With the sound of the sound, a man in white came in with a large group of men dressed as boys. When they saw the visitors, many people's faces changed slightly

"White lunatic?" Lin heartlessly snorted. He didn't expect that the visitor would be the third of the white family who had disappeared in Kyoto for several years

"Captain Yang, seriously, if you don't want you and your brothers to die on the spot, you'd better put down the gun immediately..." Bai Chou Fei didn't give the elder master Lin face at all. He ignored him directly and said to captain Yang again.

Hearing Bai choufei emphasize again, Captain Yang has no hesitation any more. He just puts the pistol down. He really doesn't want to face Ye Xiao. Now that the third young master of Bai family comes forward, even if the boss blames him, he can explain it himself

"Captain Yang? What are you doing? He was the killer? Are you not responsible for the killing of someone in your Zijin garden? " Seeing a group of security guards put down the muzzle of the gun directly, Lin ruthlessly snorted.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? At any rate, he is also the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of a city. How can this basic legal knowledge be regarded as security, not public security? What does it have to do with the arrest of murderers? Besides, who was the murderer? Did you see it Bai choufei also knows that it is very difficult for him to do so. He does not give him a chance to speak at the moment, so he goes back directly

"Nonsense, he killed three of my men in front of so many people, and everyone here saw it..." Lin is heartless and angry. What's the relationship between this guy and ye Xiao? Why is he on the side of Ye Xiao?

"Killed three of your men? Why don't your three men want to kill him, and he's just defending himself? " Bai choufei sneered and did not pay any attention to the eldest young master of the Lin family

"White madman, are you sure you want to take care of this?" Seeing that Bai choufei is aiming at himself everywhere, Lin Wuqing is completely cold. He doesn't want to say anything more to Bai choufei, and says

"Guan? I'm not a police officer. I don't care what I do. But my father told me when I was young that I should stand up to heaven and never speak with conscience. I'm just telling the truth now... " Bai choufei sneered

"OK, OK, OK, the white maniac is the white madman. Tianyue, call director Ma and say that there is a homicide case here, and ask him to deal with it immediately..." Lin ruthlessly suppressed the anger in his heart and said faintly.

"Well..." Ma Tianyue nodded immediately. The so-called director Ma is the director of the Branch Bureau of Beijing metropolitan area and Ma Tianyue's father

Bai choufei frowns at Lin's merciless arrangement. It seems that Lin has already planned all this. Of course, maybe he didn't expect that things would be so big and that there would be human lives. But from his call for Ma Tianyue, we can see that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to send Ye Xiao to the police station.

If it's a general fight, ye Xiao will suffer a lot if he goes in. However, it's obviously beyond the scope. Once Ye Xiao is brought in, he will probably be sentenced to death

"Give me the weapon..." Bai choufei comes directly to Ye Xiao and reaches out his right hand to him

Ye Xiao frowns and doesn't understand what Bai choufei wants to do, but after a brief hesitation, he gives all his throwing knives to Bai choufei

"Ziyuan..." Bai choufei called to the group of people behind him

"San Shao, I'm here..." At this time, a small man with a dispirited look emerged from the crowd and came directly to Bai choufei.

Bai Chou Fei directly handed all the throwing knives in his hand, and then said faintly, "do you know how to do it?"

The man named Ziyuan was stunned. Then he turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao. Then he looked at Bai choufei. Finally, he nodded his head vigorously: "understand..."

After that, Ziyuan put all the throwing knives into his arms, and then went to the three corpses. In front of so many people, he pulled out those flying knives and stabbed them directly in front of them

The blood splashed all over him, and the whole person immediately turned into a bloody man

Seeing such a scene, everyone was staring at Ziyuan, what was he doing? Isn't that crazy? Only Lin's merciless brow frowned tightly

"Three little, ok..." After stabbing several knives in succession, Ziyuan stood up and said to Bai Chou Fei with a serious face.

"Ziyuan, why did you kill them?" Bai Chou Fei said coldly.

When he said this, everyone was surprised. It was Ye Xiao who killed these people. Just now Ziyuan stabbed the corpse a few times. Everyone saw that. How could he ask such a question?

However, some people have already understood what Bai choufei wants to do, and they all stare at Bai choufei. As for Lin, his face is completely gloomy.

"Sorry, San Shao, I didn't mean to kill them. They had to kill me first. I had to fight back..." Zi Yuan said solemnly.As soon as he said this, everyone was surprised again. The eyes that looked at Gong Ziyuan one by one were full of horror.

Now, even a fool knows that Bai choufei wants him to be the scapegoat, but he doesn't say a word more, so he agrees. Doesn't he know that such a result is likely to be killed?

After all, there are three homicide cases here

Of course, there are so many witnesses at the scene, but at their level, they have already reached the level of "pointing the deer for a horse". The decision of a lawsuit depends not on the amount of evidence, nor on the number of witnesses, but on the power behind each other.

What's more, Bai choufei has already made it clear that she should stand up for ye Xiao. No matter how she fights in the end, it has nothing to do with Ye Xiao

People were killed by Gong Ziyuan, which he admitted himself. Can you say anything else?

These things are very unfair to ordinary people, but for those in high positions, it is the most normal thing.

The law is just a weapon made by these privileged people to restrict the vulnerable groups.

They are totally above the law

The reason why these people were shocked was that Gong Ziyuan was so loyal to Bai choufei that if Bai choufei said a word or even a look from him, he could die for him immediately without even frowning.

Not only Gong Ziyuan, but also the group of people after Bai Chou's flight, ordinary people and the children of the aristocratic family all have fanaticism in their eyes. Even if they are asked to do the same for ye Xiao, they will not frown.

They are all a group of lunatics. Although their number is small, the power represented by these dandies in the huge forbidden city is like a drop in a bucket. However, when these madmen gather together, they will definitely break out the power that frightens everyone

Lin merciless is looking at Bai choufei with surprise on his face. Up to now, he has no way to understand. What kind of way did Bai choufei, a four legged guy, use to brainwash these people and make them die for themselves?

However, ye Xiao's eyes flashed clear. If this happened in Jinghai City, if he needed it, countless brothers would shed their blood for him. In the end, he was the same kind of person as Bai choufei

Arrogant but affectionate

"Two choices, one, this is the end, two, you die, I escape..." At the same time, ye Xiao turns around and looks at Lin heartless. He spits out these words coldly

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