Almost instantaneously, Xiao Feng has already rushed over and kicked a man in black directly. The man is stabbing Ye Xiao's back heart with a knife. Hearing that the cold is coming from his back, he can only turn around and resist it. No, he just turns around and strokes his backhand to Xiao Feng's calf

Xiao Feng is frightened. He quickly retracts his legs and avoids the stroke. However, the man no longer attacks Ye Xiao. Instead, he steps forward and stabs Xiao Feng's heart directly. He even wants to kill Xiao Feng with a knife.

Since they choose to start here, they will not have any scruples

Feeling the chill from the dagger, Xiao Feng's body retreated back again. However, because of the reason that he had just stepped out of his feet, the speed of his retreat could not match the speed of his opponent's dagger. However, Xiao Feng could only raise his arms to resist

"Hi..." The sharp dagger turned into a sharp knife and made a long bloodstain directly on Xiao Feng's arm. The two halves of the white meat turned to both sides, and then the red blood flowed out

"Xiao Feng, retreat..." Seeing Xiao Feng hurt himself, ye Xiao roared in his mouth, and then, regardless of the other three people, rushed at the man in black in front of him at full speed. When he was about to be stabbed by a dagger in his heart, his body suddenly deviated

"Hi..." The man in black almost brushed Ye Xiao's chest with his dagger, making a huge cut in his chest

Seeing ye Xiao avoid his own knife, the man in black sneers and shakes his wrist. He wants to paddle at Ye Xiao's chest. However, where would ye Xiao give him such a chance? He already has a flying knife the size of a thumb in his hand. Without any hesitation, he directly inserts it into the man in black's wrist

"Ah..." The man in black originally thought Ye Xiao would buckle his wrist. In his opinion, even if his wrist was caught by Ye Xiao, his dagger also drew a bloodstain on Ye Xiao's body, but who knew that he had a small knife in his hand.

This knife directly pierced the man in black's wrist. The dagger in his hand went down and ye Xiao picked it up

Another blood arrow shot out, and the body of the man in black was knocked back and forth, but by this time, the three men's daggers had already made three blood marks on Ye Xiao's body

The scene here has already alarmed the people around. No matter men or women, they all retreat back to the back in panic. The swords have no eyes. They don't want to stay where they are and hurt the fish pond

Soon, there was a huge space in the middle, and three bloodstains were drawn on his back. Ye Xiao didn't mean to turn back. Instead, he ran into the man in black in front of him and rushed at Lin mercilessly at full speed.

Since he wants to kill himself here, how can he be better

Although Ye Xiao also knows that once he is really dead, Lin heartless will definitely be severely punished. After all, he is a member of the dragon family, and no family dares to offend the dragon clan, especially the dragon clan now under the control of the Dragon Emperor.

But he didn't want to die, and he didn't want to die. In that case, he could only fight back

Ye Xiao's speed is extremely fast, which can't be compared with that of a politician like Lin Qingqing. When the body of the man in black is still flying upside down, ye Xiao has come to Lin Qingqing's body. Without any hesitation, he will blow a blow at Lin's heartless heart

Even if you can't kill him here, you can beat him

But at this time, a blade of light suddenly lit up, and then cut off in the air, which directly cut off all the attack routes of Ye Xiao, unless he was willing to split his body into two

This is the most amazing knife light

What's more, it's a sharp blade

Retreating, without any hesitation, ye Xiao's body, which had been advancing rapidly, retreated rapidly, but as soon as he retreated, he was surrounded by the three people behind him.

A more terrifying man, also dressed in black, did not know when he had appeared in front of Ye Xiao, and his left hand was holding a spatula

How can you hold it?

However, in the eyes of the public, this man is holding the knife and directly chopped at Ye Xiao

There are sharp knives in front and three daggers in the back. Ye Xiao is almost forced into a desperate situation

"Lin heartless, don't force me..." Forced to such a desperate situation, ye Xiao snorted angrily. Then he saw his legs push hard, and his body suddenly ejected. He jumped out of the spot nearly two meters

This jump completely avoided the attack of three people, but this jump also forced him into a dead corner

The man in black, holding the knife, stepped forward again and made a chopping posture, while the three people in the back stood in three directions, holding the place where ye Xiao landed. As soon as ye Xiao landed, they would immediately launch a fatal attack

This is no longer a hopeless situation, but a place of death

But under such circumstances, ye Xiao has no fear in his eyes. He doesn't even blink his eyebrows. He has three more throwing knives in his hand. With a shake, the three throwing knives turn into three chills, and they directly shoot at the back three peopleThe target is their necks

No one thought that under such circumstances, he could still shoot the Throwing Knife, not to mention that he would throw the throwing knife so fast, and the throwing speed of the throwing knife was even faster than that of a bullet. Although the skills of the three men were good, they had no time to make evasion at such a close distance, so they heard "HISHI..." Sound

All the people who saw this scene were completely shocked and killed? He killed people? I killed people in front of so many people

Although many people have long known that these people want Ye Xiao's life, no one thought that ye Xiao would take the lead in killing people. Moreover, they killed so simply and without any hesitation

Even the man holding the sword flashed a look of surprise in his eyes, but he did not hesitate. The knife in his hand was still chopped at Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao's body is still in the air. Although he has solved the crisis behind him, he still has no way to avoid this perfect knife

Tan Xiaoxiao, Ouyang Qianqian, Huang lingyao, and even Da Pang and Chen tanshang all opened their eyes at the same time. Their pupils suddenly contracted together. Can ye Xiao avoid such a knife?

In the eyes of people's surprise and worry, ye Xiao, who is still in the air, has two more throwing knives at the same time, but he does not shoot at the man because he knows that when his throwing knife reaches the man's body, the opponent's blade has already cut himself in two. In such a time, the other party can completely avoid the key

It's worth the other party's life for a little injury, but it's not worth it

He doesn't want to die, let alone die

With both hands closed, the two knives in the hand were crossed together, forming a knife and fork, and then they met the shining blade

At this moment, everyone opened their eyes again. Can such a small knife resist?

"Clang..." With a crisp sound, the sharp blade was cut on the fork. The huge force directly cracked Ye Xiao's tiger mouth and spilled blood. Even two flying knives were shaken open. However, the sharp blade still went straight to Ye Xiao's head

Is he going to die?

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