daze. What happened to the commander?

The guy who killed his own army officer didn't catch him, but Li Hao, who wanted to make a start for him, was arrested. What's the matter?

"Don't you move on? Are you going to rebel? " Liu Haiming snorted coldly when he saw the crowd standing still.

At the moment, a group of soldiers came back to their senses and rushed forward like a wolf. Li Hao was arrested three times and five by two.

"Commander, it's wrong for me to shoot without your order, but I just want to avenge brother Tian. Even if you want to punish me, let me kill him in punishment. No matter what kind of punishment, I will admit it..." At this time, Li Hao still refused to give up.

And his words touched the chord in the hearts of other soldiers.

They did not understand how commander Liu, who had always taken good care of his soldiers, could have done such a ridiculous thing.

"Yes, commander Liu, what are you doing with camp Li instead of the murderer? He is the real murderer of Tian Yingchang... " One side of Qiu Ziyuan also hastened to help, even if he had guessed that ye Xiao was not small, but he did not want to let Ye Xiao go like this.

Otherwise, he couldn't explain it to the stone family.

"Even if he killed me, he would not move him..." Who expected Liu Haiming to snort coldly!

"Why?" Li Hao roared.

"Because he is a soldier of the Dragon immortal camp, and the dragon warrior never kills innocent people..." Liu Haiming said word by word, and every word, like a hammer, hit Qiu Ziyuan and Li Hao's heart heavily

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