"Good, good, anyway, we haven't got together for a long time, so we must go..." Ouyang Qianqian is the first to take a stand

"Your birthday party, of course..." Huang lingyao is the second to make a statement. Zijin garden is the place where those people with real status and status will go She wanted to go for a long time, but she didn't have a chance. It seems that Tan Xiaoxiao's fiance is really not simple

In her capacity, naturally, I don't know what the Lin family stands for

"Ye Xiao, would you like to come with me?" Seeing that all the people have made a statement, only Ye Xiao doesn't speak. Ouyang Qianqian says at the same time.

"Not so good for me?" Ye Xiao looks embarrassed and looks at Tan Xiaoxiao. He also doesn't want her to be embarrassed

"It's OK. Let's go together and call on Xiao Feng and them..." Tan smiles and says with a smile that everything has come to this point. What else can she say

"OK..." Ye Xiao just nodded.

As long as Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't say anything, not to mention the banquet set by Lin ruthlessly, even if it's a tiger's den, he dares to make a breakthrough

In the afternoon, Tan Xiaoxiao and ye Xiaoxiao had two classes. On the contrary, they had only one class. When ye Xiao told her that it was Tan Xiaoxiao's birthday and invited them to a birthday party, Xiao Feng was very excited.

Xiao Feng, in particular, deeply understands that birds of a feather flock together and people live in groups. Beauties are usually surrounded by beautiful women. Tan Xiaoxiao can't think of them. Ouyang Qianqian can't think of it. Huang lingyao won't think of it. But there's Li Shiqin. Last time, they had a good chat. Besides, even if they can't do something with Li Shiqin, there must be many other beauties at the party Well, then with their own handsome natural and unrestrained, there may be a beautiful encounter.

And the sultry man Chen Tan Shang can also enjoy the beauty. As for fat, well, as long as he has food, he is willing to go even if he has a lot of food.

After class, Xiao Feng drove his BMW X6 and ye Xiao drove his Audi A5 to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. They agreed to go together

Of course, Tan Xiaoxiao, as the birthday girl, has been taken to Zijin garden by her fiance Lin mercilessly for a long time. Just let them go directly to Zijin garden

The two cars were parked in the girls' dormitory building. Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Da Pang and Chen tanshang leaned against the car one by one, took out cigarettes and smoked them, which naturally attracted the attention of some girls. Although the nobility boys in Kyoto gathered, the University of business and economics was not a school like the film school. There were not too many noble boys, and there were fewer students who could drive luxury cars It's a BMW X6. How to say it's more than a million cars. Where can ordinary people afford to drive?

Many girls would rather cry in a BMW than smile behind a bicycle.

Xiao Feng, in particular, not only drives a BMW, but also looks handsome. This is almost the prince charming that many girls dream of.

At this time, three beauties came out of the stairway of the dormitory building. Li Shiqin, dressed in white, walked in the center. Compared with the peacetime, she didn't dress much. If she bowed down, she could see a beautiful gully.

There is also a crystal necklace around his neck. The whole person looks radiant, just like a princess of a country

No one would have thought that she would dress so boldly, who is very conservative on weekdays

The upper body is wearing a black suit, the lower part is a pair of black trousers, the foot is a pair of short heel shoes, a curly hair is also tied up, it looks like a professional white-collar

"Hehe, are you all right?" Seeing some beautiful women walking downstairs, Xiao Feng said with a smile. He ran to the front passenger's door and opened the door himself

"Well..." The three women nodded at the same time.

"Let's go. Don't let the birthday party wait too long Fat, coquettish, get in the car... " Ye Xiao opened his mouth and went straight to his car. He didn't mean to invite a beautiful woman to take his car.

It is said that villains and women are difficult to support. Ouyang Qianqian's abnormality today has made him aware of the seriousness of the problem. In addition, Huang lingyao's covetous eyes, he does not want to cause such trouble. Let Xiao Feng have a headache

"Oh..." Big fat, oh, is going to follow Ye Xiao to the Audi, while Chen Dan Shang stands still.

It's not up to them or Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng to decide whose car to take. It's up to the three beauties to decide who to take the car. Although Chen tanshang has no practical experience, it can be seen clearly.

"Fat man, you are Xiao Feng's car..." Sure enough, the fat man just stepped out of two steps, Ouyang Qianqian has already opened his mouth, and she herself is straight toward Ye Xiao's Audi.

"I will accompany Qianqian, too..." Huang lingyao, with a reserved smile, loosens Li Shiqin's wrist and walks towards the Audi.

Accompany your sister, I need you to accompany me? Ouyang Qianqian heart that just called a gas, but Huang lingyao said so, what else can she say?

What's more, she was also embarrassed to open the door directly, which is not too obvious?For ye Xiao's feelings, in addition to tan Xiaoxiao, she has not said to anyone? Although we all know

Seeing that both women were walking towards Ye Xiao's Audi, Li Shiqin was somewhat embarrassed and said to Xiao Feng and others, "shall I join them?" Huang lingyao and Ouyang Qianqian got into the back seat by themselves, leaving her with only one co driver's seat

Xiao Feng was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. My elder brother, who was a gentleman, opened the door in person. As a result, none of the beauties came here. Instead, ye Xiao's son of a bitch did nothing. All three beauties went to make his car. This is really more exasperating than others.

"Thank you..." At this time, Chen Dan Shang from the side of the front passenger seat, very elegant toward Xiao Feng Road a thank you.

"Go away..." Xiao Feng scolded and slammed the door of the car. This son of a bitch, it's time to be angry with himself. It's disgusting

Or big fat cute, gray self opened the door, drilled in

Such a scene, not to say Xiao Feng is very depressed, some men and women watching from afar are also puzzled, how do the beauties now don't like BMW? Like Audi?

Is Audi more expensive than BMW?

Or have the beauties come back to their original state?

Regardless of how the men and women around him understand, the two cars quickly drove out of the campus. Xiao Feng, in a depressed mood, began to run as soon as he left the campus. It seemed that he wanted to prove to the three beauties that taking his own car was the best choice. However, every time he thought he had left Ye Xiao far away, he was always surprised to find that Audi had not been impatient and impatient to follow him This makes him very depressed. Is Audi better or BMW better?

If you let him know that the refitting cost of Ye Xiao's car is seven or eight Liang X6, I don't know how he would feel

The two cars arrived at Zijin garden smoothly. Tan Xiaoxiao said hello before, but they were not obstructed. They entered Zijin garden smoothly and entered the private club that countless upstarts wanted to enter but couldn't get into for a lifetime

Just after parking in the parking lot, a huge Hummer roared over and stopped at a place not far away. Hearing such a sound, several people's eyes looked at the past at the same time. Who is so arrogant here

When the door of the driver's seat is opened and a man in white jumps down, ye Xiao's eyebrows rise slightly

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