"Well, by the way, these are some tasks for the new semester. Take them and have a look. A small monitor should be easy for you..." Yang Ning said and handed over a document.

"I understand, tutor Yang..." Ye Xiao took over the document and glanced at it and said firmly to Yang Ning.

"Well Go ahead... " Yang Ning smiles and nods.

Ye Xiao came out with the document respectfully, and finally put his heart down. Fortunately, he didn't ask himself, otherwise he really didn't know how to answer.

After a look at the semester task given by Yang Ning, he found that the recent one is a new year's party, followed by a school basketball match, and then there are no new activities. There should be beautiful women in the new year's party. Xiao Feng's child likes beautiful women. It's definitely good for him. Basketball? Don't you like playing basketball? Just let him take charge.

Soon, ye Xiao assigned all the tasks assigned to him by the class tutor.

In fact, college life is very moist. When you meet a funny teacher, listen to a lecture, or meet a boring teacher, you sleep or play mobile games. Time will soon pass.

After class, it's either chasing girls or playing games, or playing ball games. In short, college life embodies the two words "freedom!" A lot of things that I didn't dare to do or couldn't do when I was in high school can be done in college.

Ye Xiao's classes are not completely full. There are only two classes in the morning. When they finish, they leave school. Da Pang asks someone to play basketball. Xiao Feng asks a beautiful woman to chat. After class, he disappears. As for Chen danshang, well, the sultry man returns to his bedroom at the first time. Everyone knows what to do.

Ye Xiao is bored by herself. She wants to see what Tan Xiaoxiao does in class. But she hasn't arrived in the classroom where Tan Xiaoxiao is, her mobile phone rings.

It's not a phone call, it's a text message. At the sight of the text message, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled. Instead of walking to tan Xiaoxiao's classroom, she turns to the parking lot. A few minutes later, the white Audi car drives out of the gate of the University of business and Economics and heads for the west of the city.

Every city has an exclusive area for the rich. Kyoto is no exception, and there are only a lot more rich areas in Kyoto than in other places.

Dongshanling is the most famous rich area in Kyoto, because the people sitting here are not only rich.

Without a certain status, even if you have more money, you can't stay here at all.

Ye Xiao drove a white Audi car all the way to Dongshanling, and finally drove directly into Dongshanling villa No.3.

This is a small villa with three floors. There are not only private swimming pools, but also several small rockeries in the villa. All kinds of flowers and plants are planted around the villa. Even in the early autumn season, flowers are blooming here, which makes people feel no sense of the arrival of autumn.

There is no need for ye Xiao to knock at the door. The fully automatic electronic door has opened automatically. Ye Xiao doesn't have to do anything more. She just raises her legs and walks in.

In addition to a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor, all the living rooms are living rooms. The whole living room has more than 100 square meters. There are pure wool carpets on the floor and a row of leather sofas in the middle. The value of this set of sofas is at least several hundred thousand. There are also some oil paintings of famous artists on the walls, showing the overall style of European style.

Near the kitchen, there is a huge marble table with two glasses of milk on it

At this time, a pretty figure came out of the kitchen with two plates of fried eggs.

"Come and have breakfast with me..." Enchantment went straight to the table and sat down. She put down the fried eggs on her hand and then hooked her finger toward Ye Xiao.

"How many days have you had breakfast? You can have lunch soon... " Ye Xiao rolled a white eye directly, this Ni Zi calls oneself over is to accompany her to have breakfast?

However, he still walked to the opposite side of the seductive and sat down

Maybe it was just wake up, a head of black hair randomly spread over the shoulders, the face did not draw any clothes, but even so, it is still very beautiful.

In addition to yiguyun and the enchanting who only saw one face to face, ye Xiao did not expect anyone to be so beautiful.

"Sister, I like it. What do you think?" Seductive direct white leaf Xiao one eye, and then began to lower the head to solve the body in front of the fried eggs.

Ye Xiao doesn't dare to have any opinions. Even if he does, he doesn't dare to say that. This is the eldest sister of the dragon clan. Now she also quickly lowers her head and eats the eggs that are fried by hand automatically. It's said that even the Dragon Emperor didn't get much chance to eat the food made by enchantment himself

But when I eat eggs, I will raise my head secretly from time to time.

Seeing such a beautiful thing, even ye Xiao, who has had breakfast, feels like she has a big appetite and looks delicious.

I don't know if it's intentional or not. She even eats very slowly, which makes Ye Xiao's eyes addicted.

"Good looking?" It took more than ten minutes for Yaomei to finish a plate of fried eggs. Then she raised her head, looked at Ye Xiao, and suddenly opened her mouth."Good looking Ah... " Ye Xiao didn't notice for a moment, but instinctively said that when he came back to his senses, it was too late. Then he looked embarrassed and hung down his head shyly. He didn't dare to look at seduction.

"If it's good-looking, I'll have no chance to see it later..." Who expected that the seductive not only did not blame him, but sighed softly.

"Ah? what do you mean? What does it mean that I won't have a chance to see it in the future? " Ye Xiaoyi Leng, quickly raised his head, looked to the seductive, a face of worry.

His first reaction was that seduction got some serious illness, but then he was overthrown by himself. The physical quality of the members of the dragon clan was extremely terrible. How could he get any serious illness under normal circumstances?

The second reaction is that she has accepted some extremely dangerous task, even she is not sure to finish it successfully, but it is not right to think so. Although the fighting power of Xiangmei is called the second of the dragon clan, her greater role for the whole dragon clan is to direct and regulate the operation. To be frank, she is a military division level figure. If such an important person has any extremely dangerous duties Never send her.

But not these two points, what would that be? Although she likes to make jokes, ye Xiao doesn't think she will make such jokes.

"Don't look at me so worried. It's you who should worry about. You won't have a chance to watch it in the future..." Seductive is a white eye crazy turn, this child, do not worry about themselves at all?

"Me? Elder sister, I'm not ill. What should I worry about? " Ye Xiao looked funny, then leaned back, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it

"Look at this..." Seeing ye Xiao still looks indifferent to now, seduction is a burst of fun. It seems that the child has never known what fear is. At present, he also does not know where to take out a blood red list and hand it to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao took a look, and suddenly his face changed

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