Chang'e to the moon restaurant is the most high-end restaurant near the University of business and economics. The whole restaurant is nine stories high. In Kyoto, where land is an inch of gold, such a multi-storey building can be built. Just to make a restaurant, you can see the luxury of the restaurant owner.

Of course, the biggest feature of Chang'e to the moon restaurant is not these. It is that there is no electrical product in the whole restaurant. Even the whole restaurant is isolated from all kinds of radiation. Here, even the mobile phone has no signal.

There is no elevator for a nine story building. All of them rely on manpower to climb up. Of course, the top three floors are not open to the outside world. Unless some people with high status are involved, they are not qualified to enter.

For some elderly people, or some distinguished guests, the hotel also equipped with a human body carrying chair to lift you up, just like those mountain bearers in Mount Tai.

As for the climate, there is no need to worry about it. In winter, all floors are warm, and you won't feel cold in the room. In summer, you don't have to worry about it. Although there is no air conditioner, there are some ice cubes in each room, which makes people feel cool. Of course, if you do, you will feel hot There will be a special fan for you to enjoy, but the ancient emperor can have the enjoyment.

In the evening, every room will be hung with lanterns. The whole building is full of lights, which is beautiful beyond words.

And the dishes here are all original ecology. All meat is wild animals, and there is absolutely no trace of artificial breeding.

This is a high-end restaurant piled up with money. The simplest meal here may cost the average Kyoto citizen a year's salary.

At this time, it was dinner time. A dark red BMW X6 and a white Audi A5 drove up one after another and stopped in the parking lot under the Chang'e flying to the moon restaurant. This is not an underground parking lot, but a parking lot with an area of thousands of square meters.

At the moment, the parking lot has been very slow. There are all kinds of luxury cars, such as Bentley, Ferrari and Rolls Royce. It can be said that all luxury cars that can be seen in Kyoto cars can be bargained here.

Of course, there are some ordinary Audi cars, but the photos of those Audi cars make people's hearts tremble. But when ye Xiao, Xiao Feng and others stepped down from the car, even as Xiao Feng, they exclaimed: "NIMA, I've heard that the parking lot outside Chang'e's moon tower is a luxury car exhibition. I didn't believe it before, but now it is Yes, I had known that. I would have driven that Hummer. Although I dare not say it is too showy, it will not be too humiliating at least

"Ha ha, we are here to eat, not to participate in the auto show. What should we do with so much?" Leaf Xiao light smile, also shrug shoulders, a face of indifference.

"Come on, if you don't care, what do you do to transform your car? The sound of your motor is not that of the original Audi... " Xiao Feng turned his eyes directly. Although he was curious about ye Xiao after military training, he knew that ye Xiao's identity was not simple, but it did not affect their feelings. On the contrary, after that incident, the feelings between several people became deeper. Moreover, Xiao Feng did not inquire about ye Xiao's identity, which is the minimum standard for a friend.

"Hey hey, a guy who plays with a car helped to refit it. As for the motor, I'm not sure. Let's go. Several schoolgirls are waiting on it..." Ye Xiao points to a box window on the third floor and smiles.

Xiao Feng and others looked up and saw Ouyang Qianqian standing at the window waving to them

A few people look at each other and smile, and walk towards the inside.

No one noticed that as they walked inside, a white Maserati just stopped in the parking lot. A man in white just saw Ouyang Qianqian standing at the window.

"What a pretty girl..." The man murmured a word in his mouth, and then he walked to the restaurant.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there were two tall and beautiful women in silver cheongsam.

"Chang'e's flight to the moon is indeed worthy of its reputation. All the guests are so excellent..." Xiao Feng gave a very high evaluation.

"Yes, oops..." Da Pang's mouth is watering.

Ye Xiao really doesn't know what to say about these three excellent products.

Under the leadership of two beauties, the four entered the restaurant. It was already dusk. Lanterns had been lit in the restaurant for a long time. Suddenly, seeing so many lanterns, the four people who were used to all kinds of electric light places had a new feeling, as if they had been on a time spaceship and came to ancient times.

The box designated by Tan Xiaoxiao is in the new moon. Under the leadership of Miss Yingbin, several people come to the box door. Ouyang Qianqian has already opened the door of the box. Several people have just entered the box. Four beauties, including Tan Xiaoxiao, stand up at the same time and applaud for them

"What are you doing?" Not to mention Xiao Feng and others, even ye Xiao, are full of greetings. How can you see their posture like a hero who welcomes his return home?"Of course, I applauded for our hero ye..." Today, Ouyang Qianqian was wearing a light blue floral skirt, revealing a pair of slender legs, a long black hair rarely draped on the shoulder, looking elegant and moving. Seeing ye Xiao and others coming in, she took the lead in saying, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Hero?" When did ye Xiao become a hero?

"On the day of military training, they beat up the instructors for 15 days and dare not to meet each other. This is the first time in our university of economics and trade for so many years. What are such people not heroes?" Huang lingyao immediately interface way, compared with Ouyang Qianqian's elegant, her dress can be sexy too much.

"Come on, you don't wash me. If they hadn't gone too far, how could I have done it?" For several women's ridicule, ye Xiao turned his eyes directly. It seems that the incident of beating the instructor himself has spread all over the University of business and economics, even they know it.

"Ha ha, OK, I know you're good. Come and sit down. You don't have to stand..." Seeing ye Xiao's innocent appearance, Ouyang Qianqian is amused and says to several people at the moment.

"Well..." Naturally, ye Xiao and others will not be polite. They go inside one by one, but when they pass by Tan Xiaoxiao, they find that Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes have always fallen on her body, and her eyes are full of worry

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