Wearing a white casual dress, the visitor looks like a human model. Of course, compared with the handsome Xiao Feng, it is obviously a big difference. Even compared with Ye Xiao, it is also a little worse, just a little bit more handsome than big fat and Chen Dan Shang.

And his face is even more arrogant. When he talks to Xiao Feng, he is even more aloof. It seems that he gives Xiao Feng a reward for letting him go to play with him

As for ye Xiao and others, they are completely ignored by him

"It's not good, isn't it? We don't know any of your friends. If you go so rashly, will you... "

"What's not so good? If I tell you to go, where's all that nonsense? " Don't wait for Xiao Feng to finish, Lenglie has been uncomfortable to interrupt the way.

"If you ask us to go, we'll go. You think who you are..." At this time, ye Xiao stood up and said faintly.

Although he didn't know Xiao Feng's identity, he probably knew from his words and deeds that he was not the son of an ordinary aristocratic family. However, when facing this man, such an unruly guy had to put aside his arrogance and explain in a low voice that only showed that the backstage of this guy was more powerful.

At least Xiao Feng can't easily offend him. Although he and Xiao Feng didn't know each other for a month, they were like each other and could be regarded as friends. Since they are friends, they naturally can't embarrass them.

"Which onion are you? Am I talking to you?" Lenglie glanced at Ye Xiao and found that he was a completely strange face. He snorted coldly at the moment.

The son of the mayor, who is the Secretary of the Beijing metropolitan Party committee, is already standing in the top dandy circle. He knows all the people who can't be provoked. He can't help it. In the place of Crouching Tiger and hidden dragon in Kyoto, he doesn't know what to do. In case he accidentally bumps into the iron plate, he will not only hurt himself, but also his father Go in.

As for these people in front of him, out of a Xiao Feng reluctantly on the table, where other people he put in his eyes.

"Am I talking to you again? I was just teaching a dog a lesson... " Ye Xiao also sneered.

As soon as this was said, several people's faces changed, especially Xiao Feng. He clearly knew what kind of person Lenglie was and what kind of means he had. Although he was curious about ye Xiao's identity, it was after all Kyoto, and Leng Leng's father was the mayor of the capital city. In ancient times, it was equivalent to the nine door governor Can ordinary people be attracted to positions?

Ye Xiao's words offend people to death

Want to come out to play a round, but cold, the whole person has been angry.

"Xiao Feng, who is this guy?" His cold body was shaking rapidly. When he got off the car just now, he just saw Ouyang Qianqian standing at the window. Then he bragged with other boys in the box on the fourth floor that he saw a beautiful girl. Later, he thought it would be easy to take away a little girl in his own identity. When he saw Xiao Feng, he felt that it was easy to do so. But who Do you know that such a guy was killed?

If he didn't say anything in public, he even scolded himself. If he hadn't come here alone, he would have rushed forward to teach Ye Xiao a lesson.

Of course, according to their dandy rules, ye Xiao must be bothered afterwards, but if he doesn't know ye Xiao, it will naturally fall on Xiao Feng.

If Xiao Feng handles it well, then he doesn't mind. If Xiao Feng doesn't know what to do and doesn't satisfy him, he doesn't mind making it difficult for him to move in Kyoto in the future.

Hearing Lenglie's obviously bad tone, Xiao Feng's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his face showed a look of embarrassment. He deeply understood that offending Leng lie's fate. Maybe his whole family will decline because of this. At least it will be difficult to get along in Kyoto in the future, but ye Xiao on the other side is his friend.

Can you sell your friends?

"He's my friend..." But after a brief hesitation, ye Xiao opened his mouth and said that his eyes were firmer than ever before.

"Friend? Ha ha, very good, Xiao Feng, you remember... " Lenglie's face became very ugly. He didn't expect Xiao Feng to give him face at all.

Now put down a cruel word, will turn to leave

"Stop..." But at this time, ye Xiao spoke. He understood Xiao Feng's position. He was moved to hear that Xiao Feng could still stand on his side under such circumstances. From this moment on, he really accepted Xiao Feng as a friend.

"What? Now regret it? As long as you get down on your knees and apologize to me, and then let these girls go up to have a drink with me and play with my brothers, that's all right... " Hear ye Xiao open mouth, Lenglie also way is he is afraid, cold hum way at the moment.

Ye Xiao didn't speak, but came to Lenglie's body step by step. Seeing ye Xiao's lonely back, Tan Xiaoxiao already knew what he was going to do, and sighed softly in his heart.

What's the trouble? Because of her personality, although Tan Xiaoxiao has a good family background, she seldom wanders in the dandy circle of Kyoto. Moreover, she doesn't have to flatter those dandies with her family background. Lenglie doesn't know her, but she knows Lenglie. If Xiaolie did something like this, it would not be worth the loss.Although Ye Xiao now has a certain position in Jinghai City, once in Kyoto, that position can't help him at all. Even Luo Xiaojun, who can cover the sky in Jinghai City, is nothing when he comes to Kyoto. For those big people, he will never tear his face for a little thing.

Without the powerful backstage, what does Ye Xiao take to fight against the children of these aristocratic families?

But although she knew it in her heart, she knew more about ye Xiao's character. Once he made a decision, no one could stop him.

For the sake of his friends, he can do everything in his power. What's the use of asking for mercy now?

Just call after the event and let the family help with it?

Huang lingyao, Ouyang Qianqian, Li Shiqin and others were excited when they saw Ye Xiao moving towards Lenglie. None of them knew Lenglie. But from Xiao Feng's attitude, they knew that this was definitely a high-ranking Yamen. Now ye Xiao is walking towards him like this. Do you really want to apologize? Or

At the thought of the possibility behind, several women's hearts are inexplicable a burst of sudden jump, he really dare to do so? Is he really not afraid at all?

Is there no compromise in his dictionary?

Even when Xiao Feng looks at Ye Xiao, his face changes. Relying on his intuition, he already knows what ye Xiao is going to do. What's more, he knows that he is doing this to divert the other party's attention to himself, so as not to involve himself. But after he does, he has no room to turn around

"Ye Xiao, no, he's the son of Yang, the mayor of Beijing on a cold day..." At this time, Xiao Feng had to point out his cold identity. He was really afraid that ye Xiao would do such crazy things

On hearing this sentence, all the people present, except Tan Xiaoxiao, all changed their faces. Only Ye Xiao gave a flat blow

Yes, just one punch

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