"Smile, you're here at the right time. Please do justice for me..." Xiao Yiduo seems to be wronged when he sees his arrival

"Smile, don't listen to his nonsense. This son of a bitch is a scum..." Ouyang Qianqian also swears and throws the gauze bag out

"What a scum, I'm telling you the truth. You two are so nice to Ye Xiao..." Xiao Feng Shua to avoid Ouyang Qianqian hit the gauze bag, while running outside, the side of the mouth without cover.

On hearing this, Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao are naturally shy, but Tan Xiaoxiao, standing at the door, turns pale. They look up at Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao. They stay close to Ye Xiao one after another, as if they are really a family.

Although she hopes Qianqian and ye Xiao can get on well with her heart, when she suddenly hears this sentence, her heart still feels a pang of pain for no reason

"Smile, you block the door, don't let that guy run away..." Ouyang Qianqian doesn't notice the abnormality of Tan Xiaoxiao. She grabs a pillow and pours at Xiao Feng

"Well, Qian Qian, don't make trouble. He's still injured. By the way, how are your injuries?" But soon, Tan Xiaoxiao adjusted her own mentality. All of this was due to myself. She was born in a family that could not control her own destiny.

He once made resistance, but the result of resistance is still compromise. What can I do when things have come to this stage? The only thing I can do is to bless them and wish them true happiness

"It's OK. It's just some skin injuries..." Tan Xiaoye still shakes his head. He can see it

Hearing Ye Xiao say that he is OK, Tan Xiaoxiao is relieved. As for Xiao Feng, who is on the other side, crying and howling, he is seriously injured, but who will pay attention to him

The four beauties played in the 808 bedroom for a while, and they didn't talk about the party. Everyone knew that it had nothing to do with Tan Xiaoxiao. Even they understood that the most difficult thing was Tan Xiaoxiao

In the bedroom, a lot of laughter

The night is getting deeper and deeper. However, for Kyoto, there is no big difference between day and night. When neon lights are on and beams of lights are emitted from all over the place, the originally dark sky is illuminated with purplish red, just like the colorful sunset at dusk, which is indescribable beautiful.

And for the major entertainment venues, this time is also the most lively time.

This is the most famous club in Kyoto. People who come here to consume are either rich or expensive. Here you can find any woman you want to find, mature, pure, literary and artistic. Of course, even those second and third tier stars can also be found here. Even if you have money, you can also meet those stars in the front line through here If it is just a chat, talk about life, or can do.

It can be said that the real rich people's paradise, but many people do not know that

But in the purple house

In the eastern suburb of Kyoto, there is an amusement park built in the 1980s. However, this playground has been closed for a long time. At this time, it has been transformed into a small park. During the day, the park is free of charge, but at night, the gate is locked and no one is allowed to enter.

At this time, a black Audi slowly drove to the backyard of the park, which was covered by barbed wire. However, there was a big hole in this area, which was enough for a person to enter freely.

The Audi stopped at the entrance of the cave, then Lin Wuqing, dressed in a suit, stepped down from the car and waved to the Audi. The Audi started again and soon disappeared into the night.

After a look at the worn-out barbed wire hole, Lin heartless has no expression of dissatisfaction on his face, and goes straight into it

Then he walked along a path that was trampled out, and finally passed through a piece of grass and came to a cave in front of

The cave looks rather shabby, and even many places are covered with spider webs. It looks like a broken cave that no one enters all the year round. With the help of the neon light in the night sky, Lin Wuqing can clearly see two words on the cave, purple house

How can a hole be a house?

Lin heartless did not think about these problems, so a person alone into the cave, the cave is not a dark, especially when turning a corner, into the other side, there are some only a dozen watts of incandescent lamps, dim light although not bright, but it is enough for lighting.

Lin ruthlessly frowned and seemed dissatisfied, but he didn't stop at his feet. He went straight ahead and walked across the corridor to a steel door. At this time, at the gate of the iron gate, there was a man in jeans with a giant spider tattooed on his neck

"Young master Lin, please..." Obviously, the man has seen Lin Qingqing more than once. Seeing Lin Qingqing coming this way, he opens the iron gate for him respectfullyThe iron door has just opened, a violent heavy metal music is coming, as if to shock the heart of human beings. Even if the old way is ruthless, there is also an impulse to dance with music

A foot into the steel, the iron door of everything is all eye-catching.

This is an underground square with an area of tens of thousands of square meters. The center of the square is a huge round stage. At this moment, it is on the round stage

There was another loud explosion at the scene, and then a second person rushed up, but he had more money than the first one

In short, if you want to be disordered, you will be more disordered

Of course, these are normal. The most shocking thing is that in the southeast corner of the hall, a thin man is tied to a stone pillar. A man with a fat body, a suit and a gold necklace with a thick thumb on his neck is holding a dagger

Another stab in, the blood of the road, and the thin man also made a huge scream, but the music of heavy metal is too loud, except to see his mouth shape, do not know what he is calling

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