Dragon nationality, the most mysterious army of China? The army that exists almost exclusively in legend? The terrorist force that is said to be able to subvert a base of others with only one person? The strongest force that has the power of life and death for all armies in the world? What kind of army do all soldiers dream of, want to enter, but are difficult to enter?

Shocked, deeply shocked, no matter Li Hao or Qiu Ziyuan, it is hard to believe that ye Xiao, a handsome boy with a warm smile on his face from time to time, is a fighter of the dragon clan and a soldier of the immortal camp.

The undead camp, even in the dragon clan, is absolutely powerful, known as the immortal battalion. It is the most dangerous force to travel, but with the lowest casualty rate.

How old is he? At most, it is in his early twenties. How can a young man in his early twenties enter such an army?

However, thinking of Ye Xiao's terrifying skill and the facial expression of the pair of rifles still unchanged, they were relieved quickly.

Only soldiers from the undead camp can have such strength.

As for the other soldiers, after hearing this sentence, the original hatred for ye Xiao almost all turned into worship. Yes, it is a kind of worship more fanatical than the Star chaser.

No wonder he is such a cow. No wonder he doesn't take them as one thing.

For them, the dragon warrior is already a god like existence, let alone from the undead camp.

However, commander Liu clearly told them that the Dragon soldiers would never kill innocent people, but he did not hesitate to kill Tian Qiang, which could only show that Tian Qiang should die.

In particular, the two soldiers who were hit by Ye Xiao had a deeper understanding of this sentence. Under such circumstances, ye Xiao could have killed them, but only injured their palms.

Even if they may never be able to hold a gun in the future, they don't hate Ye Xiao at all. They even thank Ye Xiao from the bottom of their hearts for letting them live.

It has been an honor to be released by members of the dragon clan

Liu Haiming issued the order of blockade at the first time. All the people on the scene are not allowed to divulge half a sentence about what happened today. Anyone who divulges it will be punished as treason.

No one felt wrong with such an order. After all, it was a soldier of the Dragon undead camp, which was a secret of the state.

Shi Yuanlong was not dead, but when he was injured, everyone felt that Tian Qiang was much happier than he was, and they also reached a consensus that if he fell into the hands of members of the dragon clan, the best outcome would be death.

But anyway, Shi Yuanlong was not dead and was sent to the hospital at the first time, and Qiu Ziyuan was the first to leave. He must inform Shi Yuanlong's father Shi Meng of the matter here in time. Of course, this was also agreed by Liu Haiming. After all, if the matter is not completely told to the Shi family, the Shi family will not give up.

With Shi Meng's identity and status, it's normal to know these things.

In the barracks, more than 3000 freshmen stayed at the same place to have a rest because of Ye Xiao's beating up the instructor. One by one, they began to talk about what kind of punishment Ye Xiao would bear. Many people even speculated that ye Xiao would be beaten to death and dare to fight against the instructor. Is this not to seek death?

Even Xiao Feng, Chen Dishang and Da Pang are sitting on the grass with worried faces. Although they have already guessed that ye Xiao's identity is not simple, it is after all beating the drillmaster, and even the armed soldiers are out. Is this a small matter?

When they saw Ye Xiao coming out from the direction of the confinement room, all of them were dumbfounded, wouldn't they? This guy came out like this?

Beat the instructor, was so many soldiers into the confinement room, this does not even have an hour of time, out of the inside?

Is the instructor so easy to pass now?

Many girls look at Ye Xiao's eyes full of burning light, which is simply their eyes of prince charming.

"All done?" When ye Xiao came to the front of the square array where he was, Xiao Feng pressed down his shock and asked.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded.

Although Ye Xiao had known the ending when he came out, he was shocked when he heard Ye Xiao's words. What kind of identity is Ye Xiao and how to beat the drillmaster.

"The chief drillmaster will not trouble us any more?" Chen Dan Shang added that when Tian Qiang ordered Ye Xiao to be arrested, he caught a strange look in Tian Qiang's eyes. Later, after listening to Xiao Feng, he realized that they were entrusted by Qiu Ziyuan and aimed at himself and others.

"Don't worry, he has no chance..." Ye Xiao smiles faintly.

"Oh..." Chen Dan Shang and Da Pang are relieved. In their opinion, it is Ye Xiao's background that is frightening enough to knock Tian Qiang down. However, only Xiao Feng catches a killing opportunity in the corner of Ye Xiao's eyes.A shock in my heart, no chance? Was it a transfer? Or

At the thought of that possibility, Xiao Feng can no longer suppress the shock in his heart. If that is the case, then ye Xiao can still walk out safely. Isn't his background strong enough to

Xiao Feng did not dare to think down, and he gradually thought that the old headmaster would come in person not because of his father, but because of him.

The military training is still normal, but Tian Qiang and the several experienced instructors never appear again, and no one has seen them. This adds to Xiao Feng's speculation. However, ye Xiao doesn't say much and he doesn't ask much.

Without the instructor's hard work, Xiao Feng and others had a good life, especially Xiao Feng. His physical quality was much better than ordinary people. This level of training was just like playing. After completing the training amount first, he would look for water-saving Chinese cabbage everywhere. In a short period of 15 days, the most abominable thing was that he was in the middle of a school On a dark and windy night, this has attracted the strong disdain of Da Pang and Chen Tan Shang. It's a pity that one of them is too thin and the other is too fat. They have suffered a lot these days.

Big fat waist is full of thin a circle.

Half a month's military training career soon ended. On the day of the end of military training, ye Xiao and his party returned to school. Just after returning to school and putting their luggage in their room, ye Xiao received a call from Ouyang Qianqian.

"Hello, ye Xiao, congratulations on your perfect completion of the military training course. Today, your sister Tan spoke. In order to reward you for your excellent performance in military training, I'd like to invite you to dinner. How about that? Do you have time? " On the other end of the phone came Ouyang Qianqian's strange voice, especially in the excellent two words, but also deliberately accentuated the tone.

"Have time..." Ye Xiao nodded, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled together. Tan Xiaoxiao even invited herself to dinner. Did she start to accept herself or what she wanted to tell herself?

Excellent? What I did was to beat Shi Yuanlong. Is it because of this?

When ye Xiao frowns, Xiao Feng and others, who overhear the phone call, are excited. It's a beautiful girl to invite her to dinner. It's so happy

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