"Bang..." Ye Xiao hit his cold nose heavily with his fist. On weekdays, he only knew how to stand up to Ye Xiao's fist. On the spot, he heard the sound of bone fracture on his nose, and two blood streams spurted out, blooming a bright blood flower on his face.

And his body was blasted backward and fell heavily on the ground.

The whole scene Shua changed into a silent, all the people were staring at all this.

He really dares to do it, but he does.

The son of the mayor of Jingdu city is the son of the mayor of Beijing city. This is the top existence in the whole dandy circle of Kyoto.

He even gave a blow like this, and broke other people's nose bone with one punch. Don't he know the consequences?

How many years later, Xiao Feng asked Ye Xiao why you like to punch people's nose when you were fighting. Ye Xiao once replied: "the nose is relatively fragile, and it won't hurt to fight your fist..."

Such an answer made Xiao Feng wonder at that time for a long time. You had such a fierce fight. You hit each other's nose to avoid pain in your fist. Is that right?

Of course, this is the latter part of the story. But now we know that ye Xiao likes to beat people's nose bones, but even if you beat people's nose bones, you can't hit them casually. This is the son of the mayor of Beijing.

If you beat him like this, you'll give up?

With his energy, don't say to find someone to beat you, even if it is to let you directly evaporate in the world, it is not impossible.

Even if you have a strong background behind you, even if you can beat the instructor during military training and come out safe and sound, but after all, this is Kyoto. In Kyoto, the son of the mayor of Beijing was beaten. What's the difference between this and beating the master in the master's house?

People say that the strong dragon does not oppress the local snake, not to mention the other side itself is a local dragon.

Isn't this just a case of death?

Yes, looking for death, including Xiao Feng, have such an idea at this time.

Ouyang Qianqian, who had hoped Ye Xiao could teach this guy a lesson, wanted to persuade Ye Xiao when she heard Xiao Feng say that this was the son of the mayor of Beijing city. Growing up in Kyoto, she deeply understood the power of the mayor of Beijing.

In terms of the number of mayors in Beijing, there are more senior officials than there are in Beijing.

The most important point is that Kyoto is the imperial city and the most important place of the country. How can there be no powerful backstage behind it if you can take the position of mayor of Beijing?

It doesn't matter if you fight Lenglie, but in this way, it may offend a large political group. Even those Yamen with higher status than Lenglie will not offend Lenglie like this.

This is absolutely a thankless thing, but ye Xiao, how did you do it? Even if you have a strong backstage behind you, there is no need to do so.

Huang lingyao's little heart has been pounding. She never thought that she would have a chance to meet the top dandy in Kyoto and even in China. She never thought that such a dandy would be beaten by Ye Xiao.

Too exciting, too exciting, exciting at the same time, her eyes tightly locked in Ye Xiao's body, she is really curious, what kind of backstage does Ye Xiao have, so that he can start to beat people so recklessly.

As for Da Pang and Chen Dan Shang, they are completely scared to be stupid. It can be said that ye Xiao's behavior is much more exaggerated than that of beating Shi Yuanlong.

Cold identity, can not be compared to Shi Yuanlong.

Only Tan Xiaoxiao showed a bitter smile. As expected, there was no one he would be afraid of.

As for Lenglie, after a short period of pain, he has regained his mind. After returning to his mind, he is completely shocked. This guy dare to fight himself? And he's fighting so hard?

He doesn't want to live, does he? From childhood to adulthood, except for his father who beat himself once, no one has ever hit himself. Even those childe brothers who are far higher than themselves have never beaten themselves. This guy who doesn't know where he comes from actually dares to fight himself?

The surprise and anger in his heart even covered the pain from his nose. For a moment, he sat on the ground foolishly and didn't know what to do next?

It took dozens of seconds for him to recover completely. At the moment, he let out a terrible howl, and then the whole person jumped up directly from the ground.

"You will die, I tell you, you will die, you will die absolutely..." It's cold and almost howling.

In the face of the cold roar, ye Xiao just sneered and didn't put it in his eyes.

He is a man who dares to rob Lin's heartless fiancee, and is afraid of you, a little prince of the mayor of Beijing?

In Kyoto, who dares to say that Lin is more ruthless?

And the noise here has already alarmed the manager on duty of the hotel. At this time, he came with several security guards to ask if he needed any help. He could clearly see that Leng Da Shao entered the box, but when he saw that Leng Leng was covered with blood, the whole person was shocked.The boss of Chang'e's moon tower is very hard. Yes, it's the boss. Maybe the boss doesn't need to look up to the cold master, but he's a small manager, but he doesn't dare to offend him.

Now, the childe of the mayor of Beijing city has been injured here. If this is investigated, he will definitely be held responsible.

"Lengshao, what's going on?" The manager took a cold look at the people in the box, and found that none of them were acquainted with himself, and his heart suddenly settled down.

From several beautiful girls, he had already guessed that it was the young master Leng who had taken a fancy to the girl and wanted to invite them to dinner. However, these guys did not have long eyes and started to treat him. This is absolutely unforgivable. He has made up his mind to stand on the cold side no matter what.

"Call me, beat this guy to death, I'll be responsible for what happened..." Seeing several security guards behind the manager, Lenglie suddenly came to the bottom. This time, he didn't bring a bodyguard, which was the biggest mistake. If there were bodyguards, how could he be beaten like this?

Seeing someone appear now, of course, is to beat Ye Xiao hard. As for how to deal with people related to him afterwards, it will be something later.

The manager frowned when he heard the cold order. They opened the door to do business, and all the visitors were guests. Although they had made up their minds to stand on Leng Leng's side, if the security guard started to beat people, the impact would be bad, but soon, he gave the order.

Now Lenglie has been beaten like this. If he doesn't do something to extinguish the anger in Leng Shao's heart, he still doesn't want to be a manager.

Even if your boss is here, you should handle it like this?

Although they are all guests, but the guests also have the distinction between high and low, in order to cool such a distinguished guest, offending a few ordinary guests is what? Even in his opinion, if it was not for other people's treat, would ye Xiao not be qualified to enter here?

What if such a person offends? Is there anything else he can do?

With the manager's order, the three security guards behind him without any hesitation directly rushed to Ye Xiao

Seeing the manager standing on the cold side without asking, ye Xiao's eyes are cold

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