"Yes, you are right. So what should we do now, or how can I help you. My mother specially asked me to come and deal with these things. I think you and my mother have a way to deal with them. In other words, my mother is ready to fight back. First of all, she wants to take back the private property of the family and get rid of the influence of the Ye family. Am I right? "

Ye Wuqian looks at Zhang Yiyun and asks with confidence.

Once again, Zhang Yiyun looked at Ye Wuxiang seriously, as if to recognize him again: "you are really not a big young master who can only cause trouble. You are smart and intelligent, and you are not inferior to the chairman at all. However, you are far from the world's sophistication, life experience and strategy.

However, if you can see this, it can be said that the tiger mother has no dog son, and the chairman can be relieved. And I don't think you're a maniac. Why was your reputation so bad before? "

Zhang Yiyun said with a smile: "yes, in the past two years, the more closely the Ye family has been guarding against the chairman. And more arrogant, almost everywhere, trying to gradually disintegrate the foundation of the chairman.

However, they have to rely on the chairman of the board of directors to run the star Yao group, dare not tear their face.

It's ridiculous to say that a family as big as ye's should rely on a woman. In terms of business ability, no one is a man. However, they are shrewd as demons in terms of inner fighting. But I don't dare to offend the chairman completely. I think it's strange and funny. "

Zhang Yiyun sneered. His words are full of acne to the Ye family. He does not hide his contempt for the family and his admiration for the flowers.

Ye Wuque laughs bitterly. Even if he is a member of the Ye family, Zhang Yiyun can't hang his face when Zhang Yiyun says so about the Ye family.

However, he knew that Zhang Yiyun was right. The Ye family was an ancient family, and now it has become rigid and decadent. He is afraid of being subverted by others. Therefore, he is always on guard. Even his own people are on guard, even more strictly.

Profit and money are the poison of bone erosion, which is the root of everything.

The separation of the two brothers may be contradictory, let alone the Ye family, which is the property of Norda.

"Oh, forget your surname Ye. But I think you should be in the same wave with the chairman? " Zhang Yiyun blinked.

Ye Wumian nodded, his eyes slightly cold. He could not forget his childhood experience, how those people forced him and his mother, and how they bullied their mother and son. He had little sense of belonging to the Ye family.

Now, mom finally decided to fight back, ye Wuque will definitely stand on the side of mom.

"I've been with the chairman for four years. To be honest, I think the time for the chairman to fight back is long overdue. But she used to swallow her anger and turn a blind eye to let these people get involved in Xingyao group.

Now these people have become a climate. They are deeply rooted and intertwined. If they want to eliminate them, it will be even more difficult. If they are not careful, they will lead to serious disasters. If the chairman of the board had taken action four years ago, where would he have been troubled? "

Zhang Yiyun sighs repeatedly and cuts her teeth lightly. She seems to be very annoyed by Hua Yuefu's "indecisiveness" and tolerance.

Ye Wuqian knows that his mother is waiting for him. In other words, he had been planning his own martial arts four years ago. Until now he had the strength to protect himself, he decided to fight back. And the first stop of counterattack, of course, is her own private branch.

Ye Wuwei guessed that the reason why my mother chose to start her own private property was to show her attitude and warn the other party; secondly, she should not completely tear her cheek with the other party for the time being.

What she wants is to determine an attitude, or maybe it's just a trial, and there's a second hand at the back.

"Maybe my mother had her own consideration, but now that she has decided to fight back and eliminate the influence in this branch office. I will try my best. What can I do for you Ye asked.

Zhang Yiyun's eyes turned, and a sly smile appeared on her face: "my vice president of two years is not for nothing. I have all the evidence that the Ye family has been involved in this company.

However, it is not enough to uproot them. We still need to wait for good news, or an opportunity.

However, now that you have come to Fenghai city to go to university, you are the only son of the chairman of Xingyao company. It is right to be capricious. Anyway, this is your mother's company. You are entitled to "monkey".

In addition, I learned that the chairman of the board did not give you living expenses. You are a well respected young master. How can you not be short of money? I heard that you have a girlfriend. Isn't it money to have a girlfriend? "

What do you want to sell in Wuyi?

After a while, he suddenly realized, and said strangely, "sister Yijun, you don't want me to go to the company and extort some money, or make a lot of trouble to scare the snake, so that they can mess up and show their feet, or force them to show their tails?"

With a bad smile, Zhang Yiyun seemed to be saying that a child can be taught."You are really smart. Of course, you are a famous" straw bag "and" money making machine ". You may not be able to force them into chaos. However, your attitude and identity are very sensitive. As long as you make a scene and show your attitude like a stone on the water, you can definitely break the peace. "

Zhang Yiyun's eyes twinkled. She paused and clenched her fist: "and as long as the calm is broken and the ripples are created, I can help the situation with the chairman of the board, and turn the ripples into waves, waves and even waves. Maybe if you can hit the other party by surprise, you will have a great chance to uproot them. "

Ye Wuqi looks at Zhang Yiyun's self-confidence, and his heart is a little bit tight. This woman is too smart, and the means must not be bad, otherwise, she will never be able to sit in the position of deputy general manager under such pressure, and has mastered a lot of other party's handles.

However, the role of this stone to break the peace is also very important, and the weight of this stone can not be too heavy or too light, and it can not be an ordinary stone. It seems that only he can be competent to do this touchstone.

"What are you looking at? Is my face dirty? " Zhang Yiyun found Ye Wuqian staring at her. She asked nervously. She took out a small mirror from her bag and prepared to have a look.

Ye Wuqi shook his head and said with deep meaning: "no, you don't have dirty things on your face. I see you, sister Yi Yun. You are more and more beautiful. Really. And you are really great. I admire you. Now I know why you can't find a boyfriend


"Because you are so good, the average man is not worthy to be your boyfriend. Your saying "no one is a man" reveals your inner pride. You have a man's heart, but you have a daughter's body by mistake.

Now even I feel ashamed and frightened in front of me. I don't know when I will be schemed by you. Who dare you to ask you? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

After a long time, Zhang Yiyun came back and said angrily, "you little bastard, you dare to call me a man woman. If you dare to speak ill of me, I will not kill you."

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