At the foot of the stairs, Ouyang Qianqian and Tan Xiaoxiao came up together, but today's Ouyang Qianqian is obviously different from usual.

On weekdays, she dressed casually, just like the average college student, but today's Ouyang Qianqian reveals a mature woman's breath.

She was wearing a pair of sky blue high-heeled crystal sandals under her feet, which made her tall. A dark blue tight jeans wrapped that pair of slender thighs. Ye Xiao had never thought that Ouyang Qianqian's legs would be so slender and sexy.

In particular, she wore a white belt around her waist, which added to her charm

A long black hair on two shoulders, face also changed light makeup color, the whole person all revealed a fashion breath.

Originally, she was a beautiful woman. Now, with such a dress, the charm index is rising sharply. No wonder it caused a lot of sensation. On the contrary, Tan Xiaoxiao, beside her, is still wearing a set of simple casual clothes, and her long hair has become a ponytail. There is no big change in peace day.

Maybe it's because she seldom wears high-heeled shoes. Ouyang Qianqian doesn't walk so smoothly, especially when she goes up the stairs, she may have fallen to the ground instead of holding her by Tan Xiaoxiao.

"Hi, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting..." Two people came to the opposite of Ye Xiao and sat down. Ouyang Qianqian said apologetically that she had wasted too much time just now because of her dressing up.

"It doesn't matter. I've just arrived..." Ye Xiao smiles and smiles, but her eyes are swept over Tan Xiaoxiao's body, with the eyes of inquiry. Why is Ouyang Qianqian some abnormal today?

Tan Xiaoxiao responded with a helpless bitter smile, but she didn't do anything to show that this kind of thing, where did she say clearly

At the moment, the three people called the waiter and ordered a table of dishes. While eating, they chatted. However, after eating for a while, Tan Xiaoxiao's mobile phone ring suddenly. It turned out to be "winter's Secret", which made Ye Xiao's heart move.

"I'm sorry, I'll take a call..." Tan Xiaoxiao cast an apologetic look at them, and then left the seat with his mobile phone

Ye Xiao doesn't have anything. She just thinks that Tan Xiaoxiao also uses this song as a ring tone. She feels inexplicably touched. However, Ouyang Qianqian, who knew why Tan Xiaoxiao left, felt her heart beat faster and even two blushes appeared on her face

"Ye Xiao..." Seems to be brewing in the heart for a long time, seems to have made up his mind, Ouyang Qianqian suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Xiao.

"Well?" Ye Xiao was also looking at Tan Xiaoxiao's back. When Ouyang Qianqian asked, she quickly withdrew her eyes and fixed her eyes on Ouyang Qianqian.

With Ye Xiao staring at her, Ouyang Qianqian suddenly lost more than half of her courage and her heart beat faster. She even felt her body trembled slightly.

"What's the matter? You're not sick, are you? " See Ouyang Qianqian look some unnatural, ye Xiao some worried said.

You are sick. Your family is sick Ouyang Qianqian almost broke out, but thinking that the man in front of her was the object of her first confession, she suppressed the idea and asked, "last time you said your girlfriend was engaged to another man, do you still love her now?"

"Why do you suddenly ask such a question?" Ye Xiao looks at Ouyang Qianqian curiously.

"It's OK. I mean some things will never come back. You don't have to be too sad..." Ye Xiao was staring, Ouyang Qianqian's voice was much smaller.

"Sad? Hehe, I won't be sad. Don't worry... " See Ouyang Qianqian even rare care about themselves, ye Xiao said with a smile.

As for sadness, why should he be sad? He believed that Tan Xiaoxiao would come back to him sooner or later. How could he be sad?

"If you don't feel sad, then Have you ever thought about having another girlfriend? " See ye Xiao really no sad expression, Ouyang Qianqian summoned up the biggest courage to say.

"Ah..." Ye Xiaoyi Leng, this girl does not want to introduce her girlfriend?

In fact, ye Xiao didn't think Ouyang Qianqian would like him, but in his opinion, he and she didn't know each other for a long time. Before that, she mainly worshipped herself. She couldn't like that kind of love at all. Now when I heard Ouyang Qianqian ask this, she only said that she wanted to introduce her girlfriend to herself

"Look at me I... "

I'm just holding on to

"What do you think? Are you beautiful today? " Ye Xiao is even more inexplicable. Since she came in, he has been looking at her? How can you let yourself see her

“……” Ouyang Qianqian is completely speechless. After special dressing up today, she is naturally very beautiful. Do you still need to say? People are talking about this now. Why don't you understand?

In fact, seeing Ouyang Qianqian's shy appearance, ye Xiao has already understood. Although she is not sure, at least she knows what she wants to say now, but can he accept it? I came here for Tan Xiaoxiao. No matter what reason Ouyang Qianqian likes him for, he can't accept her confession.They are still friends now. Once they refuse, will they still maintain such a relationship?

This is absolutely what ye Xiao doesn't want to see, so he can only choose to be silly

Seeing ye Xiao's face at a loss, it seems that she really doesn't know what she wants to say. Ouyang Qianqian seems to have been stimulated by something. She mustered up her greatest courage in her heart and said again, "Ye Xiao, look at me..."

"Eh, ye Xiao and Qian Qian, are you eating here? Cluck Do you mind if I sit here? " When Ouyang Qianqian is about to confess, a voice full of charm rings out.

On hearing this sound, Ouyang Qianqian's anger in her heart is like a rocket. She cares. What I care most about is that you sit here and die Huang lingyao. You are a shameless woman. I have to confess. You suddenly appear. What is this not intentional?

Even if you want to rob Ye Xiao with me, you don't have to be so obvious. How can we say that everyone is a dormitory?

Ouyang Qianqian would like to go up and bite her, but this is the school canteen after all, and the relationship between the two has been good, she can only smile and say: "ha ha, how can you mind? Come on, sit down together... "

"Well, thank you..." Huang lingyao didn't mean to be polite at all. She walked over and sat down next to Ye Xiao

Seeing Huang lingyao directly sitting next to Ye Xiao, Ouyang Qianqian is depressed again. Here are four seats. Originally, she and Tan Xiaoxiao are sitting on one side, and ye Xiao is sitting on the other side. Now Xiaoxiao's bag is still on the seat. It's the most normal thing for her to sit opposite. It would have been nice to know that she would have sat there directly

As soon as Huang lingyao sits beside Ye Xiao, a faint fragrance immediately pours into Ye Xiao's nostrils. Smelling the fragrance and seeing Huang lingyao's dress, people always have an impulse, an instinctive impulse

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