"Well, I didn't say anything. What did I say just now? I said, sister Yijun, you are beautiful, intelligent and capable. If a man marries you, it must be a blessing to be cultivated for eight generations. "

Ye Wuqi was staring at Zhang Yiyun with some hair. He quickly flattered him with a smile. With a good tongue, he praised Zhang Yiyun as rare in the sky and unparalleled in the earth.

Zhang Yiyun broke his tears and turned to smile. After talking about it, he looked at Ye Wuqian bitterly: "you said that my sister is so good and excellent. Why don't you have a boyfriend? Sister, I am so empty and lonely, how about it? Would you like to come to my house tonight? I spend a good night together, once in spring

Zhang Yiyun stretched out a finger to pick out the leaves of the chin, sexy and moist, full of attractive red lips also slowly come up, exhale like blue, eyes like silk.

Ye Wuqi felt the breath of Zhang Yiyun, and his heart jumped wildly. Although he seemed to be a bit "dissolute", he also liked to talk with beautiful women and talk about some things, but this kind of thing was really nervous.

Happiness comes too suddenly, a little unprepared.

His heart path like jumping up, throat rolling, a few saliva, want to say, but also stuttered speechless. Only feel a fire in the field, quickly become a raging fire, burning his body dry heat up.

Ye Wuqi gets excited. Zhang Yiyun is a beautiful woman. She is a lady. She is half astringent and half mature. She is very attractive. She is seductive in professional clothes

"Hey hey, you're a pure virgin. I thought you were a master of the flower world. You were a guy who lived in the flowers, and the leaves didn't touch you. You are really "clean yourself up."

Zhang Yiyun held out a finger and put it on ye Wumian's mouth. He blinked his eyes and laughed bitterly. He looked elated after victory, as if she were a little girl who had won a lollipop.

"Through the flowers, leaves don't touch the body" and "clean oneself" were originally commendatory words, but at the moment, Zhang Yiyun used it on Ye Wuqian, obviously teasing him.

Ye Wumian was so angry that he poured a basin of cold water on his head. He was drenched with cold water. A mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out of his mouth.

Dejected and sullen, he said bitterly, "sister Yiyun, I want to tell my mother that you tease me. What's more, I look so handsome and rich. Do you want to think about me? I'm very special. I'm absolutely loyal to my partner. "

Ye Wuxiang blinks his eyes and sells himself.

Maybe it's the spring heart that was teased by Zhang Yiyun just now. Ye Wuqian looks at Zhang Yiyun and thinks that she is much more sexy and more attractive. She can't leave her red lips for a long time. It would be nice if she could have a kiss.

"I'm sorry, sister. I'm not interested in my little boy either. Besides, there must be someone in your heart. Sister, I don't think I can occupy her position, right? "

Zhang Yiyun started the car again, and didn't want to make fun of Ye Wuxiang. He put aside his laughter and said, "let's find a place. It's time to talk about business."

After hearing this, ye Wuqian remembered Qu baiqiu. Qu baiqiu's gentle smile, Qu baiqiu's angry appearance and her distressed tears flowed through her body like a spring, which extinguished the fire in his heart.

There is a shadow gradually blurred, but still stinging his heart - Shan Xihan.

Ye Wuque sighs and smiles bitterly. He can't treat his feelings at will like most bad young masters. On the contrary, he is very serious about his feelings. He also thinks that love should be sacred and has no distractions, so he will be so resolute when he treats Shan Xihan.

Like their own father and mother, the father disappeared, the mother still adhere to love.

Ye Wumian nodded, calmed down, silently thinking about what.

"Well, it's time to get down to business." Ye Wuwei said in a deep voice, with a serious look in his eyes.

He has grown up, has the strength, is no longer that needs to be protected the young bird, also should share some things for his mother.

Not long after, Zhang Yiyun went to a coffee shop. They took a seat by the window and chatted over coffee.

"Sister Yiyun, since my mother believes in you, I also believe in you. Can you explain it? What kind of dilemma is this company facing? And I need you to give me a copy of what I said before

Ye Wuqi is sitting in a critical position. It is a bit dignified and imposing to be serious. Zhang Yiyun can even find the shadow of Hua Yuefu, the chairman of the board, from him.

Zhang Yiyun stirred the coffee gently with her hands, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: it was really mother and son. Seriously, they even spoke in the same way.

"Well, I'll give you a brief explanation to give you a general idea. As for the rest, wait until you read the information I gave you. "

Then Zhang Yiyun took out a USB flash disk from her purse and gave it to Ye Wuqian, who took it. Then she continued: "this company is not in a business problem, but someone wants to swallow it.

You also know that this company is invested by the chairman's own assets, but after all, it is registered in the name of Xingyao group, and it is a branch of Xingyao group in name. Therefore, the headquarters wants to intervene and swallow it step by step.Moreover, the company is operating very well. The direct income for the group is more than 3 billion every year, and the indirect income is immeasurable. So some people are jealous, not only want to share a share of it, but want to swallow the whole

Zhang Yiyun tasted coffee, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "I used to be the general manager of this company, and I didn't make any mistakes, but under pressure, the chairman had to give up the position of general manager to the person sent by the headquarters.

Although the chairman of the board of directors is the chairman of the board, it is not worthy of the name and has great restrictions. As far as I know, the whole Xingyao group is still in the hands of the Ye family. Although the chairman of the board has a lot of shares, it should be precarious. Am I right? "

Zhang Yiyun raised her eyebrows.

Ye Wuqi nods in silence. The shares in his mother's hands should have been his father's. Ye Zhongtian is also the next head of the Ye family. However, he suddenly disappeared 14 years ago and disappeared without a trace. There was no message.

If ye Zhongtian hadn't been hurt by the Ye family, ye Zhongtian would have come back suddenly, and Hua Yuefu was really resourceful and resourceful, the situation of their mother and son would never have been as good as they are now.

Even so, because ye Zhongtian has been missing for a long time, the Ye family's attitude towards their mother and son is getting worse and worse. They almost begin to plunder Hua Yuefu's assets.

This branch of huayuefu's private investment is the most vivid portrayal.

However, they still dare not to do things too much, only to nibble step by step, a little plot.

In addition, huayuefu has been operating for such a long time, not to say it is deeply rooted, but also has a firm foothold. It is not so simple for the Ye family to want to get something for nothing at this time.

Therefore, both sides should play games.

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