This is a reward, and it is the highest level of blood reward in the underground world. The reward amount is one billion US dollars. The target is Ye Xiao's head, and there is a picture of Ye Xiao on it.

At the sight of such a reward, ye Xiao has an impulse to cry. He is just a good student. He is usually a bubble girl, fighting or something. Who has such a big hatred with himself, he even offers a reward of one billion dollars for his head.

If he could be reborn, he would like to cut off his head to pay back the money.

"Who?" Ye Xiao's first reaction was that Lin was merciless, but he was later overthrown. The contradiction between himself and Lin was not completely unfolded. He could not spend so much money on his own head, and in his capacity, he could not do such a thing.

Then it is his enemies, but those who have such hatred should be dead.

"Dark moon Alliance..." Seductive word by word said.

"Damn it. What about it?" Ye Xiao directly turned a white eye, dark moon League is a profit-making organization, for their own head, as for spending so much money?

In the underground world, the highest reward ever offered was the head of a country's president. At that time, the reward was only $100 million, but now he is worth one billion. Do you have such a big hatred with the dark moon alliance?

"Of course, their genetic plan, which has taken years, has been completely destroyed by you. Even Xu Yifeng, a chess piece buried for many years, has been killed by you. Do you think they can not hate you?" Seductive and natural.

"Er..." Ye Xiao is completely speechless. If he really said that, the other party would have a reason to hate himself

"Come on, who accepted the mission..." But after understanding, ye Xiao is a pair of indifferent appearance, is not to come some killers? Can you be afraid?

"Hey hey, those guys in the underground world are not idiots. With such a high reward, the target characters are not easy to deal with. So far, there are only three of them."

Enchantment stretched out three fingers. It must be said that her fingers are well maintained, and the three fingers are like jade.

I can't help but want to kiss

"Which three?" However, ye Xiao is obviously not interested in paying attention to these things, but opens his mouth and asks, which is related to his own family and life, without asking how to do it.

"Polar bear, Kanu!" Enchanting put down a finger, red lips spit out a few words.

"Cut, a guy who barely enters the ground list, who will take it as a matter, except that he has brute force?" Ye Xiao disdained to turn his lips. The underground world gives a list to those powerful and famous people. There are 72 people in total, and there is also a day list above the earth list.

However, this is only a display of combat power. It can only roughly judge a person's strength, which is not completely reliable. At least in those years, a guy at the bottom of the list of places killed a master in tianbang.

"Scorpio Archer, Oriental game!" Seductive put down the second finger.

Ye Xiao's eyebrows picked, and then with a strange look asked: "you said that the gun god bullet and he compared who is more powerful?"

"What?" Seductive smile.

"Go, I didn't do anything to her. I just raised her for so long. How can I do without using it?" Ye Xiao rolled her eyes directly

"She is trustworthy?" The seductive continued.

"I don't know, so I need to try. Well, come on, who's the third one? Don't tell me it's Shura. If it's that guy, I'll seek the protection of the old Dragon Emperor... " Ye Xiao didn't care, and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Although he is powerful, he doesn't think that he will be the opponent of the first master in the legend heaven list before he understands the four inch strength. Even if he understands the four inch strength, he is not sure of anything, unless he understands the legendary Cunbao. Of course, if Shura takes dragon blood for him, it will be another matter. But now ye Xiao has taken dragon blood several times, If you take dragon blood again, no one can guarantee what will happen.

"Ha ha, that's not true. Shura doesn't like this kind of money..." She shook her head, and then she continued: "the third one is a Japanese swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi..." The enchantment finish, also like Ye Xiao, directly back on the chair, and then look at Ye Xiao with great interest.

Sure enough, when ye Xiao heard the name, his face completely changed. He didn't have the fun just now. Instead, he looked serious.

"Sure?" Ye Xiao asked again

"Sure..." Seductive gently nodded.

Miyamoto Musashi is a master at the tianbang level. No one knows the specific ranking. The reason is that all the people who have dealt with him are dead. Moreover, he has a characteristic that he only uses one sword. The sword is called shining spirit.

Not in a flash!

All those who fought with him were killed by him with one sword, without exception. Even many people could not see the track of his sword.

Up to now, he hasn't played against the people in tianbang, but there were two masters who met Musashi Miyamoto due to the conflict of tasks, and they were killed by him directly. Even there was no room to fight back. Because of this, those people in the underground world ranked them in tianbang, but they did not give a specific ranking.But to be able to kill the existence of the list of masters, ranking will be poor?

Such a character, since want to kill himself, no wonder even seductive are not optimistic about themselves.

"You said I'd give him a billion dollars to stop coming. Would he agree?" Ye Xiao continued to ask.

"What do you say?" Seductive rolled her eyes. How could this guy talk nonsense

"No..." Ye Xiao directly shakes his head. For people in the underground world, reputation is more important than money. Especially for masters like Miyamoto Musashi, he doesn't care about money. Ye Xiao even suspects that he accepted this task to challenge the bloody task, which is the top task in the underground world.

What kind of gods have NIMA offended? Do you need to treat yourself like this?

"Sister charming, I haven't fought with the brothers of the dragon clan for a long time. I miss it very much. Let me go back to the dragon clan first..." Ye Xiao said with a fawning face.

"You're not afraid, are you?" Seeing ye Xiao's face flattering, seductive is absolutely fun.

"Afraid? I'm kidding. Who was I afraid of when I was so big? " Ye Xiao straightened his chest and said boldly.

"Then you can stay in Kyoto and go ahead according to your plan..." Seductive interface way.

"But seductive sister, I really miss the days when I fought with my brothers. Would you like to send some brothers with me?" Ye Xiao continued.

"It's not right now. It's an extraordinary time. Everyone of the dragon clan has a task to do. I'm afraid it can't satisfy your wish..." See ye Xiao clearly want to seek help, but also said high sounding, seductive is a burst of fun.


"Well, if you really survive this time, I will reward you well. How about that?" See ye Xiao also want to say, seductive directly interrupts a way.

"You said that last time, but it didn't materialize afterwards..." Speaking of this, ye Xiao is a face of grievance

"Well, I'll let you kiss first this time..." Charming smile

"Really?" Ye Xiao's heart leaps violently. It's the dream of many men

"Really..." Yaomei nods her head forcefully, and then ye Xiao's body jumps up in an instant, and pours at the seductive

Under the peony flower dies, does the ghost also have the romantic, is not is a Miyamoto Musashi, elder brother I am also afraid you not to become?

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