The box is very large, with more than 60 square meters. There are all kinds of lanterns hanging around. It looks like you are turning on the light. Even if there is no electric light, the brightness is enough.

It's a huge ancient wooden round table. There are ten wooden chairs around the table. The wooden chairs are cushioned. It's very comfortable to sit on.

Ye Xiao and others sit in a staggered way according to the principle of men and women matching and not tired of work. On the right side of Ye Xiao is Ouyang Qianqian, and on the left is Huang lingyao, while Xiao Feng is sitting between Ouyang Qianqian and Li Shiqin. As for the sultry man, Li Shiqin and Tan Xiaoxiao are the two biggest beauties in the air, which makes our theoretical emperor dare not breathe.

As for the two sides of Da Pang, Huang lingyao and Tan Xiaoxiao naturally smile. In this way, ye Xiao almost sits opposite Tan Xiaoxiao.

This arrangement is of course arranged by Ouyang Qianqian. The so-called "near water tower gets the month first". Now a fool can see her love for ye Xiao.

Of course, it is only she who knows whether she likes idols or between men and women.

As for Xiao Feng, because of his seat, he started chatting with Li Shiqin. It has to be said that Xiao Feng is indeed a veteran of flowers. No matter what kind of girl he is facing, he can find the topic very well. In a short time, he makes Li Shiqin giggle. It seems that it may not take long.

The most difficult thing on the scene was Chen tanshang. Li Shiqin and Xiao Feng on the right were having a good time talking, while Tan Xiaoxiao, sitting next to him, seldom spoke. It was really difficult for him to get up the courage to chat up with such beautiful women as Tan Xiaoxiao. He could only eat with his head down.

"Ye Xiao, I heard that you were brought into the confinement room by armed soldiers at that time. Even the commander of the field army was shocked. In the end, you came out in less than an hour. You are not the commander who knows that field army, are you?" After eating and drinking, half a dozen people drank some rice wine, and Huang Lingyao, sitting next to Ye Xiao, suddenly asked, "a pair of eyes with eye shadow is staring at Ye Xiao.

Hearing Huang lingyao's question, other people stopped their business and looked at Ye Xiao. Even Xiao Feng and others were curious how ye Xiao came out safely in that situation, and there was no punishment afterwards.

"Well, yes, I only knew that day..." As for what Huang lingyao thinks in her heart, ye Xiao guesses something, and says directly at the moment.

"Ah? That day? How do you know each other? " This time it was Ouyang Qianqian who asked.

"Hey, it's not that the strong are respected in the army, but I'm not much of a fighter. At that time, the chief drillmaster took me to the confinement room to teach me a lesson. But I didn't stand up and beat them all back, and beat them all to the ground. Later, the commander of the army came to see me, This young man is very good. He not only didn't punish me, but also praised me a few words, and then he got to know him like this... " Ye Xiao said with half truth and half falsehood.

"Oh, no? That's how we got to know each other? " Ouyang Qianqian face surprised, obviously did not expect things will be so simple.

"Of course, what else?" Ye Xiao nods with force.

"But don't they have guns in their hands? Will you still watch you beat their chief instructor? " Li Shiqin, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said.

"What if you have a gun? I'm a student, not a criminal. Can they really shoot? Besides, in the army, if you want to make everyone really obey yourself, you still have to rely on your fists. The chief drillmaster wanted to teach me a lesson with his fist. Who would have expected that I would teach me a lesson, and he would not have the face to meet people in the end... " Ye Xiao said methodically, as for how many people believe, then it is their business.

"Wow, it's such a thing. Come on, ye Xiao, I'd like to propose a toast to you alone..." After listening to Ye Xiao's explanation, Huang lingyao raises the glass in front of her and says to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao was not polite. He picked up the glass and banged with Huang lingyao. Who expected

"Ah..." I don't know if it was because she drank too much wine that Huang lingyao's glass didn't hold firmly. Ye Xiao touched her gently and turned the whole thing backward. Although she caught hold of it, all the wine in the cup spilled out and sprinkled directly on her body.

Especially Ye Xiao, who is closest to her

"I'm sorry..." Ye Xiao repeatedly apologizes, in front of Tan Xiaoxiao's face.

"It doesn't matter. It's me who's not good. It's my fault that I didn't grasp..." Huang lingyao shook her head desperately.

Such a scene naturally falls into the eyes of Tan Xiaoxiao and others. Seeing Huang lingyao who covers up her embarrassment, Tan Xiaoxiao just sighs silently, while Ouyang Qianqian's eyes have already burst into flames.

Da Pang looks back at Huang lingyao and continues to nibble on his stewed wild pig's feet. Obviously, for him, delicious food is more important. Chen tanshang, a sultry man, still looks serious. He doesn't know how to deal with this matter. Only Xiao Feng obviously feels the strange atmosphere on the scene.

"Click..." At this time, the door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside, and immediately attracted all the attention of the past."Oh, I also said that there is only one beautiful woman here. There are four beauties, eh, Xiao Feng, you are there, ha ha ha, it's better to say that you don't know each other. You'd better call up your four beautiful friends and go to the fourth floor with me..."

Xiao Feng's face changed as soon as he saw the visitor. He knew this man. His name was Lenglie. He was the youngest son of Leng Tianyang, the mayor of Beijing city. But he was in the top dandy circle

In such a big Kyoto, you can't find a double-digit man who can provoke him

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