A force of evil spirit emanates from ye Xiao's body. Lin is merciless. Even if he is the only one who faces such evil spirit, he is also a little uncomfortable

Although he didn't understand why Bai choufei would spend so much blood to help himself, and even found a scapegoat for himself, ye Xiao didn't like to apologize for other people's feelings without any reason, especially if it was related to a life. No matter what psychology Gong Ziyuan suffered for himself, he didn't want to see it. In such a situation, he could only use himself To solve this problem.

And the two suggestions he put forward are very simple. This is the end of the matter. Everyone thinks that nothing has happened. If they leave, you will continue to hold your party. If you don't agree, you will be killed here. Then I will escape from here

Very simple words, very straightforward words, if other people say so, especially in the face of duyidao, Lin Wuqing will not hesitate to let people catch it, but the speaker is replaced by Ye Xiao. When he sees Du Yidao's frown, Lin is merciless and silent.

Now Bai choufei has obviously stepped in, and even scapegoats have been found. It seems not so easy for him to attack Ye Xiao through this incident. However, he will not doubt that if he is forced to rush this guy, he will kill himself recklessly.

This is absolutely not what Lin heartless wants to see. He doesn't want to die, even if there is any damage.

"I'll run away if you die, ye Xiao. I can't implicate the family, so I can't help you kill this guy. But if you really want to do something, it's OK to help you stop this uncle..." When Lin was indecisive, Bai Chou Fei also stood up and said with a smile.

But his eyes also fell on Du Yidao's body. He felt Bai choufei's strong breath. Du Yidao's brow was even more wrinkled. Bai choufei said frankly that he would not be merciless to Fu Lin, but if he just intercepted him, even if the Lin family investigated him down, he would not be able to do anything to him. After all, people were not killed by him

"Young master, after all, they are Miss Tan's friends..." Lin heartless knows that if there is only one ye Xiao, he still has a little confidence to keep Lin heartless. Once he adds a white sorrow fly, he will surely die. His responsibility is to protect Lin heartless. Naturally, he doesn't want the other party to really kill him. If Lin ruthless makes any mistakes, how can he be worthy of the Lin family's father.

"Well, for the sake of smiling, let's just let it go." Hearing the words of duyidao, Lin Qingqing understands that even Du Yidao is not sure to stop Ye Xiao. In such a case, if he still insists on it, then these two madmen may really want to attack themselves.

He is not willing to take such a risk

"Ha ha ha Let's go... " Seeing Lin Wuqing's subdued appearance, Bai choufei laughed, waved to Gong Ziyuan, turned around and left

Hearing Bai choufei's call, Gong Ziyuan's heart was finally released. He didn't need to die. He also cast a look of gratitude to Ye Xiao. He knew that if ye Xiao didn't insist, he would be his scapegoat today.

It seems inconceivable that he died instead of Ye Xiao, and now I still want to thank him. However, for those who are in high positions, this is a normal thing. Especially Gong Ziyuan, who has no background, can be a follower of Bai choufei. He is ready to sacrifice for him

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more. He took a look at Tan Xiaoxiao, shook his head gently, and then quickly left with Xiao Feng and others

Seeing ye Xiao's actions, Tan Xiaoxiao understands that he is reassuring himself. He will deal with these things. Although he does not understand how ye Xiao suddenly gets on well with Bai Chou, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly has an intuition that ye Xiao is no longer the one who had nothing at that time.

How long has it been since I came to Kyoto? I've been in a relationship with Shangguan Fei and Bai choufei. What kind of power does he have behind him?

Even Lin Wuqing suffered a great loss in his hands. Suddenly, she felt that she couldn't see through Ye Xiao

Thank you very much Out of the hall, ye Xiao said to Bai choufei. No matter what reason Bai choufei helped him, he helped him in the end. Without Bai choufei's help, if he wanted to solve this matter peacefully today, he could only sacrifice the dragon's signboard, which was the last thing he wanted to see. Unless he had to, he could never expose his dragon family Membership.

Especially before Miyamoto Musashi comes to deal with himself, he must not reveal his identity. Otherwise, he does not know what kind of killers the dark moon alliance will arrange

"It's a piece of cake..." Bai choufei smiles and shakes his head. Today, he is really happy to see Lin mercilessly suffer such a big loss

Ye Xiao didn't say any more words of thanks and no more polite things. When dealing with people like Bai choufei, he didn't need to say so much nonsense. Some things just need to be kept in mind

After saying goodbye to Bai choufei, Ouyang Qianqian asks Ye Xiao and others to go to the hospital first, but he is stopped by Ye Xiao. What he and Xiao Feng have suffered are knife wounds. How can those Jinchuang medicines in the hospital compare with those of the dragon people? They just ask them to buy some gauze and go back to the bedroom.As for Bai choufei, he stayed in Zijin garden. When such a big thing happened in Zijin garden, he always needed to explain a few words to the boss of Zijin garden. After all, no one would like to provoke those big men behind Zijin court

At this time, in the northern city of Kyoto, an ordinary quadrangle had no electric light on, but some lanterns were hung under the eaves. The red light was shining down, as if the whole courtyard was covered with a layer of wedding dress.

Under a grape trellis in the middle of a quadrangle, a man in a robe sits on a simple bamboo chair. In front of him, there is a chessboard. The man holds the sunspot in his left hand and the white one in the right hand. The falling speed is not ambiguous at all. In terms of connotation, every drop is a delicate step. If we let those professional chess players If you see it, you will be surprised.

At this time, a man in a black suit and wearing a huge sunglasses at night rushed in from the outside and came to the man's side. As if afraid of being heard by others, he put his mouth to the man's ear and whispered a few words.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? " The man seemed to hear something funny, frowned slightly, and then raised his head to continue to ask.

"Well..." The sunglasses man nodded his head.

"Hehe, it seems that our colleague is a bomb. Wherever we go, there will be disturbances. It seems that the Forbidden City will not be peaceful..." The man smiles a little

"Do you want to call the young master back? This time his appearance has aroused the discontent of the Lin family... " Sunglasses man said respectfully

"No, Fei Er has mentioned that guy several times. I didn't care much about it before, but now it seems that this guy is really interesting. Let feng'er follow you, and you should be able to learn a lot..." The man in the robe shook his head gently.

"But big brother, this guy's identity is special. If he comes to Kyoto, he has other purposes. With the personality of a young master, once he gets too close to him, in case..." The man in sunglasses looks thoughtful

"It depends on his own choice..." The man in the robe directly interrupts the conversation of the man with sunglasses, and there is a flash of light in his eyes

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