Without any hesitation, ye Xiao made a move

Without any suspense, the three bodyguards flew backwards, and one of them directly hit the manager, hitting him all over the body.

Seeing ye Xiao, even the security guards of Chang'e's moon tower dare to fight, even tan Xiaoxiao's face has changed. The boss of Chang'e's moon tower, but even the tan family dare not offend them easily. The so-called dog beating still depends on the owner.

Just now I offended a Lenglie. I tried my best to help myself. Maybe the family members could help me. But if the boss of Chang'e's moon tower was offended, the family would not easily take action.

But even so, ye Xiao's speed is too fast, even if she wants to stop it is too late.

Looking at the three security guards lying on the ground and looking at the manager whose face turned pale, Tan Xiaoxiao only felt that his head was huge. This brother Xiao was really a troublemaker. What can we do now? Is it necessary to rely on Lin's ruthless power?

Lenglie was also shocked. He didn't expect that this guy would even dare to fight the security guards of Chang'e's moon tower, and his skill was so good. These security guards were all elite veterans, and they were beaten back before they got close to his body. Is this too exaggerated? Is this a free combat guy?

The noise here has already alarmed the surrounding guests. However, when they look out of the room and see that it is cold, they take back the boss one by one. This is the son of the mayor of Kyoto. The fight between them can be provoked by ordinary people, and no one wants to hurt the fish pond, especially when some people see several young masters coming down from the fourth floor Elder brother's time, one by one is retreating fast, this one, but even more cattle than cold, but also not easy to provoke.

At this time, from the fourth floor down there are four boys, one of them looks like a human model, especially the one who takes the lead. It seems that his age should be the youngest, but the arrogant face full of arrogance reveals the arrogance of the heaven and the world.

Even a few people around, but also a body back half step, dare not parallel with him.

"Lenglie, what are you doing? Isn't it just a girl? What's the delay? " Before he arrived, the visitor had already taken the lead.

At the sight of the visitor, Ouyang Qianqian's face turned pale. She didn't know Lenglie, because although Lenglie had entered the top dandy circle, she was not yet the top dandy, but the one in front of her was definitely one of the top dandies.

As long as the people who hang out in Kyoto have a little status, they can't not know this

If ye Xiao offended Lenglie before, and she still has a fantasy, then at this moment, this fantasy has been completely broken, and she has even made plans. If this thing really can't end well, even if it's self sacrifice, it can't continue to spread.

When the manager of the restaurant saw this one, his face became extremely wonderful. He didn't think that such a small matter should disturb the young master.

He is deeply aware of the relationship between Lenglie and this childe. It can be said that Lenglie's father was able to sit in his present position because of the family behind him. Lenglie is also one of the most loyal younger brothers of this childe.

Now Lenglie has been hurt here, which is his face. If he really gets angry, even the boss of his own family will be hard to deal with.

His father is one of the most authoritative people in China.

"Feishao, here comes a bastard who doesn't have long eyes..." Lenglie covered his nose with one hand, but the blood still flowed from between the fingers. It looked extremely ferocious and said to the visitor angrily.

"What? Does anyone dare to hit you? " Shangguan Fei was angry. Lenglie was covered by him. In the Forbidden City, someone even dared to attack the people he covered. Isn't that too old to break the ground on his head?

He even thought that no matter which strong dragon crossed the river, he would not be allowed to leave here alive today.

"Well..." Lenglie pointed to Ye Xiao and said that his eyes were full of resentment.

Originally, he didn't want to trouble shangguanfei. After all, it would give people a feeling of incompetence if everything went to shangguanfei. However, since shangguanfei had seen it, he could only come forward, and he also knew that shangguanfei would never let himself suffer.

With the energy of the Shangguan family in Kyoto, it is not a big deal to deal with a stranger, even if it is to let the world evaporate.

With the direction of cold fingers, shangguanfei looked up and saw a man in a black Zhongshan suit. He was handsome and natural. When he saw himself, he also showed a faint smile.

"What did you say about him?" Shangguan feileng Leng God, obviously did not expect to see ye Xiao here, did not expect that ye Xiao started to fight Lenglie.

"Feishao, he also hit me..." Lenglie didn't realize the change of Shangguan Fei's tone at all, and said with indignation.

Shangguan fly suddenly angry, a direct slap on the cold fan in the past."Pa..." The sound of a crisp ring, crisp slap ring through the whole box, cold face suddenly appeared five clear finger marks, the face is more hot pain, and his face is a blank face, less flying, this is why? How did you do it yourself?

Don't talk about him. Except for Tan Xiaoxiao who has seen shangguanfei, other people are all looking at shangguanfei with silly eyes. Is it possible that feishao is drunk today? Otherwise, how can it be cold?

Who expected Shangguan Fei didn't stop at this point, instead, he kicked in the cold abdomen, and directly kicked him to the back and fell heavily on the ground. His hands covered his abdomen, but he didn't dare to cry out.

His mind has been a blank, completely lost thinking, what is the matter?

"Less flying..." At this time, the other three childe brothers also completely recovered, trying to persuade Shangguan Fei, but Shangguan Fei was like being killed by a mother. The whole person rushed forward to Lenglie, which was a series of punches and kicks.

"You don't want to hang out in the Forbidden City, do you? You really think you're great, don't you? " Shangguanfei was obviously angry, beating and swearing. Such a scene had already frightened several people in the box. Even tan Xiaoxiao looked at shangguanfei with a puzzled look. The last time shangguanfei only accompanied Ye Xiao to find her, but she didn't know the relationship between shangguanfei and ye Xiao.

"Less flying, what's the matter? If you have something to say, it's not right. Please forgive me... " Three childe brothers see Shangguan fly constantly beating Lenglie, and then come to persuade him to live.

"You all get out of my way. If you don't teach this son of a bitch a lesson today, I won't call shangguanfei..." Shangguan Fei roared and grabbed a glass lantern. He was going to smash lenglei.

See that glass lantern, cold face completely changed, if this falls, oneself still have the possibility of life? But he can have today's status, almost all thanks to the official flying, he dare to hide?

But up to now, he doesn't understand why shangguanfei suddenly gets angry and beats himself

"ALFY, stop..." It is at this time that ye Xiao, who has always been silent, says

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