He broke one arm of Lin Shizhan with one hand, and ye Xiao kicked Lin Shizhan out with one foot, just as he bumped several men who wanted to rush out

The scene, which was originally very harmonious, suddenly went into chaos. No matter men or women, as long as they had nothing to do with themselves, they kept retreating. Ye Xiao's sudden attack completely scared them. They didn't want to be watched by this madman.

Yes, ye Xiao at the moment is a madman in their eyes. He is even more mad than Bai choufei. This is the birthday party of others. Even if there is a slight contradiction between the two sides, even if you want to teach that guy a lesson, you don't have to do it here.

Well, even if you can't help it, you can't help beating the other person. But now, first of all, people's noses are smashed to pieces, and now even their arms are broken. Is this still human?

Too cruel, too bloody

Is there no royal law in his eyes?

Lin's heartless face also cooled down. Even he didn't expect Ye Xiao to fight directly at the banquet. Moreover, he was so cruel that he completely abandoned Lin Shizhan in such a short time.

When he saw Lin Shizhan, who was hardly a human being, a nameless anger appeared in his heart

You are just a gangster in Jinghai city. You are so rampant in the imperial city. Do you think this is Jinghai city?

However, after being angry, Lin Wuqing quickly calmed down, and even felt a little happy. Originally, he only intended to make trouble for ye Xiao at the party, but he was still trying to make trouble for him. However, it was only a long time ago that he couldn't help it. Although it was beyond his plan, it was better. Now he made Lin Shizhan look like this, which is not what he wanted to see Is that right?

"Ye Xiao, stop it. This is Kyoto. It's not a place where you can fool around..." Lin ruthlessly exclaimed, and his face showed an angry look. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's hurt.

"Nonsense? He he, Lin heartless, you shouldn't be in politics... " In the face of Lin's heartless exclamation, ye Xiao sneers and stares at Lin mercilessly with a pair of flaming eyes.

"Well?" People are all stunned, Lin family so huge force, Lin heartless does not enter politics to do? Isn't this a waste of resources?

"You should be an actor. It's not easy to get an Oscar..." Ye Xiao said with a sarcastic smile.

"What do you mean?" This time, it was the man named Ma Tianyue who spoke.

"What do you mean? Hehe, smile, I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't have come today, and we've made trouble for you. Xiao Feng, let's go... " Ye Xiao sneered, he is really rare and Lin heartless, such people say more.

After tonight's experience, he can see the man's mind. He is a good at calculating.

No wonder he was able to take the position of secretary of the municipal Party committee at such an age. It seems that in addition to the resources of the Lin family, he also has great political talent.

However, ye Xiao does not like such a person, and it is quite disgusting, which involuntarily reminds him of Shangguan Wudao.

He prefers people like Bai choufei. Even as an opponent, he also admires each other's behavior. He can't stand to say what he wants to do. He can't stand to say it directly. He will never do so many tricks like Lin Wuqing.

"What? You want to go if you hurt someone? " Seeing that ye Xiao was about to leave, a man in black came out behind Lin Qingqing and sneered. With his words, several strong men surrounded Ye Xiao in the center

"Want to fight?" Seeing these people put on this posture, ye Xiao also sneered.

It's just wishful thinking to stop him

Tan Xiaoxiao was so anxious that if ye Xiao and Lin were allowed to fight each other mercilessly, ye Xiao would suffer in the end. This is Lin's heartless territory.

"Lin..." Tan Xiaoxiao is about to persuade Lin Wuqing, but before he speaks, he is interrupted by Lin ruthlessly.

"Xiaoxiao, you can see it today. It's not that I don't sympathize with you. It's your friends who are really too much. Others can be forgiven. But he beat Lin Shizhan like this. Do you think I can let him leave so easily?" Lin is merciless and helpless.

"But..." Tan Xiaoxiao also wanted to say something, but this time she was interrupted by Ye Xiao.

"Smile, you don't have to say anything more. He arranged all these things just to force me to do it. In this case, I will help him..." Ye Xiao snorted coldly. His voice had just dropped. His body had already turned around and rushed to Lin mercilessly.

Seeing ye Xiao's attack on Lin Qingqing, the other people's faces changed. They didn't think ye Xiao would dare to attack Lin mercilessly. Don't he know that Lin is the lineage of the Lin family? Moreover, I am still the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Changyun city. If he beats government officials so openly, he is not afraid to be taken out and shot?

At the same time, the man named Ye Xiao left behind has stepped forward to Lin Qingqing. Lin Qingqing is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, not a gangster on the street. He can't fight. If Lin Wuqing is beaten here, this guy will die, but Lin's face will be lost. In their position, the most important thing is Isn't it a matter of face?This is related to the reputation of the whole Lin family

Without any pause, the man turned his wrist, and a half foot long dagger appeared in his hand, and his backhand hit Ye Xiao's chest

"Be careful..." Ouyang Qianqian, Huang lingyao almost cried out at the same time, and Tan Xiaoxiao almost cried out, but she swallowed the words to her mouth.

As for Lin Wuqing, he has already stepped back at full speed at the moment, and the other four people also jumped at Ye Xiao from several other directions. They all have a bright dagger in their hands. It seems that they want to kill Ye Xiao.

No one thought that such a problem would happen at Tan Xiaoxiao's birthday party. How come even the knife has been taken out now?

What's more, it's true to leave Ye Xiao here, but it's not people, it's life

"Shit..." Seeing that ye Xiao is surrounded by each other, Xiao Feng swears and is about to rush forward. However, he hears Lin's cold voice: "Xiao Feng, you are not Xiao Zhentian's son..."

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue, directly in Xiao Feng's head, Xiao Zhentian, that is the real sense of the master of the Kyoto underworld.

Kyoto is the imperial city of China and the political center. In such a place, it can also establish its own underworld Empire, which is enough to show that this man is powerful. If Xiao Zhentian is here, even Lin Qingqing has to retreat. Even if he is a famous family like Lin family, he does not dare to provoke Xiao Zhentian easily.

It's a legend. It's a myth. It belongs to Xiao Zhentian, not his Xiaofeng. Although his surname is Xiao, he is not Xiao Zhentian's son, but a distant nephew of Xiao Zhentian

Once he joined in this, in order to calm down the anger of the Lin family, Xiao Zhentian would certainly clean up the door himself

Losing an unimportant relative in exchange for Lin family's forgiveness or goodwill is definitely the most normal reaction for Xiao Zhentian

However, it was just a moment of hesitation, and Xiao Feng stepped forward again. Ye Xiao is his brother. For his brother, even if he died, how about

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