Ye Wumian looks at the pistol from a bodyguard's hand and ignores the two pistols behind his head.

The so-called master of art is bold. Ye Wuqian has a much stronger consciousness and reaction than ordinary people. Even at such a short distance, he can respond to the strong shooting of others, avoid bullets in time, and win the enemy.

Ye Wuque pushes out the clip and smiles, because the bullets in the clip are empty bullets, and the bullet head is polystyrene plastic bullet.

However, at such a close distance, it is still within the safety range of plastic bullets, and ye Mukai may be injured.

In fact, he had already guessed that the two bodyguards would have suffered more serious injuries if he hadn't, and ye Wuqian would have given up the task in a fit of anger.

"Children's stuff."

Ye Wuqi chuckled and threw his magazine and gun to the ground. He made a sharp crash: "I don't know if Chairman Jiang's test of me is over. If you want to continue, I'll stay with you to the end, but after that you'll have to pay a lot of treatment. "

After hearing this, several bodyguards changed their faces. They were angry, surprised and ashamed.

They are professional bodyguards and have received professional training. Their daily training is not bad even compared with that of soldiers. However, they are lost to a young man who seems to be less than 20 years old. There is no need to lose face.

Although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, the four bodyguards all knew that what ye Wuqian said was true and not big talk. He had the ability to easily hurt or even kill them.

There is no doubt about it.

In more than ten seconds, I cleaned up two bodyguards. Even if there were two more people, it would not change anything at all. It must be the same result.


The man in the leather chair clapped his hands slowly and turned around slowly. Ye Wuqian looked at each other. The man looked more than 60 years old. His hair was half an inch long, gray and withered, just like withered grass.

The man was very thin, and his suit felt empty, as if he had a suit on his skeleton.

He had sunken eyes, bulging cheekbones, dark complexion, deep wrinkles, dark purple lips, and he was not afraid to be angry. He even looked a little frightening.

This man has a persistent disease, and it is a bad one.

Ye Wumian immediately saw that the man was in poor condition. To be exact, he was very bad. The Qi and blood escaping from his body was very weak, withered and dark, and there was no vitality. He did not live well for several years.

People's life depends on Qi and blood. If Qi and blood fail, life will go downhill. When Qi and blood are exhausted, the lamp will run out.

In front of him, Jiang Bowen was running out of oil and the lamp was dry. It was not natural aging and exhaustion, but it seemed that he was injured.

Jiang Bowen stopped clapping, looked at Ye Wuqian, and said, "sure enough, heroes are young. I admire Jiang Bowen. You are qualified, young man. Go down, you guys. I want to talk to this young man alone. Oh, by the way, send the two of them to recuperate and have a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. "

The four bodyguards nodded out of the door, their old faces flushed with shame.

After the four people left, ye Wuque leaped over and became lazy. He stepped forward a few steps, sat down on a chair and yawned: "if the chairman has something to say, I'm afraid of trouble. If you have any other entrustment, I will automatically ignore it. So what you say is in vain.

Of course, since I have taken up this task and criticized things within the scope, I will naturally try my best. You can rest assured of this. "

Soon, the secretary brought a cup of tea and a cup of coffee.

"Cough..." Jiang Bowen waited for mysteries to go out and invited him twice: "little friend, I like it. It's not that I have anything to get rid of. It's just a request of identity as a father. If you don't want to listen to me, I won't say it. "

Ye Wuqian took a sip of coffee, not instant coffee, and then took another sip.

"If it's my father's request, then I'm willing to listen. If the old man preaches that financial resources should be used to suppress people, I'll spank my ass and leave. I believe the old gentleman didn't come to me today to waste my time, did he? "

Ye Wuqian raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Bowen seriously. It was his "request as a father" that made Ye Wuqian change his mind and prepare to listen to Jiang's words carefully.

Perhaps, this is because he was lack of fatherly love since he was a child. He saw that there was something moving in his heart.

Jiang Bowen nodded and put down his teacup: "I can see that Xiaoyou is a man of temperament, so I will tell you. In fact, there are no special requirements, just want to get rid of my little friend, you do your best to protect my daughter.

In addition, there are 500000 in this card. You can take it first. This is just a deposit. When the crisis is over, I will pay you another 1.5 million.

Little friend, don't get me wrong. It's not what you said. I want to press you with money.I can see that you are not short of money. This money is just a little bit of my heart, because this time it may be very dangerous. If I don't express it, I will feel uneasy.

I know that Xiaoyou is a brave person, but this time it is extraordinary. Even Xiao you's ability may not be able to avoid injury.

If you don't want money, you can also ask for other requirements. If you can, I will not refuse. Besides, I've already informed Jingbai to come here, and it's coming soon. You two should get to know each other. "

Ye Wudao nods, not angry. He can see that what Jiang Bowen said is true, not hypocritical.

However, Jiang Bowen's words are more euphemistic. Ye Wuqian can't help but feel the heaviness of Jiang's words. He is not sure what kind of danger Jiang Bowen has caused.

No wonder the shadow team is sending someone.

Thinking of this, ye Wumian's contempt is scattered a lot. Jiang Bowen arranges so many bodyguards to be careful. Things are certainly not simple.

Ye Wuqi took out a note from his briefcase and put it on the table: "I really don't want money, but your company is engaged in pharmaceutical business. Compared with being familiar with all kinds of medicinal materials and materials, the supply of goods is certainly very wide.

I want to find some herbs and materials. Maybe the old man can help me. These things I'm looking for may be rare and expensive, but I'll pay for them. "

With that, ye Wuwu handed the note to him. After he took it, he glanced casually and frowned.

Because most of the medicinal materials and materials recorded on the light paper are indeed rare, and there are a few that he does not even know what they are.

"Little friend, I don't know how many kinds of herbs you listed in the light, but you can rest assured that I will give orders and try my best to find them." Jiang Bowen said that he did not ask Ye Wuqian what the use of looking for these things, even if he was very curious.

Ye Wuzhi nods and doesn't care, because the things in the list he gives are really hard to find. In fact, he doesn't report too much hope.

Anyway, those things are also for the future needs to prepare, not to use for the time being, leaves are not lack of urgency.

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