Yaomei was originally meant to tease Ye Xiao. Who knows Ye Xiao has rushed to her directly, and her speed is obviously much faster than before. If she is careless, the whole person has been hugged by Ye Xiao.

Of course, if other people, there are at least one hundred ways to kill seductive at the moment, but ye Xiao is holding her. This is the most talented and potential person in the dragon clan in recent decades besides the Dragon Emperor. How can she be willing to kill him?

Is that what it feels like to be loved?

It's irritating, numb and itchy. It's like electric shock all over the body

"No, ye Xiao, don't..." It seems to feel Ye Xiao's next action. The only trace of reason that seduces her tells her that she can't go on like this. Otherwise, she may really play with a spark and want to stop it, but all her strength seems to be exhausted.

On weekdays, the enchantment that can easily throw several big men out is just like a little lamb, a lamb to be slaughtered by others. She can't make any action except for a low voice of protest.

But she did not know, or she knew it, and now she completely forgot that under such circumstances, if a woman said no, it would stimulate a man's nerves more than directly saying I did.

"If I say I really love you, who will clean up the broken friendship..."

Seducing the whole person is like a soul returning to the body. Suddenly, she wakes up and pushes Ye Xiao out

Ye Xiao has an impulse to smash the mobile phone directly. It's still a little bit short of success. NIMA, who calls at this time, doesn't it take human life?

But see the face flushed seductive, ye Xiao or helplessly took out the phone, a look, unexpectedly is Ouyang Qianqian call.

"Hello..." Ye Xiao's tone is very unfriendly. It is estimated that no one will have a good tone in this situation.

"Hello, ye Xiao. Are you free at noon?" Ouyang Qianqian on the other end of the phone seems not to realize that ye Xiao's tone is not right, and she asks with a smile.

"No time..." Ye Xiao finished and hung up the phone with a bang

Ouyang Qianqian on the other end of the phone is stunned. What's the matter? So angry?

"YeYe, what's going on? Who provoked my little darling? So angry? " See ye Xiao angry directly hang up the phone, seductive smile way, at the moment she has completely returned to normal, where can see there is still a little confused and shy.

"Well, who do you think it is?" Ye Xiao is discontented to stare seductively one eye, do not take you so to play, all of a sudden did not come, this lets others how to do?

"Very hard?"

"Nonsense..." Ye Xiao has a bad look, which is even worse than tens of thousands of ants biting on her body

She wanted to die

"Will that sister help you out?" A charming smile.

"How to solve it?" Ye Xiao is still a face of discomfort, to solve just don't push yourself away, now how to solve?

"Come here..." Seductive toward Ye Xiao hook finger.

Ye Xiao stood in-situ thinking for several seconds, and finally came to the body of seductive, he would like to see how to help him solve the problem.


Ye Xiao didn't expect that seduction would help him solve the problem in this way. At present, the whole person directly incarnates as a werewolf and roars up to the sky

Don't say it's Miyamoto Musashi's arrival. Even if it's Shura, the first master in tianbang, and even all the masters in tianbang come, ye Xiao won't frown

God to kill God, devil to kill the devil

This is the power of women, or that is the power that a woman can bring to men. For the sake of the supreme beauty, for the unique appearance, and for the enchantment of the city, ye Xiao is willing to cut himself and dare to pull the emperor off his horse

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