This is the fate of nature, which can not be achieved by the efforts of the day after tomorrow

"But if I tell you, for your sake, even if I am broken to pieces, I will not refuse, do you believe it?" At this time, ye Xiao opened his mouth again

And Tan Xiaoxiao's heart is suddenly shaking, even if it's broken, I'm still there, do you believe it?

Believe, how can I not believe it!

You have your pride, you have your persistence, how can I not believe what you said?

But just because I believe, that's why I don't want to see you do this. I know you loved, but I love you deeply. Because I love you, I don't like what harm you get. Because I love you, I hope you can always be happy. Because I love you, I hope you can be healthy and safe. It is because of love that I have to leave you

These, you know? Xiao, I really love you very much

Tan Xiaoxiao's heart kept roaring, but she had to suppress the surging in her heart

To really love a person is to hope that he can be truly happy. She is not willing to bring him great disaster because of her love

When Tan Xiaoxiao wants to say something, ye Xiao has said it again.

"But I won't crush the whole Lin family for you." Ye Xiao said faintly, but his eyes burst out the most brilliant light, just like the sun's light, is so dazzling.

But I don't know why, Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't feel dazzling at all. Instead, it's so gentle, just like bathing in the sunshine in winter.

For you to crush the whole Lin family

What an overbearing word, what a firm word, what a strong word.

Lin family is not a small family. It is a huge thing that covers the whole eastern land. It can even influence the national policy of China. Can it be provoked by individuals?

I don't know why, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly has an impulse, an impulse to rush into ye Xiaohuai, and then don't think about anything or think about anything. She just nestles in his arms forever, undertakes with him, struggles together, and destroys the obstacles that block them in front of them.

But she can't, reason tells her that this is impossible, the huge Lin family is absolutely not personal can destroy, also is not ye Xiao a word can destroy, she can't be as emotional as ye Xiao, can't be the same impulse as he, that will harm him, will destroy him, she can't

"Ye Xiao, can you be more mature?" Try to hold back the palpitation in the heart, Tan Xiaoxiao pretends to be angry.

"I'm very mature..." Ye Xiao smiles faintly. He doesn't care if Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't believe him. Don't talk about Tan Xiaoxiao. Even if it's any one person, it's estimated that he won't believe it. How can a person's power fight against a huge family?

Seeing ye Xiao's helpless appearance, Tan Xiaoxiao said that she was not, nor did she say it. Finally, she sighed heavily: "in fact, Qianqian is also a good girl..." Left such a sentence, Tan Xiaoxiao turned to leave

"Smile..." Just as Tan Xiaoxiao is about to turn around, ye Xiao once again stops her name

He was not surprised that Tan Xiaoxiao would finally say such a thing

"Do you have anything else to say?" Tan Xiaoxiao forced to resist the impulse to turn back, standing in situ light said.

"If the sky blocks me, if it tears this day, if the earth blocks me and breaks the land, if people block me, who blocks me will die..." Ye Xiao said coldly, as if not in a confession, but in what oath.

Can be such a cold sentence, but like a needle, directly into the heart of Tan Xiaoxiao, and then in her heart stabbed such a paragraph, for a long time can not dissipate.

Without any more words, Tan Xiaoxiao once again raised his feet and walked towards Ouyang Qianqian and others

Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao's shivering back, the light in Ye Xiao's eyes flashed away.

Don't worry, all the suffering I will bear alone, no one can stop us, we will be together, certainly!

Just as the crowd left Chang'e for the moon tower one after another, shangguanfei and others also came out. Shangguanfei walked in the front, and after greeting several brothers, he got on his own Aston Martin and left.

Other people have also left, and finally only Li Menglin and Lenglie.

"Your injury is not mild. I'd better send you to the hospital for examination..." See standing in front of the body full of depressed cold, Li Menglin said with a smile.

"No, brother Li. I'll go by myself." Lenglie obviously didn't expect that Li Menglin would accompany him to the hospital in person. At present, he was a little flattered. You know, although the Li family's father died, the Li family has gradually gone to no road, but the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and Li Menglin's identity is definitely not cold enough to easily provoke.

"Ha ha, it's OK. I know that a member of the family is very good for the iron attack injury, and it's not far from my home. Anyway, it's on the way. Let's take my car together..." Li Menglin shook his head and didn't care."Thank you, brother li..." Hearing that Li Menglin is so concerned, Lenglie naturally is not good to refuse again, and now he should accept the way.

They got on Li Menglin's black Mercedes Benz, and Li Menglin drove himself to the west suburb of Kyoto.

"Well, feishao is really true this time. We are all brothers. Even if we do something wrong, just say a few words? Can you use such a heavy hand? " On the car, Li Menglin suddenly sighed.

"Brother Li, don't say that. It's still my fault. I didn't know that he was Fei Shao's master, so he directly scolded him. Feishao should teach me a lesson..." Li Menglin dares to talk about the impropriety of official flying behind his back. Lenglie can't dare. It is not because of the support of the official family that they can walk to today.

"Ah, what master, isn't he just a punk with good driving skills? As you know, feishao's biggest hobby is racing. He even loves cars like crazy. That boy just happened to win a fight. Feishao sincerely worshipped him as his teacher. He didn't know what to do. He even thought he was a potted vegetable. It's disgusting... " Li Menglin has an uneven look.

"What? A gangster Lenglie only knows that Shangguan Fei calls master Ye Xiao. He doesn't know why he calls him Shifu. Now he hears Li Menglin say this, and his face is shocked.

"Yes, what do you think it is..." Li Menglin sneered, and at the moment he told the story of how to become a teacher.

At last, his cold face had become extremely ugly. He didn't expect that ye Xiao would come here.

"Ah, feishao beat his brother for such a person. It really makes people feel cold..." Seeing the changing look on Lenglie's face, Li Menglin sighed heavily again.

When Li Menglin said this before, Lenglie didn't feel anything. In his opinion, shangguanfei was called master Ye Xiao, so ye Xiao's identity would not be simple. Otherwise, how could the above official Fei's identity be so respectful to him? Under such circumstances, shangguanfei beat himself up for his own good. It was better than handing it to the other party. He even had some feelings in his heart After all, in the dandy circle, many big brother's younger brothers use this kind of bitter meat scheme in order to save himself. But now that he knows Ye Xiao's identity, he feels very uncomfortable. His feelings in shangguanfei's mind are not as good as those of a street thug.

Seeing the sullen coldness and a ray of discontent in his eyes, Li Menglin's mouth raised a smile

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