The next morning, ye Wuqian sent Qu baiqiu to Jinyu media, and then drove alone to the group headquarters building of Jianghai biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to find the client of the task, Changjiang Bowen, the director of Jianghai group.

Of course, this task is whether Jiang Bowen entrusts the shadow secret team to send someone to help. Ye Wuqian is not sure whether Jiang Bowen has that energy.

But at least the shadow secret service sent people, which shows that this time the matter is not as simple as it was indicated, and the task estimation this time should not be easy.

Many pharmaceutical products are generally controlled products, so the pharmaceutical industry is not easy to do.

Because this industry involves a lot, so most of them are state-owned enterprises or state-controlled pharmaceutical enterprises, and private pharmaceutical companies are rare.

Jianghai group is a private enterprise, but its business is booming. It can rank in the top five middle schools of the same kind in China, and its background is not bad.

As a result of a good greeting before, ye Wuqian did not receive any hindrance and went straight to the chairman's office of Jianghai group building.

All the way ye Wuqian walked, stopped and looked around, as if he was a silly boy who had not been on the market.

However, his bad smile and whistling to beautiful female employees of Jianghai group revealed his nature.

Obviously, ye Wuqian is not a silly boy.

Handsome appearance for him added a lot of points, coupled with extraordinary dress up, some civilian girls make the face red, heartbeat, almost scream.

"Well, what happened to Jianghai group? To the extent that we need the shadow team to send people, and this is just the company's headquarters, not the pharmaceutical area. This security is too strong

Ye Wuqi looks at the security personnel that can be seen everywhere and murmurs in his heart.

He stopped whistling to the female employees of Jianghai group around him, because he found that his behavior had been watched by some security guards and cast suspicious and bad eyes on him.

It is estimated that if ye Wuque whistles again, he will be arrested for morning tea.

Ye Wuque is carelessly turning around. Two bodyguards with sunglasses are coming.

Ye Wuxiang looked at the two men, and saw that they were brisk, but not lose their composure. Their breath was calm, and they had a kind of heavy momentum. It seemed that it was not simple. At least they were bodyguards who had been strictly trained. It was not a problem for one person to hit ordinary people five or six times.

"You are Mr. Ye, aren't you? The chairman is waiting for you. Please follow us. "

The two bodyguards obviously had seen the photos of Ye Wuqian. They didn't ask Ye Wuqian to show his ID card or anything. They took Ye Wuqian to meet Jiang Bowen, without even a word of nonsense.

Ye Wuque Ben took advantage of this short time to knock aside and ask, but the two bodyguards didn't give him a chance. He was sandwiched in the middle one after another. He was silent. His eyes were restrained behind the sunglasses. However, he fell on ye Wumian's body intentionally or unintentionally. He never relaxed his vigilance.

Obviously, the two bodyguards are professional, meticulous, and will not easily trust others.

Ye Wuwei canceled the plan to talk with the two bodyguards and followed them to the chairman's office on the 12th floor.

When approaching the door, the other two bodyguards standing at the door took out the metal detector and scanned Ye Wuwei for a circle. After checking ye Wuque's briefcase, he put ye Wumian into the door.

Naturally, the briefcase is a tool kit distributed to field personnel by the film security team. It is the product of metaphysics and technology. Ordinary people only look at things on the outside. No matter how they check, they can't find anything.

Because there is heaven and earth in it.

In order to cover up, ye also put several pieces of paper in the briefcase.

Pushing the door and entering, ye Wuqian finds that there are two bodyguards standing at the door in the office, one by one like a stake. However, when ye Wuqian enters, the light from the corner of their eyes locks on him and moves with him step by step, which is very sharp.

If ordinary people are staring at these two eyes, they will certainly be thrilled, and their thoughts will be delayed. However, ye Wuxiang has no feeling. He has already taken care of the sharper eyes many times than these two.

Behind the central desk in the chairman's office, the back of a leather chair is facing Ye Wuwei, showing only two arms.

Ye Wuwei takes a look, and his pupil shrinks slightly, because he sees that the left hand and the right hand in the leather chair are completely different.

The skin of one of his left hands was rough as sandpaper, showing an unhealthy dark yellow color. It was covered with age spots and was as thin as chicken feet. Although the right hand is old-fashioned, it is still normal compared with the left hand.

"Are you President Jiang Bo Wen Jiang? What can I do for you? " Ye Wuqi stepped forward two steps with his hands folded and his eyes flat in front of him.

He was a little discontented, because the old man had not turned around yet. He pretended to be deep and mature behind his back.

Ye Wumian naturally doesn't think that the old man is looking at the scenery outside, because there are haze these days, there is no blue sky, no white clouds, the visibility is very low, and the buildings not far away can't see clearly, which is really nothing to see."Cough..." There was a cough, followed by a hoarse and Qi deficiency voice, "nothing, just to see if you are qualified for this task."

Ye Wumian's heart moved. The old man didn't have any mood swings when he spoke, but he felt the crisis instinctively.

"Bang -- Bang --"

the two shots were so loud that ye Wuqi was furious. It was not quite like that the other party shot without saying a word. What is the special situation? Is it impossible to murder?

Ye Wumian's response is very fast, almost no delay, a lunge, people have moved two meters.

As soon as he left his front foot, there were two more bullet marks on the ground. It was not that ye Wumian's reaction and speed were faster than that of the bullet, but that he was always on guard and moved sideways when he felt danger, otherwise he would be shot by now.


Ye Wumian's face sank, and the sword of his scabbard rushed at the two bodyguards who had been behind him. At this time, the two bodyguards finished shooting.

The two people's movements were obviously a little sluggish, as if they did not expect Ye Wuqian to escape. When they reacted again, ye Wuqian was already close at hand.

The two bodyguards were shocked and quickly threw away their guns to fight. Ye Wuqian's action was very quick. It was unwise to continue to hold the gun at such a close distance.

The bodyguard is quick and decisive, and ye Wuqian is not a vegetarian. What's more, he has martial arts skills and his consciousness is above two bodyguards. It's no effort to defeat them.

The two bodyguards in his hands simply can not support three moves, which is the result of Ye Wuwu's retention of hands and no heavy hand.

But Rao is like this, two bodyguards also suffered some minor injuries under Ye Wuque's hand, one of them was even more fractured.

Ye Wuwei's strength is very important now, even if he has the intention to converge, he can easily hurt people.

This is because his practice time is not long, coupled with the soaring realm and rapid progress of his strength, he has no time to polish his own strength. Naturally, it is impossible to control him perfectly.

It's less than 15 seconds from Jiang Bowen's voice to the fall of two bodyguards.

Ye Wuqian has already stopped. The two bodyguards outside the door heard the news and rushed over, took out the pistol from his waist and pointed to ye Wuque.

However, they didn't have much panic on their faces. They were more surprised. Obviously, they knew that Jiang Bowen wanted to test him. However, they obviously underestimated Ye Wuqian's ability.

"I don't know. Am I qualified?" Ye Wuwei is playing with the gun that he has seized in his hand.

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