"Killing Mademoiselle game, a knife million, if you stab a person to death, compensation of 100 million is also calculated..." See Lin heartless in this scene more than a few seconds, the man smile to explain a sentence.

Lin's heartless heart was shocked. It's really a heaven. Here, as long as you have money, you can do anything you want

Under the leadership of the man, Lin mercilessly crossed the square and came to a huge metal door again. On both sides of the metal door stood two rows of people in black with indifferent expressions. From them, Lin Wu was affected by the breath of death. This is definitely a group of murderous demons. They are guarding here, even those who drink too much are nobody Come here to find something.

The gate was pushed open from the inside, and then we saw eight girls in white gauze kneeling down toward Lin mercilessly. They were beautiful in appearance and attractive in figure, especially the two groups in front of their chest. They were shaking, which made people want to press them under their bodies and knead wildly.

Lin heartless is also a person who has seen the world. Naturally, he will not be disturbed by the present situation. He directly steps on the red carpet and finally comes to a huge stone hall.

There is a huge stone table in the stone hall, which is full of all kinds of rare food and wine. There are 16 girls who have nothing to wear kneel around the stone table, holding a tray with both hands, on which are all kinds of rare food and wine

At the moment, a man in a long black shirt and rough application is sitting at one end of the stone table. Seeing Lin mercilessly come in, the man immediately stands up from his seat with a friendly smile on his face.

"Mr. Lin, please..."

"Chu batian, you really can enjoy it..." Without any fear, Lin went straight to another empty chair on the stone table and sat down. A young girl immediately handed over a white hot towel

"Ah, Mr. Lin, you don't know that. I can't leave here because of the last words. Since I can't leave here, I can only enrich my life a little bit..." When talking about this, Chu batian was helpless

"Ha ha, you can't leave here for half a step to create such a foundation. Chu batian, you are worthy of being as famous as Xiao Zhentian..." Lin mercilessly used the towel on his hand and threw it on the girl's face. He had never seen the girl. He played with more women, and naturally he would not be confused by this posture

"Haha "When he talked about this, Chu batian just laughed, but his eyes flashed a cold and bitter light. It seemed that he didn't want to hear the name Xiao Zhentian.

"You help me kill a man, and I'll help you break the old words, OK?" Seeing Chu batian's brilliant appearance, Lin Wuqing grabs a glass of red wine on the table and drinks it down in one gulp, and then directly states the purpose of his coming.

"Who?" Chu batian was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that a politician like Lin Qingren would have such a direct side

"Ye Xiao..." Lin gave a cold hum.

"Ye Xiao? The president of Jinghai Longyao association Chu batian is shocked?

"Ha ha, it seems that although you are here, the news is not backward at all. Yes, it is him. Dare you?" Lin heartlessly sneered

"Mr. Lin, this is Kyoto, not Jinghai city. What can I dare not..." Chu batian also snorted coldly

"Well, I'll wait for your good news..." Lin heartlessly sneered

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, it won't disappoint you. I'll stay here tonight. My man just found a Persian cat. He's still a baby. He should like it..." Chu batian also has a smile on his face. Lin is the only one who can help him to relieve his past words. As long as he does not have that layer of shackles, with his strength, he will be able to continue to call on the wind and rain in Kyoto. Xiao Zhentian will take back the things that Xiao Zhentian once seized

Lin pitilessly nodded and did not refuse again. He knew that from now on, Chu batian would be the man tied to a boat with him

I didn't expect that after so many years of patience, I still have to use this method. Ye Xiao, if you can force me to use this skill, you will be proud even if you are dead As time went by, with the help of Ouyang Qianqian and others, the task given by Yang Ning to Ye Xiao was completed perfectly

The next thing is about basketball games. As the largest department of Jingmai University, the Department of economics and management is excellent in all aspects, but it is only in sports that the scores are poor. Especially in the last few basketball games, the results are all at the bottom. This makes the big fat in charge of this very helpless. When he was in high school, he was the main force of the school team, and their school was also Since then, he has been crying for a strong team

In such a large economic management department, there are many players who play basketball, but they are all on the computer. When he comes to the real basketball court, he can single out the basketball team of the Department of economics and management, which makes him very disappointed. Fortunately, Xiao Feng said that he can also play basketball, and when he saw Xiao Feng's skills, he found some comfortBut basketball is a matter of five people, even if the strength of two people is strong, it is impossible to rely on two people to be able to play? Helpless, fat will ye Xiao and Chen Dan Shang also recruited into the basketball team.

Ye Xiao doesn't know how to play basketball. He hasn't even played basketball once. However, it should have been his job, but he was lazy and handed it to Da Pang. Now when Da Pang finds him, he is not easy to refuse, so he has to promise to join the basketball team, but he states in advance that he won't play basketball, just as a substitute

Naturally, Da Pang doesn't say much. Anyway, ye Xiao and Chen tanshang are just trying to make up a number of people. Who called the group of guys in the Department of economics and management only like to play computer instead of basketball?

Hearing Ye Xiao say that he can't play basketball, Xiao Feng is excited. Ever since he got to know ye Xiao, he has immediately changed from a leading role to a foil, or a kind of advanced foil. No matter how excellent he is, he will set off the perfection of Ye Xiao in the end. This time, he can finally make a big show, relying on his own ball skills and his handsome appearance, On the basketball court, I don't know how many water cabbages can die. My brother's tragic abstinence life should be over

Ye Xiao doesn't know Xiao Feng's idea. He really doesn't know how to play basketball, and he doesn't like playing basketball. Although he has joined the basketball team, he doesn't have any sense of consciousness of the basketball team. Every time he trains, he wears a suit, sits on the sideline, either looks at beauties or plays with his mobile phone. In short, he doesn't have a look at basketball Xiao Feng and others are already sweating on the basketball court, but our classmate Ye Xiao is sitting at the edge of the court, wearing a pair of short hot pants and a low breasted suspender shirt. Huang lingyao said this, but his eyes would glance at Huang lingyao's chest from time to time

It's nice there, and it doesn't cost money. It doesn't look white, it doesn't look

"Who is Xiao Feng..." When Xiaozi, a group of men, looks like a group of men, is not one of the good men who looks forward to her

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