Ye Wuqi just smiles.

"Since elder martial brother Wang is so confident, come on!" Ye Wuqi is also too lazy to talk nonsense with him. At that time, he waved to the other party's distant move and motioned him to put his horse over.

"Yes, you'll be fine..." At this time, Qu baiqiu, sitting in the audience below, clutched his hand and felt the sweat from his palm.

After all, she was worried about ye Wuwei. Even if he really has the ability, even if he has made great progress, he is not a mediocre person. Moreover, judging from Wang Sheng's appearance this time, it is obvious that he has made full preparations. The danger of Ye Wuwei is self-evident!

"Sister in law..." Jinsheng also turns to see Qu baiqiu. After seeing each other's appearance, Jinsheng wants to talk, but still doesn't say anything.

"Coming!" With a burst of loud shouts, Wang Sheng rushed to Ye Wuqian in three or two steps, and a record of paiyun palm was pushed quickly!

A gust of wind whistling past, ye Wuque quickly dodged away.

"I didn't expect that elder martial brother Wang has already practiced such a method. It's really extraordinary!" Ye Wuqian learned the lines between the opponents in the TV play, and casually nagged a few words, then dashed into the gap between Wang Sheng's hands and feet.

"What?" Wang Sheng didn't expect that ye Wuwei's speed had reached such a point. Before he could take back his hand, he was suddenly rushed by Ye Wuque.

Wang Sheng quickly dodged.

"What do you want to die for?" Wang Sheng took a deep breath. He saw ye Wuque turn around in front of him, and he could not help but roar at ye Wuque with dissatisfaction: "we are a martial arts competition. You are a goddamn bullfight!"

Ye Wuque laughs.

"Who said that only martial arts can be used in martial arts competitions?" He stares at Wang Sheng, who is already blushing like a monkey's buttocks, and points with his finger frivolously, "what should they do with those students who don't know kung fu before?"

"You Although I understand that ye Wu's words in his mouth are fallacies, I can't find a suitable reason for a while, so I have to stare at him with anger.

The two men fought fiercely again. One to two, you come and I go, instantly into a piece, twist together.

"Hoo Hoo..." After playing for about ten or twenty minutes, ye Wuhei first jumped out of the circle and began to gasp.

It seems that Wang Sheng of mujin is better than that of that time. Just the other side's body shape, movement, he has the feeling that he can't catch up. In particular, boxing, footwork, and palm style are extremely fierce, completely like a master at the beginning.

"What's the matter? The people down there have to watch Wang Sheng's smile. He pointed to a corner above the auditorium below.

Ye Wuhuo's heart was suddenly tightened. He followed Wang Sheng's finger and found Qu baiqiu looking at him worried. Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, blinking and blinking, as if placed a lot of expectations on him.

"Bai Qiu..." Ye Wuqi felt the pressure on his shoulder for a moment. Obviously, it is just a game. In his eyes, it seems to be the thing that decides the world's destruction.

If he fails, don't know what will happen?

But ye Wuxiang knows that it's not so good. Let's not say Qu baiqiu will be disappointed with him, Jinsheng will be disappointed with him. Migu and Roman, as well as some of their own friends, will look down on him. As a loser, the blow and humiliation are unimaginable.

No matter how he used to be, at least now ye Wuwu can't afford to lose.

"Don't be complacent. The best is yet to come." At that time, he was full of energy, and ye Wuwu left at a high speed, facing Wang Sheng, who was not far away in front of him.

Accompanied by a "bang" sound, two people's metacarpal bone violent collision together. A kind of penetrating pain makes Ye Wuqi at a loss in an instant.

He violently opened his fist.

The sound of "Ba Ji Ba Ji" is clear and pleasant to the ear. Although the noise around was very heavy, ye Wuqi still heard it, and it was very real. He looked down and found that his metacarpal bone was already bright red, and the red liquid on it was flowing all the time.

What a tough fist!

Ye Wuqi looks at Wang Sheng, who is smiling in front of him in disbelief.

"What did you use?" Now ye Wuque is very angry, but his fists can not afford to clench, because of the pain, very painful.

Wang Sheng smiles triumphantly and takes off his gloves to show him.

It's made of steel!

No wonder when the collision just happened, ye Wuqi felt the hardness was extraordinary, and the whole body was numb and weak. Dare you to be equipped with this thing!

"Ha ha, it's really shameless!" While he was gnashing his teeth there, ye Wuqi had to admit that Wang Sheng had improved a lot, a lot. If he had not worn the steel gloves, ye Wuxiang could not expect to defeat him.

Because he had already realized the opponent's boxing skills, the heat was far higher than himself."What's this? Don't you know that war is always deceitful?" Wang Sheng heard what ye Wuqian said, but he didn't pay any attention to what he said. He just put on an indifferent posture and said, "if you can still fight, continue. If you admit defeat, I can spare your dog's life!"

How arrogant!

At this time, the leaves without lack of Fierce bite lips, his heart a group of fire in the slowly gathering. It was about to burn to the top, but he took a deep breath and repressed it.

After all, ye Wuque is not a person who will easily get angry, and will be burned by his anger to the people who can't even be found in East, West, North and south.

He's not that stupid.

"What's wrong with that man? Why hasn't he responded for a long time? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know, but I don't know if I look at his expression. I think I'll have to give up after a while."

"I think so. Is his hand paralyzed? How can he become that virtue?"

At this time, all the people in the audience were talking about who would win the final championship!

It's really worth watching.

Despite the fierce fighting on the stage and the heated discussion under the stage, there was always a person whose facial expression was calm and calm, and her whole heart was still at peace.

That person is no other than Qu baiqiu. Out of her trust in ye Wumian, she knew that the victory of this competition would belong to him.

"No shortage, you will win..." Speaking of this, Qu baiqiu actually closed his eyes, closed his palms, made a pious prayer, and murmured something secretly.

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