"Well, I'll fight you again then..." The man in White said seriously.

"Good..." Ye Xiao agreed.

"To the party?" The man asked again.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded. He didn't find it strange why the other party knew that he would come to the party. By now, he had already known the identity of the visitor. With his background, it was the most normal thing to come here.

The man in white did not speak immediately, but swept aside Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao with his sharp eyes, and a funny smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"You are so greedy..."

Hearing the other party's evaluation of themselves, ye Xiao's face burst into a bitter smile. What does it mean that she is too greedy? Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao put them up on their own initiative. They didn't provoke them. You said that as if you were trying to occupy them.

"Do you really want to do that?" Seeing ye Xiao's bitter smile, the white man's eyebrows are another vertical, and he opens his mouth and asks.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded hard, he naturally understood what the other side said to do like that. It was nothing more than his own and Tan Xiaoxiao.

"The price is too high, but I support you..." After pondering for a moment, the man in White said such a sentence.

"Thank you..." Ye Xiao sincerely thanks that he really didn't expect that the other party would say such a sentence. If it was someone else, maybe it was just an empty talk, but it was he who said it, then he would certainly get the actual support.

"I'm selfish..." The man in white laughs

"Ha ha ha..." Ye Xiao also immediately said with a smile that they were so arrogant and proud, as if the whole world were trampled on by them.

"I'm in the first place. I need to contact you..." The man in white left a number and turned to Zijin garden. His back was natural and unrestrained. He was indescribable.

Until the man's back completely disappeared, Xiao Feng and other talents came back from that shock.

"Ye Xiao, who is he?" It was Ouyang Qianqian who asked. Obviously, she was shocked by the momentum of the man in white

With Ouyang Qianqian's question, in addition to Li Shiqin's eyes have fallen in the direction of the man in white disappearing, others are looking at Ye Xiao. They all want to know who this man is.

In addition to having the same strength as ye Xiao, he also has the background of being able to enter and leave the Zijin garden at will. Of course, no one knows what ye Xiao and his riddle like dialogues mean.

You should have heard of his name Ye Xiao said faintly, but in his mind he recalled Bai choufei's last sentence. I have a selfish heart. It seems that many people do not want to see the Lin family and the tan family get married. In this way, even if they will not support themselves positively, they will give themselves a lot of convenience in secret, isn't it? In this way, is not resistance greatly reduced?

Hear white worry fly three words, big fat, Chen Dan Shang, Huang lingyao are a face of confusion, who is this? It's a nice name, but Xiao Feng and Ouyang Qianqian have changed their faces, especially Xiao Feng. He didn't think that the man just now was Bai choufei

Bai choufei is the grandson of Bai Po Xin, the contemporary Bai family's master. Bai's family, which is located in the three northeastern provinces, is also the real elite in Kyoto today. Together with the Lin family, Bai choufei is one of the four most powerful families.

Although Bai choufei was not the eldest grandson of the Bai family, he was a direct descendant of the Bai family. He was wild and unruly. He was only 16 years old and dared to fight the gangs directly with a group of dandies. He did not rely on the family relationship, but completely relied on his own strength to fight all the gangs in the northern city of Kyoto, especially in a later war In the fight, he was alone with a sword and slashed three streets, killing dozens of gangsters, and more than a hundred were seriously wounded. From then on, he became known as the white maniac.

But also because of that incident, Bai choufei was sent to Jinghai city by the old man of Bai family. It was said that he met a strong enemy in Jinghai city and was beaten seriously, which gradually faded out of people's vision. No one thought that he would appear here, let alone that he would know ye Xiao. From their conversation, ye Xiao is likely to be the one who will fight against him People who were seriously injured.

At the thought of this, Xiao Feng could not be surprised, and he gradually understood why the above official flying identity was willing to call master Ye Xiao. No matter what reason he was, a strong man who could beat a white maniac into a serious injury was qualified to be the master of shangguanfei.

"Let's go..." Seeing Xiao Feng's surprised appearance, ye Xiao did not explain any more and did not ask any more questions. He went straight to Zijin garden.

"By the way, have you prepared any presents?" At this time, Ouyang Qianqian also came back from the shock. Seeing several guys walking towards the inside empty handed, she couldn't help asking.

"Gift? What gift? " Ye Xiao looks puzzled, as if he really did not know what gift.

"It's a birthday present, of course. Damn it. You're not all unprepared?" Seeing ye Xiao's appearance, Ouyang Qianqian almost ran away. Who are these people? Why don't you even prepare a gift for a birthday party?"Why, my gift has been sent by someone earlier..." Xiao Feng quickly back a step, for fear of Ouyang Qianqian run away and hurt people.

"I'm ready, too. I'm here..." Big fat said, took out a gift box from his arms, Chen Dan Shang on one side also learned something, but ye Xiao was still empty handed

"Ye Xiao..." Ouyang Qianqian is a little anxious. Why didn't this guy prepare a gift?

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't know I had to prepare a gift What's more, I want to smile at her generosity. She shouldn't be so stingy... " Ye Xiao said innocently, as if he didn't know to prepare gifts for a birthday party.

After looking at the time, the party is about to start. It is obviously too late to prepare now. Ouyang Qianqian is so angry that she puts a gift box she has prepared into Ye Xiao's hand.

"Here, let's talk about it in a moment. Anyway, I give her a birthday present every year. It's ok if I don't give it for a year..." Obviously, Ouyang Qianqian doesn't want Ye Xiao to be embarrassed when she enters the door for a while. When the time comes, everyone will send gifts. He is alone and empty handed. As for herself, it doesn't matter. Anyway, she and Tan Xiaoxiao are good friends, and others won't say much.

Ye Xiao smiles, also does not refuse, took over Ouyang Qianqian's gift box, took the lead to go inside.

In order to give Tan Xiaoxiao a living, Lin Wuqing has contracted the largest hall in Zijin garden. At this time, the huge hall is full of lights. Groups of young men and women have been sitting around the table, and the dining table has been filled with various kinds of rich food. As the leading role of this banquet, Tan Xiaoxiao and Lin Wuqing are standing at the door of the hall to meet the guests who come to the banquet.

Of course, Lin Qingqing is mainly accompanied by Tan Xiaoxiao. In addition to those with special status, he will take the initiative to say a few words with him. For others, he just nods gently. After all, he is also a secretary of the municipal Party Committee for good or bad. If his identity is there, can he not pay attention to

"Smile, happy birthday..." At this time, Xiao Feng and others have come to the door of the hall. Xiao Feng takes the lead in saying

Lin Wuqing also raised his head at this time and looked at Ye Xiao. A cold color flashed in his eyes

Boy, you are here at last. Today you will not regret

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