"Smile, happy birthday..." Downstairs, Lin heartless, holding a bunch of roses in his hand, said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Wuqing come in person, Tan Xiaoxiao's face shows a trace of surprise. Just now, the phone call was made by Lin Qinglian's secretary. She said that secretary Lin had something to give her and asked her to come downstairs. But she didn't expect that Lin Wuqing would come in person.

You know, now Lin Wuqing is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Changyun city. As the head of a prefecture level city, his daily work is so busy that he even goes to Kyoto for his birthday. To say that he is not touched at all, it is absolutely impossible.

You know, Changyun city is not too far from Kyoto, but it takes seven or eight hours to drive on the highway. He is so dusty that he obviously drives here

"Thank you..." No matter in the feeling in reason, Tan Xiaoxiao can't refuse the flowers that Lin mercilessly delivers. At the moment, she takes the rose and says thanks.

"Silly girl, what are you doing with me now? I set up a banquet for you in Zijin garden, invited some friends, and called your friends to have a meal together... " Lin mercilessly said with tenderness on his face. His eyes were full of love. It seemed that Tan Xiaoxiao was his baby.

"Ah..." As soon as she heard that Lin Wuqing had arranged for herself, Tan Xiaoxiao was stunned. If she would not have refused at ordinary times, she could not refuse. But now, ye Xiao is still upstairs. If she calls Ouyang Qianqian and them like this, how can she not call ye Xiao.

But Lin Wuqing has seen Ye Xiao. If they meet again, what will happen?

Tan Xiaoxiao is deeply aware of Ye Xiao's temper. If something happens between them, it is definitely not what she wants to see.

At least she doesn't want Ye Xiao to get hurt

At this time, Lin Wuqing seems to feel Ye Xiao's hostile eyes. He looks up and sees Ye Xiao sitting at the window

"Why? He knows your birthday, too? Specially came from Jinghai city to celebrate your birthday Lin's merciless face did not have a look of displeasure, on the contrary, some surprised asked.

"Ah?" Tan smile a Leng, along the ruthless eyes of Lin looked upstairs, just to see ye Xiao and others have noticed this side, the heart suddenly accelerated.

"No, he didn't know my birthday. He came to school to study..." Tan Xiaoxiao repeatedly waved his hands, for fear that Lin mercilessly misunderstood what.

She has been unable to see through Lin ruthlessness, but worried about what he did to hurt Ye Xiao.

"Reading? Hehe, that's a coincidence. By the way, did you have dinner with him just now Lin heartless smile, seems not to care, the mouth is more casual.

In fact, he knew Ye Xiao had come to Kyoto for a long time. Otherwise, he would have come all the way from Changyun city to celebrate Tan Xiaoxiao's birthday. In addition to grasping Tan Xiaoxiao's heart, he naturally also meant to warn Ye Xiao. Tan Xiaoxiao is already my fiancee. You'd better go as far as you can, otherwise don't blame me for being rude

Of course, although I know it in my heart, it can't be revealed on the surface, at least not in front of Tan Xiaoxiao

"No, no, it's Qianqian who likes him and wants to ask him to have dinner with him. But she's embarrassed, so she pulls me up..." Heard Lin heartless such a question, Tan Xiaoxiao thought he meant something, quickly clear the way.

"Qian Qian? Ouyang's? " Lin is stunned. Apparently, he didn't expect Ye Xiao's popularity to be so popular. He came to Kyoto just a few days ago, and he even attracted beautiful women like Ouyang Qianqian. You know, even he had some ideas about Ouyang Qianqian. Of course, he just wanted to play with him. He only cared about Tan Xiaoxiao, and he didn't start

"Well..." Tan Xiaoxiao nodded, but he didn't care for Ouyang Qianqian to keep secret.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that boy should be so lucky. In this case, please call them together, and those good sisters in your bedroom. It's your 21st birthday. It's always a little more lively..." A meaningful smile appeared on Lin's heartless face.

It seems that Ouyang Qianqian and ye Xiao are very interested in coming together.

Don't you know what else I came to Kyoto for?

You want to take away Xiaoxiao, but now you are taken in by Xiaoxiao's good friends. Isn't it very interesting?

I just don't know if the boy can keep calm when facing Ouyang Qianqian's beauty. If something happens between them, how can you have the face to say that you love her in front of a smile

"Ah, isn't that good?" The last thing Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't want is that ye Xiao and Lin mercilessly contact each other. Now when I hear that Lin Qingqing wants to invite Ye Xiao, she naturally does not want to agree

"What's wrong? That boy also has some skills. If Qian Qian gets on well with him, it can be regarded as a good destination. Don't you want your good friend to have a good home Lin Yilin smiles heartlessly.

"Of course not..." Tan Xiaoxiao stopped again and again. How dare she say that she doesn't want to say that she still has Ye Xiao in her heart? This will definitely make him uncomfortable, once he is upset, who knows what will be done?And she does hope Ouyang Qianqian can find a good home, and also hope Ye Xiao can find a person who loves him deeply. If they can really come together, maybe it is really a kind of happiness.

"In that case, call on them..."

"OK, but I don't know if they will go. I'll ask them first..." Tan Xiaoxiao couldn't say anything more, so she nodded and agreed

"Well, you should have classes in the afternoon. I'll pick you up in the evening..." Lin heartless smile

"Well..." Tan Xiaoxiao nodded, and then went upstairs holding the rose.

Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao's beautiful back, and then looking up at Ye Xiao, who is full of hostility, Lin's ruthless lips show a slight disdain smile, and then turn around and get into the Audi car

Ye Xiao's anger flashed in his eyes when he saw the Audi car fading away. However, when he saw Tan smile, he also hid the anger.

He also understands Tan Xiaoxiao's mood. Naturally, he doesn't want her to worry too much about herself. It's a battle between him and Lin ruthlessly. He doesn't want Tan Xiaoxiao to avoid worrying about something

"Smile, I'm wrong..." As soon as she saw Tan Xiaoxiao coming up, Ouyang Qianqian immediately showed a look of begging for mercy. She pulled Tan Xiaoxiao onto the sofa and said pitifully.

"Why are you wrong?" Seeing the expression of Ouyang Qianqian, Tan smiles and laughs

"I even forgot that today is your birthday. I didn't even prepare a gift. Wuwuwu, don't blame me..." Ouyang Qianqian said pitifully.

"Don't say it's you, even I forget myself..." It seems that I don't want to see people's embarrassment. Tan Xiaoxiao smiles a little

"Yes, we all forget, but only brother Lin remembers that he came back specially to celebrate your birthday. You are so happy!" Ouyang Qianqian immediately came to the spirit, immediately put on another look.

Happiness? Tan Xiaoxiao's heart a burst of bitter smile, he can not and his favorite people together, where can we talk about happiness?

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Ye Xiao. She was afraid that Ouyang Qianqian's words would stimulate him. After finding that his face was normal, she said with a smile: "he put down a banquet in Zijin garden and said that he would hold a birthday party for me. Do you want to go in the evening?"

Tan Xiaoxiao is talking to Ouyang Qianqian, but her eyes inadvertently glance at Ye Xiao, as if to ask for his consent

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