ALFY? Stop it? All the people present were stunned, especially those childe brothers who often followed shangguanfei. In such a big Kyoto, among the younger generation, no one dares to call him that, except shangguanyun, the elder brother of shangguanfei. But this strange guy actually called him ALFY? What is his identity?

However, what surprised several people was that shangguanfei was not angry. Instead, he really stopped his movements. He just held the glass lantern in both hands, then turned to Ye Xiao and said, "but master, he just scolded you..."

Master? Gudong

Cold heart mercilessly trembles for a while, this guy unexpectedly is shangguanfei's master? Is he the master of shangguanfei? He finally understood why shangguanfei was suddenly angry, and shangguanfei was his apprentice. Didn't he even scold shangguanfei?

But how could he be the master of shangguanfei? How old is he? Thinking that he even provoked Shangguan Fei's master, Lenglie's heart is a burst of bitterness, but this time he really hit the iron plate.

This meal plan is a white by, don't say retaliation come back, oneself in the future still can follow in the side of Shangguan fly, all is an unknown number?

Two of the other three men showed a look of sudden enlightenment. One by one, they looked at Ye Xiao again. This guy is the master that feishao worshipped in Jinghai city? The car racing expert who claims to be more powerful than the God of cars?

Why is he here?

And another man named Li Menglin looked thoughtfully at Ye Xiao, and then looked at the cold, bruised face. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As for Ouyang Qianqian and others, they have grown up, and shangguanfei is the first to fly in Kyoto. He even calls him master Ye Xiao? It's not a dream, is it? When did ye Xiao become the master of shangguanfei? Why haven't you heard anything about such a big thing?

Even Xiao Feng is still staring at Ye Xiao. He knows that ye Xiaoda has a great future, but he didn't expect that he should be the master of shangguanfei? It's like a royal relative.

Even tan Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Xiao with an unbelievable face. Last time shangguanfei and ye Xiao appeared together in the Ziyuan, she knew that shangguanfei and ye Xiao had some connections. But at most, she thought it was a friend relationship. She never thought she would be the master of shangguanfei?

Shangguanfei is such a proud man. It's almost impossible for him to be willing to worship a person as a teacher. What convenience did ye Xiao completely defeat him in order to make him willingly worship ye Xiao as a teacher?

Huang lingyao, meanwhile, has already looked at Ye Xiao with all her eyes full of stars. She has overestimated Ye Xiao's identity and tried every means to get close to Ye Xiao. However, she did not expect that ye Xiao would have such a terrible identity. The master of the first flying boy in Kyoto, such a name, and the huge Forbidden City, how many people dare to provoke him?

At this moment, she has set her mind in mind, no matter what, will become Ye Xiao's woman.

And that manager, the same pale looking at Ye Xiao, seems to be difficult to accept such a fact.

"Well, since he is your friend, let's just forget it..." Ye Xiao shook his head and said faintly.

Maybe in other people's eyes, the reason why he is so arrogant is because of the name of shangguanfei master. But when he taught Lenglie just now, he didn't think about it at all. He was not in the system. It was no difference for him to drink ordinary people to those who looked like the most beautiful young men.

It's good not to provoke him. Once he is provoked, he should be beaten mercilessly. With his strength, he really doesn't worry about what troubles these childish brothers can bring him, which is why he has been picking up trouble from him.

In Kyoto, he was alone, without any concern, but Xiao Feng is different, shangguanfei is also different.

The reason why the Duzi brothers in Kyoto can mix together is that their parents are in the same camp. Since they are mixed with shangguanfei, it is obvious that their parents are close allies. Although Shangguan family may be dominant, if shangguanfei is allowed to fight on, Lenglie will be disabled or seriously injured Yes.

It will only make the parents of both sides separate, which is not what ye Xiao wants to see.

Shangguanfei can be cold for his reckless lesson, so he naturally has to stand on the position of shangguanfei to think.

Let's just forget about it. If you hear such a sentence at ordinary times, even just now, you will be furious. If you say forget it, who do you think I am? But now, knowing that he is the master of shangguanfei, Lenglie seems to have heard the best voice in the world.

"Don't apologize to my master soon..." In fact, Shangguan Fei knows that it's not good to beat Lenglie like this, which makes him a little eccentric. However, ye Xiao exists in his mind like a God, and no one is allowed to insult him. He dares to fight against Ye Xiao and Lin mercilessly, let alone a cold one?

Now that ye Xiao doesn't pursue it, it's not good for him to pursue it."Yes, yes..." Lenglie immediately came back to God and quickly got up to walk toward Ye Xiao.

"Forget it, don't use it. Let's just do it..." Ye Xiao shakes his head, as long as the other party doesn't come to provoke him, he doesn't care what kind of apology lies.

Shangguan Fei wanted to say something, but suddenly he saw Tan Xiaoxiao in the box. He immediately understood that his emotional master was worried that he and others would delay him in chasing girls here.

Then he threw a playful smile to Ye Xiao, and then said, "Hey, master, we won't disturb you. Brothers, I've offended you a lot today. Please forgive me. Even if I invited this meal today..."

"I dare not..." Xiao Feng or big fat, sultry man Chen Dan Shang also can, quickly toward Shangguan fly back salute way.

Although they didn't know shangguanfei, they knew from the scene just now that he was a wonderful childe. Ye Xiao could calmly accept his worship, but they didn't dare

You can't see how strong his background is.

Such a character, say hello to you, you see in the face of Ye Xiao, if they don't know how to put on a look of high above, that is to die.

At present, Shangguan Fei simply said that he had time to entertain you in the future, and then he left with Lenglie and others. Of course, he didn't forget to tell the manager that all the expenses here were recorded in his account. Lenglengleng didn't dare to ask shangguanfei to pay, of course, he was scrambling to pay.

But before he left, Shangguan Fei gave Ye Xiao a thumbs up. He seemed to admire Ye Xiao's quick appointment of Tan Xiaoxiao.

For shangguanfei's praise, ye Xiao can only smile bitterly

If he is really so powerful, why did Tan Xiaoxiao never say a word to himself?

When shangguanfei and others have left, the box quickly quiets down. Everyone looks at Ye Xiao like a monster

Huang lingyao, in particular, saw the burning flame in her eyes, even Chen danshang, a theoretical emperor who had no experience in practice

"Don't look at me like this. If you think I'm a brother, everything will be the same in the future..." Seeing the people's eyes, especially those of Xiao Feng and others, ye Xiao had a bitter smile in his heart. He was really worried that this would affect people's feelings

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