"Ye Xiao, what did Tan Xiaoxiao tell you alone?" Back to the bedroom, Xiao Feng asked.

"She said she liked me and made me her boyfriend..." Ye Xiao said earnestly with a face.

"Get out of here, my fiance is already the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. How can I look up to you, a poor boy with nothing..." Hearing Ye Xiao's shameless reply, Xiao Feng turned his eyes and kicked Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao smiles and doesn't say anything more. People often do this. The more they tell the truth, the less people believe it.

"But I think Huang lingyao is very interested in you..." Seeing that ye Xiao didn't continue to talk about this issue, Xiao Feng talked about Huang lingyao again

"That's not an interest..." One side of Chen Tan Shang added that, while speaking, he had already turned on his computer and was beginning to search for classic love action movies of an island country.

"Yes, yes, how about that? When will you take her? " Xiao Feng put one hand on Ye Xiao's shoulder, very strange smile way.

"What? Do you like it? " Ye Xiao asked.

"Nonsense, beauty, who doesn't like it? Ask them to see if they like it or not..."

"Go ahead. She's interested in you anyway..." Ye Xiao opened his mouth.

"Go away, if you don't say it's better, I'm just angry. Originally, I planned to take her back from the military training. Who knows, you're a big show in the military training, which makes the whole school know that you've attracted her attention to me directly. It's better tonight. After singing such a big play, you say others will Interested in me? Of course, I'm interested in you, the bigger son-in-law... "

"Hehe, since you can see that it's not us that she likes, why should such a woman want her head?" Ye Xiao shook his head, it seems that everyone's eyes are bright ah, what kind of person, get along with several times, always see some clues.

"Yes, why not? It's not about getting married or playing. Anyway, she likes your identity, it's so simple To tell you the truth, I like this kind of woman best. I don't have any psychological burden when playing... " Xiao Feng said excitedly.

Faced with Xiao Feng's theory, ye Xiao shook his head helplessly. If so, what kind of woman can't be found with his status in Jinghai city

But Xiao Feng is also right, such a woman is really suitable for playing, but the problem is that he is now pursuing Tan Xiaoxiao. Can he afford to play at this time?

"What? You don't fall in love with Ouyang, do you? But I think she is also good. She has a cheerful personality and a simple heart. She is also beautiful. She is no longer under Huang lingyao. It would be nice to find her as a girlfriend... " Seeing ye Xiao's silence, Xiao Feng continues to gossip.

At the mention of Ouyang Qianqian, ye Xiao smiles and shakes her head. If there is no tan Xiaoxiao, maybe the meeting between them is a kind of fate. They meet under such circumstances, and finally meet in a school. This is a kind of fate in itself. But I can see that she is Tan Xiaoxiao's best friend. How can I do anything to her?

"You don't really have an idea about that Tan Xiaoxiao?" Seeing ye Xiao or shaking his head, Xiao Feng opens his eyes and looks at Ye Xiao in surprise.

"Of course it is. Didn't I tell you just now?" Ye Xiao replied earnestly.

"Go away, I don't care about you..." Seeing ye Xiao's brazen reply, Xiao Feng is too lazy to say anything to him. He rushes into the bathroom and takes a "mandarin duck bath" with fat

Ye Xiao smiles. Without any explanation, she climbs onto her bed. She is about to take out her mobile phone to call Murong Mingyan. Suddenly, she receives a strange text message. When she opens it, she sees that it reads: "Ye Xiao, I'm lingyao. Are you sleeping?"

Ye Xiaoben wanted to shut down the phone directly, but after thinking about it, he replied: "not yet, but I fell asleep immediately..."

"Can you look at this suit for me? This is what I just bought today... " Soon, the text message came back with a photo attached

The host in the photo is naturally Huang lingyao. It is a full body photo. The angle should be taken from top to bottom. The background should be in the bathroom.

Because of the relationship from the top to the bottom, and she has taken off her make-up, a white face is still covered with a trace of red, as if because of shyness, or for other reasons, her hair is a bit messy, giving a lazy beauty.

Nima's, do you want me to see clothes or people?

In the middle of the night, this is not torture people?

Even though she knew that Huang lingyao was luring herself, ye Xiao could not suppress the evil fire in her heart

It's been more than half a month since he came to Kyoto. He hasn't eaten meat once. For a young man in his twenties, it's absolutely not easy

"Good looking, I'm a little sleepy, go to bed first, good night..." Ye Xiaoqiang pressed down the flame in his heart and replied directly. He was afraid that if he talked like this again, the more attractive photos would be really the incarnation of werewolf.After returning the message, ye Xiao directly click the delete key, but when the key point is confirmed, he makes a devious point of canceling the key.

Is it a pity to delete such a classic photo?

After receiving Ye Xiao's message that she was sleeping, Huang lingyao did not continue to harass her. She just sent a good night, and there was no more below. This made Ye Xiao feel relieved and lost at the same time.

People, are like this, the more difficult to get, the more want to get.

September is a clear autumn day, and the morning sun is also surprisingly beautiful. Ye Xiao wakes up early, and originally thought everyone will continue to sleep soundly. But who knows Xiao Feng has long been gone, and Chen tanshang also gets up early to continue to study love action movies. This makes Ye Xiao very speechless. Isn't he tired of seeing it every day? However, Da Pang is a little bit of an ordinary college student's style, and his snoring continues to ring.

"Where's Xiao Feng?" Ye Xiao got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and asked.

"Said to go out to exercise..." Chen Tan does not return to his head

"Exercise?" Ye xiaoleng is stunned, and his face is surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that Xiao Feng, a playboy, would continue to exercise every day. It seems that his good skill is not a reputation

Today is actually the first day after they came to the University. After having breakfast bought by Xiao Feng, they pulled up the fat man who still wanted to continue sleeping. Four hungry wolves from the 808 dormitory came to the classroom together. After scanning around, they found that the ratio of men and women was seriously unbalanced. Boys accounted for more than 70% of the total, and there was no beautiful woman. This made Xiao Feng very disappointed, Last night, the four beauties were all from the Department of economics and management. How come they didn't even have one?

In the disappointed eyes of all, they welcomed their counselors. When they saw the counselors walking behind the classroom, ye Xiao's eyes would stare out

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