The white Audi car starts slowly, leaves the No. 3 villa in Dongshanling, and leaves the driver's seat, and ye Xiao happily lights a cigarette and smokes it leisurely.

It can be said that he has never been as exciting as today, even when he left his virginity career, he was not so excited as today. After all, it was charming.

Although she didn't think about her at last, but when she thought of her service, ye Xiao is a group of evil fire in his bones

After smoking a cigarette, he flicked the cigarette head out, and ye Xiao's excitement gradually subsided. In his mind, she began to come up with the charming last thing to tell him.

The analysis of charm shows that the dark moon alliance has offered such a big reward, and attracted such a master as Miyamoto. Its purpose may not really kill Ye Xiao, but to try to find out the strength of Ye Xiao, or to find out whether there is a shadow of the dragon race behind him. Last time ye Xiaofu used dragon blood, it has been suspected by the other party. After all, this genetic agent is not any organization All can have.

According to the analysis of the charm, the other party is only confused at present. Even if you know that the medicine is dragon blood, it is impossible to be sure that ye Xiao is a member of the dragon family.

This time, these experts were deployed to see if there were any members of the dragon family secretly helping Ye Xiao. So this time, don't say that the dragon people can not draw out their hands. Even if they can draw out their hands, they can't help Ye Xiao. Even if they are charming, they will not show up.

Facing the three masters, only can ye Xiaoyi solve it by himself. Of course, the strength he draws together is not counted.

And according to the analysis of the charm, these three people are only the first wave of attack. The real killing move of dark moon League should be the master sent by their headquarters.

Who will be sent to the specific, even if it is charming also do not know, but want to come strength will not be too bad, after all, just a reward order has reached the blood color level, gradually they pay attention to Ye Xiao.

When I think of this, ye Xiao has some headache. A palace is strong enough. You need to come to other experts. It is not easy to do it?

And with the means of the dark moon alliance, there is nothing to do. If it is not good to kidnap the people around him, fortunately, there is no important person in Kyoto. The people of the dark moon alliance should not be bored to Xiao Feng and others.

Take out the mobile phone, call Xiaobai, tell him to be careful recently. Ye yubai assured that the calm and calm of Jinghai city will not have any major events. Ye Xiao just let go of his mind.

Jinghai is its own hometown. No matter what kind of force wants to enter, it is not so easy. There is no need to worry about it.

Hang up the phone, I will carry it into my pocket, suddenly saw the phone from Ouyang Qianqian just now. I thought I had sent a fire to each other inexplicably. I felt guilty in my heart, and then I called the phone quickly.

"Hello, sorry, I was busy just now, so it's convenient to answer the phone..." "The phone calls, ye Xiao takes the lead in apologizing.

"Hee hee, it doesn't matter. Where are you now? Do you have time for lunch at noon? " On the other hand, ouyangqianqian was sitting in the bedroom and complaining about ye Xiao's impolite. He didn't say it in such a bad tone. He hung up his phone directly. Who expected Ye Xiao to call and immediately changed his smile and giggle appearance. He could see the opposite Tan smile and sighed continuously. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

"Yes, what? My sister is going to invite me to dinner again? " Hearing Ouyang Qianqian has no angry meaning, ye Xiao also put down his heart, and now begins to tease.

"Come on, you are a boy, isn't it a gentleman? How can you invite us to dinner this time? " Who expected Ouyang Qianqian was not at all right, and hummed directly.

"Well, school canteen, I invite you..." Ye Xiao nodded with a smile, and at his present price, even if it was to go to the best hotel in Kyoto to eat dinner is nothing, what is more, it is only in the school canteen?

"OK, see you later..."

"Well, see you later..."

Hang up the phone, Ouyang Qianqian's face is renewed smile, more speed up the dressing speed.

"Smile, a moment Ye Xiao promised to invite us to dinner, you said I should not tell him?" Looking at the beautiful and moving oneself in the mirror, Ouyang Qianqian said.

"Do you really like him?" Since yesterday saw huanglingyao's means, the lively and lovely Ouyang Qianqian felt a great crisis in the ordinary day. He even proposed to actively pursue Ye Xiao. Today, he plans to invite Ye Xiao to eat together.

This makes Tan smile very helpless, on the one hand, she and ye Xiao's relationship is complex, and this point Ouyang Qianqian does not know at all, which makes her have a feeling of cheating on her good friends, on the other hand, whether it is ouyangqianqian or Yexiao, she hopes they can be happy. If the two people can really come together, she will also feel happy.

But the question is, she knows Ye Xiao's character very well, he once said some words will certainly do, if Ouyang Qianqian has been so silly trapped in, until the end of Ye Xiao still not move?

When the injury is definitely Ouyang Qianqian ah"Should it be?" Ouyang Qianqian is a little shy, a little embarrassed

"Should it be?" Tan Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, how do you want to be ready to pursue a person, do not know whether you like him or not?

"Don't look at me like this. You don't know. I haven't talked about a friend since I was young. I don't know whether I like him or not. In short, I think he is different from other boys..." Ouyang Qianqian was looked at by Tan Xiaoxiao, a little embarrassed.

Tan Xiaoxiao completely no language, this girl, how to be so careless in emotional things

"Well, to answer me, do you want me to confess?" See Tan smile don't answer, Ouyang Qianqian asked again.

"Then ask your heart..." Tan got up and went away with a sigh

"Hello, where are you going?" Seeing that Tan Xiaoxiao is about to leave, Ouyang Qianqian quickly stops.

"If you want to make a confession to him, do you think it's appropriate for me to be at the scene?" Tan Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes directly. Although she wanted to see ye Xiao more often, she knew that if she and ye Xiao were entangled in this way, it would not be good for anyone.

Her own fate has been doomed, she does not want to see her best friend and loved one again suffer the fate of the play, perhaps they do not appear, they really may come together.

"But you can find an excuse to leave. He said that we would have dinner together. If you let me go alone, what would people think..." Ouyang Qianqian is in a hurry

Tan Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes directly. This girl is too unkind. When she needs to take herself to eat, make a prop, and leave when she says it, is this still human?

But see her face anxious appearance, or some things in the heart surging, Tan smile or gently nodded.

At noon, it is the peak time for meals. On the third floor of the No.1 canteen of the University of business and economics, ye Xiao sat there waiting early.

Although I'm not a real gentleman, it's not kind to let a beautiful woman wait every time. Besides, this time it's my treat. I have to come first, isn't it?

Just as ye Xiao was about to take out his cigarette, a sensation burst out at the stairway. Ye Xiao looked up and was stunned

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