"I see..." The sunglasses man did not say anything more, and then he bowed to the man and went out respectfully

When the sunglasses left the courtyard, the corner of the robe man's mouth appeared a smile that ordinary people can't detect: "fei'er, I hope this time, you can't mistake people..."

After saying that, the man once again took up the white son and began to go down, as if nothing had happened

At the University of business and economics, a black Audi car stopped at the school gate. Then she saw the door of the back seat open. Tan Xiaoxiao, who had been changed into a simple casual suit, stepped out of the car. With her, Lin Wuqing

"I'm sorry, Xiaoxiao. I wanted to have a good party for you. I didn't expect these things to happen..." An apologetic expression appeared on Lin's face, as if he was really sad.

"It's ok..." Tan Xiaoxiao shook her head, turned and walked towards the school. She was not a fool. Maybe there were some doubts before. Then when those people wanted to kill Ye Xiao, she had completely understood that all these were arranged by Lin mercilessly. Without Lin's merciless command, how could his friends easily offend their own friends.

She did not expect that Lin, who had always been polite, would have such a mean side.

Before that, although she didn't like Lin Qingqing, at least she didn't hate it. She just instinctively rejected the pressure of the family. For Lin, she still regarded him as a big brother. But after today, she felt that this man was so disgusting.

If it wasn't for the pressure of the family, if it wasn't for the promise of Tan Zixiong, she would definitely turn over with Lin on the spot.

But even if she resisted, it was difficult to change her view on Lin's ruthlessness. She just wanted to stay away from this man, the further away the better

"Smile, I'm sorry, I do this for our future, I don't want anyone to interfere with our life..." Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao turn around and leave, Lin heartless eyes flash a touch of anger, but he was forced to suppress down.

"Interference? Hehe, don't worry. I'm not that kind of woman, and I won't do things that I'm sorry for your Lin family. But please stay away from my friends in the future... " Tan Xiaoxiao sneered, no longer pay attention to Lin heartless, directly into the school gate

Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao's pretty figure gradually disappearing into the night, Lin's heartless face is strangely ugly. In his mind, ye Xiao's hateful face appears unconsciously, and then he smashes it hard and gets into the Audi.

"Lin Chao, tell Chu batian that I promise to see him..." After getting into the car, Lin ruthlessly said to the Secretary sitting in the co driver's seat.

"Yes, Secretary..." Secretary Lin was very surprised. He didn't understand why the Secretary suddenly agreed to Chu batian. You know, Chu batian was carrying several homicide cases. If he was found out, he might not be able to erase my stain all his life. However, as a secretary, he naturally had the consciousness of being a secretary. He knew that many things were not what he should ask, what he needed to do was to finish well Leadership arrangements

The black Audi starts slowly. Lin Wuqing sits in the back seat of the Audi car and looks at the huge school of business and economics university. There is a bleak look in his eyes: "Tan Xiaoxiao is my woman, ye Xiao, you will never have a chance..."

At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory building, but there was no one in the dormitory building, which made her very surprised. It was so late, how could Qianqian and her family not come back? Did you accompany Ye Xiao and others to the hospital?

At the thought of Ye Xiao's injury, she felt a pang of pain in her heart. She quickly took out the phone and got through to Ouyang Qianqian

"Hello, Qian Qian, which hospital are you in? How are their injuries? " The phone has just been connected, Tan Xiaoxiao asked directly.

"No, we are in Ye Xiao's bedroom. Are you back? Come and have a look when you come back... " Ouyang Qianqian's tone is a little heavy, seems to be very angry about this matter.

Tan Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Qianqian are girlfriends who grew up when they were young. Naturally, they heard Ouyang Qianqian's dissatisfaction in their hearts. With a bitter smile, they picked up the phone and walked to the dormitory building where ye Xiao and others were.

At this time, in the 808 bedroom, the lights are bright. Ye Xiao is sitting on a chair with her upper body bare. Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao are sitting on both sides of him, dressing his wound, while Li Shiqin is dressing Xiao Feng's wound on the other side.

"Ye Xiao, what kind of medicine is that? How can it work so well? I can't feel the pain now? " To be able to have a beauty like Li Shiqin bandaging the wound, Xiao Feng is happy to bloom in his heart, which is even more comfortable than the fragrance of tea.

If there is such a beautiful woman to help bandage the wound every day, even if he is chopped several times a day, he would like to

"This is a Jinchuang medicine sent by a friend of mine. Their family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. It must be much better than those in the hospital..." Ye Xiao answers casually, but her eyes fall on Ouyang Qianqian in front of her.

Accompanied by a beautiful woman, Xiao Feng has already felt happy to die. What's more, ye Xiao is accompanied by two beauties? And the most important thing is that no matter Huang lingyao or Ouyang Qianqian, they are not hostile to each other at the moment, but are seriously bandaging Ye Xiao.Huang lingyao, standing behind Ye Xiao, is using a cotton swab to disinfect her wound, while Ouyang Qianqian squats in front of him to bandage his arm.

"Family of traditional Chinese medicine? Hey hey, does your friend have any kind of medicine like golden gun not pouring pills? I heard that the old Chinese doctors are very good at this... " Xiao Feng's face immediately showed an evil smile, the result directly attracted Li Shiqin's white eyes, this guy, how is not serious at all?

"What? Can't you do it now? If it doesn't work, I can ask him for you... " Ye Xiao is also speechless by Xiao Feng. There are three beauties on the scene. How dare you say such a thing?

"Not for me, but for you..." Who expected that Xiao Feng didn't mean to close his mouth, but continued to tease

"I use it?" Ye Xiao was stunned, and he was going to be furious. Brother, I'm known as the jade gun little Lang Jun. what seven times a night is a piece of cake for me. Do you still need those things? Isn't that insulting?

But he had not refuted it. Xiao Feng continued to say, "yes, you are embracing each other now. If you don't need that thing, can you do it? You can't just satisfy one of them... "

"To die..." Originally, Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao were just listening there. Who knows that Xiao Feng's words will lead to the fire of war on them. Now the two girls are furious, grab everything around them and smash them at Xiao Feng

At this time, the door of the bedroom suddenly opened. Tan Xiaoxiao, wearing a suit of casual clothes, stood at the door. Seeing several people who were fighting, he was very surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

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