The man is wearing a white casual suit with a broken hair. He looks pretty good. Although he is not as handsome as Xiao Feng, he is at least similar to Ye Xiao. Moreover, his body exudes a unique flavor. No matter who he is, he will be deeply attracted by this breath when he first sees him.

This is a strong man. Xiao Feng, Huang lingyao and others have such a feeling at the first sight of a man. Even big fat and Chen danshang also have a fear idea.

The man also seems to have seen Ye Xiao, his face also flashed a touch of surprise, and then in the eyes of Xiao Feng and others, he walked towards Ye Xiao.

He walked so calmly, but I don't know why. Every step he took, everyone felt like that foot was in his heart. It was so heavy. Xiao Feng had to be better. He could resist the pressure by relying on his own willpower. But big fat and Chen danshang were pale.

It is hard for them to understand how a man, just an ordinary man, can have such a feeling, just like that kind of aura in fantasy novels.

Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao have pale faces. Even they are attracted by the man's breath unconsciously. On the contrary, Li Shiqin's eyes flash with surprise when she sees the visitors.

Only Ye Xiao stood in the same place with a pair of bright eyes staring at the man. As the man walked towards him step by step, his expression became more and more solemn.

Feel this situation, Xiao Feng and others eyebrows slightly wrinkled together, this person seems to come from bad? Is there anything wrong between him and ye Xiao?

At this time, the man in white has come to the place less than three meters away from ye Xiao. Seeing ye Xiao still standing still, the man's legs suddenly exert force, and then he can see that his body has come to Ye Xiao's, and then he can see that one of his fists thunders towards ye Xiao's chest

Fast, indescribable fast, Ouyang Qianqian and others did not even have time to cry out, that blow has come to Ye Xiao's chest.

At this moment, ye Xiao also made the same move. He turned his body slightly, then flashed out his right fist like lightning

"Bang..." Ouyang Qianqian and other girls even felt their eardrums slightly hurt, while Xiao Feng's eyes lit up at this moment.

Strong, too strong, who is this person, not only directly with Ye Xiao, but also his strength is so strong?

This is no longer a fight in the general sense. It's just a fight between life and death to see the way two people act

The huge force makes two people's bodies shake backward at the same time, and then they are not completely stable. They have stepped forward at the same time, and hit each other with a blow.

There is no fancy move, which is the most direct and simple way to bang

At this moment, the muscles in the body are shaking wildly, and a force is continuously transmitted in each cell, and finally directly comes to the fist.

"Bang..." Their fists collide again, and then a heavy inch force suddenly erupts. However, ye Xiao doesn't feel any relaxation. The other party also uses inch force at this moment, and a stronger force is about to attack.

Without any hesitation, ye Xiao exerts a double inch force. The two forces collide again. Their fists are numb, but they seem to have no feeling, and continue to break out the third inch force

The first shock killed the cattle, the second destroyed the mountain, and the third and fourth gods were hard to hide

Inch strength is almost the highest level of modern martial arts. Ordinary people are extremely gifted when they can practice inch strength. However, those who can successfully use double inch strength are already gifted among the talents. There are only a few people at their age who can use three inch strength.

When he felt the shaking of their arms, Xiao Feng realized the moves they used and understood that this was the legendary inch force

The third force is bigger than the previous two. Even a rock will be smashed directly, and the two forces will hit each other so hard.

"Boom..." It's like thunder. The huge sound comes from the fists of the two people. Then their arms shake at the same time, and their bodies are shaken back and forth. Every step back, the ground makes a huge noise, and even some floors have cracks

At this moment, Ouyang Qianqian and others have not only felt the pain in their eardrums, but also felt a thunder in their ears. The whole ears were buzzing. In addition to Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng's ears were still normal.

And when they saw the split floor under their feet, everyone's faces changed. Is this still the power of human beings? Xiao Feng, in particular, has always felt that the strength gap between him and ye Xiao is not big. The only thing he lacks is the combat experience on the spot. However, after seeing such a scene, he deeply understands that the strength gap between himself and ye Xiao is not a little bit. What he can do is not even slag in Ye Xiao's eyes.At the same time, who is more shocked by his talent and talent? If you grab one of them, you'll use inch force?

"You're stronger..." Ye Xiao did not continue to attack, but stood in place, looking at the man in white, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I thought I could beat you, but you have become stronger..." The man in white also smiles faintly, but like Ye Xiao, his right arm is shaking slightly.

"Hehe, are you all well?" Ye Xiao faintly smile, did not take over this topic.

"OK..." The man in white nodded.

"Hate me?" Xiaoye nodded again.

"Don't hate..." The man in white shook his head, and his expression was indescribable.

"That's good..." Ye Xiao smiles. He hopes to have opponents like the other side, but he doesn't want to have enemies like the other side.

Hearing the conversation between the two people, the other people only felt that their heads were big. How could they all feel as if there was some kind of adultery between them?

"In fact, I want to thank you..." Seeing the sincere smile on Ye Xiao's face, the man in white also understood what he wanted to express in his eyes.

They are destined to be rivals, but not necessarily enemies

"Thank you for what?" Ye Xiao is stunned. He almost killed him at the beginning. He doesn't hate himself. How can he thank himself

"If it wasn't for your fist last time, maybe I couldn't understand the triple inch force in my whole life, and I couldn't touch the threshold..." The man in White said lightly.

"Oh? Have you touched it? " As soon as ye Xiao's eyes brightened, he naturally understood what the other side was talking about. Once he reached that level, he was fully capable of stepping into the ranks of the world's strongest

"Well..." The man in white nodded gently.

"Ha ha, that's good. Let's see who reaches that level first..." Ye Xiao nodded sincerely. It's good to have such an opponent and promote each other's growth

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