"Good, good..." There is no lack of leaves, as if a good rest. He closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath again. In the next moment, it is to show a finger to Wang Sheng, who is still rattling on the opposite side.

It's the middle finger.

"Ha ha, that's what you are in my eyes!" Ye Wuqi suddenly burst into a burst of laughter and made an action of incomparable contempt to Wang Sheng.

"You, OK, you want to die, no wonder I..." At the beginning, Wang Sheng just wanted to insult and make trouble with Ye Wuxiang. He didn't expect that the other party didn't know how to die. It seems that he didn't give him some good means to show him, for fear he didn't know his power.

Two people fight really fierce, Wang Ziwei as a host and lecturer, had to a strong retreat. At first, I was still in the field, but when I saw the two men's fighting style and footwork becoming more and more fierce. Just stand outside.

Seeing the fierce competition and competition between the two men, Prince Wei did not forget to clear her throat and face the audience. She said to the microphone in her own voice: "the battle now seems to have reached the peak in the stage of intense competition. These two players really explain the essence of this competition for us. It is they who let us realize what real Wushu is and what is real Kung Fu

She said a lot of airs, and a lot of others did not. But because Prince Wei didn't give a real-time explanation of the battle situation, the audience below were not happy.

"If you say a lot about something, you don't say it."

"Hey, hey, hey, what we want is not to say that these things are in a mess. You have to come with us for some dry goods."

"Yes, yes, don't think you are a beautiful woman, so we don't dare to spray you, NIMA's, parallel goods, you!"

A group of people are still swearing below, which obviously caused the dissatisfaction of the school. At that time, only Nie Cheng, who was sitting in front of the stage, waved, and a group of security guards walked towards the students who were swearing.

Later, I don't know what happened. Anyway, the scene became quiet for a time. They were all absorbed in watching the match on the stage without even moving their eyes.

"Look at my windy legs!" Suddenly a burst of roar, Wang Sheng made way for a few steps, went directly around ye Wumian's back, flew up and kicked at his back.

"My mother..." At that time, ye Wuqian punched an empty fist and suddenly felt a panic in his heart. When he turned around, he saw that Wang Sheng's foot was pushing towards his own chest, and he immediately got rid of it. Unexpectedly, the other side changed his foot and swept towards his face, and he flew away in an instant!

Ye Wuqi fell to the ground.

"No shortage!"

"Big brother!"


A group of people kept shouting there, causing other people in the audience to throw at Qu baiqiu, Jinsheng, Migu and Roman.

It has to be said that ye Wumian has been down the mountain since then. This time, it can be regarded as his worst defeat. Especially in front of so many people to be defeated, the heart is really some imbalance.

"I'm not defeated yet!" Seeing Wang Sheng coming towards his own side, ye Wuque immediately gets up and reaches Wang Sheng's front.

"What, what?" Wang Shenggang's two feet are amazing. See ye Wuque injured fall, he also did not expect the other side to recover so soon. He was just about to go down the well and take advantage of the fire to rob him. Unexpectedly, he got up suddenly, and took advantage of the power to twist behind him. He was suddenly confused.

Ye Wuqi hits Wang Sheng's forehead with an inverted kick. He let out a scream and began to step back. Take advantage of the neck once again, there is no opportunity to hit the chest!

"Eat me this time!" Ye Wuqi saw that the fight was almost over, and he took off in a hurry and swept towards Wang Sheng's face.

But he did not expect that his own leg was caught.

"My mother..." At this time, ye Wuwei has one hand supporting the ground, one foot hanging in the air, and the other foot is firmly pinched in the palm by Wang Sheng.

In fact, Wang Sheng has only grown stronger recently, but ye Wuqian never thought that his strength was so strong that he could hang himself upside down in the air with one hand.

You know, this leaf is not lack of good or bad is a height of 1.8 meters, weight over 134 people, ordinary people how can be so fierce. Even if you stand and let others kick, I'm afraid it's hard to kick down easily.

But this is Wang Sheng. That's how he hung up.

The crowd held their breath, and they wanted to see how the story would develop.

"Ye Wuxiang, how about it? Your destiny is in my hands now. I tell you, if I want you to die, you must die! " While saying this, Wang Sheng immediately twists Ye Wuwei's body quickly, like a spiral.

Ye Wuqi feels that his head is dizzy and swollen, and the whole person's brain begins to be congested, and he is going to faint slowly."Ha ha, it seems that you are just like that. What kind of soldier's blood? Why don't you use the Kung Fu taught by the old man Wang Zhan Wang Sheng seems to despise ye Wuwu.

Ye Wuqi coughs and smiles indifferently. At the next moment, he said to Wang Sheng, "if If you think you win, you look down on me! "

Wang Sheng slightly Leng for a moment, but in the next moment, immediately to the leaves without lack of disdain to continue to say: "you are fierce, then you come, ha ha, ha ha!"

One side said, immediately to a 360 degrees of rotation, directly leaves no lack of the whole person to fly out.

But his smile was frozen in a flash. Because he clearly saw that the leaves without lack of light in the mid air to play a turn, immediately like a bird, slowly fell to the ground.

"What?" Wang Sheng didn't expect that ye Wuque was still very resistant to exercise. After giving him a 360 degree high-level leap over performance, he was still able to stand on his feet easily, which was also powerful enough.

When ye Wuque stood up from the ground, he slowly laughed and said to Wang Sheng in front of him: "you remember, just now you didn't beat me, now it's me to beat you!"

In a word, although the voice is not loud, it is magnificent, steady and powerful, which can really give people rare shock.

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