Her feet are also a pair of black high-heeled shoes, this looks, revealing a wild beauty, but her upper body is wearing a white shirt, not the kind of strange shaped shirt, and the ordinary white-collar shirt is similar.

If such a shirt is matched with black hot pants and black high-heeled shoes, it will only look out of place, but there is nothing wrong with Huang lingyao at the moment.

Just because she didn't button up her shirt at all, she just rolled up the bottom of the shirt, and then it was difficult to tie it up at the top of her belly. The small waist without a trace of flesh was exposed to the air. She sat next to Ye Xiao, who only needed to turn her head a little

The permed curly hair is on the head, the black earrings are hung on the ears, and a glittering platinum necklace is hung around the neck. The whole person not only reveals the youth flavor of a 20-year-old boy, but also perfectly displays the unique sexy charm of mature women.

It can be seen from this point that Huang lingyao far surpasses Ouyang Qianqian in dressing up, or in giving full play to women's natural advantages.

"Yao Yao, isn't that handsome guy from the news and finance department asking you out? How can you be here?" Don't look at Ouyang Qianqian's usual kind and pure, a careless look, once involved in their own feelings, she will also be like a little woman.

Especially when she saw that Huang lingyao's dress was obviously more fashionable than her own, she could only write in other aspects

There are many ways to fight against your enemies, aren't they?

"Qian Qian, you don't know. I don't like him all the time. Just now I went out to tell him clearly It's you. Didn't you say you were sick in the morning? I also asked for leave for you. Should you rest more in the bedroom? What do you want to eat? Just call me. How did you come out in person? What should I do if my condition worsens? " Huang lingyao is not a vegetarian. She is even more powerful than Ouyang Qianqian in this respect. She not only avoids the topic in one sentence, but also directly transfers it to Ouyang Qianqian.

"What? Are you sick? If you are sick, go back to your bedroom first and have a rest... " Sure enough, a hear Ouyang Qianqian unexpectedly sick, ye Xiao immediately worried said.

Seeing ye Xiao's nervous face, Ouyang Qianqian is both happy and depressed. Naturally, she is happy because ye Xiao cares about her. Depressed is what Huang lingyao said. In the morning, she wanted to ask Ye Xiao, so she didn't go to class because she was sick. However, Ni Ziming knew that she wasn't really sick. She didn't want to leave quickly. OK Will it create opportunities for you?

If you want to get along with Ye Xiao alone, there is no way

"I had a sleep in the morning, but I'm fine now..." Ouyang Qianqian forced to hold back the anger in her heart and said with a smile.

"Is it really OK? I think I'd better go to the infirmary and have an examination... " Huang lingyao asked a little worried.

"Yes, yes, I'd better go to the infirmary for an examination..." Ye Xiao in the side to persuade live, he is really worried about Ouyang Qianqian sick.

"It's really OK. I just went to the infirmary to have an examination. I don't believe it. I'll ask you to smile later..." Ouyang Qianqian almost cried out, good you a Huang lingyao, don't take so drive to kill.

"It's OK. By the way, smile?" Huang lingyao seems to have discovered that the smile is not the same. She asks in surprise.

"She went to answer the phone..." Ouyang Qianqian said casually.

"Well, isn't that a smile? How did you get downstairs on the phone? " At this time, Huang lingyao suddenly pointed to tan Xiaoxiao, who was standing at the door of the canteen.

Ye Xiao and others went with the prestige. As expected, they saw Tan Xiaoxiao standing there with the phone in his hand and his eyes looking towards the school gate.

This time, even Ouyang Qianqian has some doubts. Is there anything wrong with smiling? Otherwise, why run so far?

At this time, a black Audi A6 slowly drove over and stopped in front of Tan Xiaoxiao. Then the back door of the car opened. A man in a suit came down with a bunch of bright roses in his hand

"Wow, isn't everyone engaged? How could anyone send her flowers? " Huang lingyao said in surprise, but she could not see any surprise on her face.

Nowadays, it's normal to chase girls in school and send flowers. But it's too tacky to send flowers like this person downstairs. At the beginning, a rich second generation wanted to pursue Huang lingyao himself. He drove a Lamborghini directly to the campus, and then opened it to open. There were a whole car of roses, red, purple and purple roses The flower is the composition of "Yao Yao..." Two words.

If it wasn't for knowing that the rich second generation was just a nouveau riche, Huang lingyao would have promised to be his girlfriend.

And the man downstairs driving an old-fashioned Audi A6, even if he still holding a bunch of roses, what is this not vulgar?

"That's Tan Xiaoxiao's fiance..." One side of Ouyang Qianqian casually explained a sentence.

"Fiance? Is that the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of the city you mentioned? " This time, Huang lingyao is really surprised.Just now, she thought that the man downstairs was too old, but now, she thinks he is so young

Originally, they all heard that Tan Xiaoxiao's fiance was a secretary of the municipal Party committee, but when they wanted to come, they could be Secretary of the municipal Party committee, at least in their thirties or even in their early 40s. They were sure that it was Tan Xiaoxiao's family who married Tan Xiaoxiao to those old men in order to keep up with the powerful, so no one thought of it The Secretary of the municipal Party committee is so young

You don't look like you're 30, right? Even Huang lingyao, a political idiot under 30, knows that his family background must be strong

She didn't expect that Tan Xiaoxiao, who had been pitied by them all the time, would be the first Phoenix to fly on the branch

From the moment of Lin mercilessly getting off the bus, ye Xiao has recognized him, and his heart is rolling, but he has covered it up well.

But the pair of eyes staring at Lin mercilessly are full of cold killing opportunities. Fortunately, Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao's attention are all on the man downstairs, and no one has noticed.

"Strange, since they are all fiance, how can he suddenly come to send flowers to tan Xiaoxiao? It's not Valentine's day? " This time, Huang lingyao asked again.

However, her eyes were swept over Ye Xiao. Maybe it was the stimulation of Tan Xiaoxiao that strengthened her idea of becoming a woman in Ye Xiao's heart

"Ah, I almost forgot that today is Xiaoxiao's birthday..." Being reminded by Huang lingyao, Ouyang Qianqian suddenly realized

"Smiling birthday?" Huang lingyao and ye Xiao are stunned at the same time, but ye Xiao's face is a little bitter

Even smile for her birthday, and you know it's her birthday gift? I don't even know her birthday. What qualification can I say I love her?

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