"What are you doing?" Ye Wuque asked Yang long.

Standing in front of himself is Yang long. He saw that ye Wuqi could find him. He was surprised and asked, "brother ye, how did you come?"

Ye Wuqi smiles awkwardly.

"I thought what you were doing when you weren't there!" While smiling, ye Wuqian asked him, "what are you doing?"

All of them laughed awkwardly.

"Ye Ge, we are going hunting later. Are you going to go?" Liu Kai handed a heavy object to Ye Wuqian.

At the beginning, I didn't feel much. When I got it, I woke up.

It turns out that Liu Kai gave him a heavy rifle!

"How could you have it in your hands?" Ye Wuqi was stunned at that time.

"Well, we still have to do something big. How can we not have something in our hands?" Speaking of this, Yang long immediately said with a smile: "Ye elder brother, this little Lin that girl doesn't know, don't let her be afraid!"

Ye Wuque smiles.

"She is my sister, I know! "While saying that, ye Wuque touched the rifle in his hand with his hand:" if you really want to do something big, I'm afraid these things don't work very well. "

After all, the people of the red dragon Gang almost have a pistol in their hands. They are still playing rifles here in the old days. They are short of other people in terms of equipment, and they are short of manpower.

"No, we still have a lot of things, ye Ge, come and have a look!" While saying, Yang long used a lighter to light up the things on the edge of here.

Ye Wuqi takes a closer look and finds that there are a lot of heavy weapons here, including pistols, organic guns, and hand grenades. It's really surprising.

"Where did you get these things?" Now ye Wuqian can't use the simple word "surprise" to describe his feelings.

Yang long smiles, but he doesn't answer ye Wuque's question.

"Brother ye, isn't it a surprise?" He asked Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuwei naturally nods. It seems that he has always looked down on Yang long, even on their gang. I didn't expect that the prisoners in a small police station could be so violent. If they really work hard, maybe they will make a big mess here.

"Now I'm thinking, you are so determined to fight with others?" Ye Wuqi looks at Yang long calmly. Although the light here is not good, he can't see the expression on Yang Long's face.

Yang long just smile, also did not answer ye Wuque's words.

"Ye Ge, I think we have nothing to miss this time. Since ah Jie and Xiao Lin's father were killed by those people, and they didn't get any punishment at all, we already know that we can't trouble others, or we have to finish these things ourselves, don't we? " When talking about this, Yang long was indignant and said to Liu Kai's group of people: "do you think so?"

"Yes A group of people roared there, very excited.

There is no lack of leaves for a long time.

He went to the weapons, squatted down and stroked them one by one with his hands. As expected, they were real materials, not fake at all.

"There should be no one in the mountains. Why are you hiding so hidden?" Ye Wuwei stands up again and stares at the group of people in the opposite direction.

"Well, we're trying to keep it as secret as possible, so that we can plan carefully, so as not to let out any information by accident, and then it will be difficult to do so." Speaking of this time, Yang long is still very considerate toward the leaf without lack of smile, completely without the slightest worry.

But ye Wuwu obviously became very worried. He is not for himself, but for Yang long and them.

Because they're taking too much risk. Not to mention that there are so many people in the red dragon gang. They can't fight in at all. Even if they do, they successfully kill Zhao erhu, the culprits. What about their results?

It's not death.

Even if they can escape safely from the red dragon Gang, they will not forgive the police and the law. Now Fenghai city is basically like this. Those who bully the red dragon gang can't bully them, but for Yang long and his "little people", they have endless strength.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences?" Ye Wuque asked Yang long.

"Yes, of course..." Yang long made a confident look and said to Ye Wuxiang: "since we decided to destroy their old nest, we don't have any chance to retreat. Brother ye, we will deal with this matter by ourselves, or please don't get involved in it, so as not to drag you down!"

Ye Wuqi was speechless again.

"Ah long, why do you need it?" He thinks he should persuade Yang long as soon as possible. Looking at them, they are just a bunch of idiots. Now it is possible to brag and brag here, but the good life just disappears. Is it right for the parents who gave birth to them and raised them?Totally wrong!

"It's OK, brother ye, it's not easy for us to have a fight with so many brothers. Since we have decided to take this road, ye should support us." Yang long laughed, and then said to Ye Wuwei again: "OK, brother ye, we will not discuss these useless things. Today we have agreed to take ye Ge up the mountain to play. We all patronize here and delay our time."

The whole Party came out of the tunnel.

"Brother Wuque, brother Yanglong, brother Kaizi, where have you been? Do you hear me? Answer me When ye Wuqian and his party had just come out of the tunnel, they immediately heard Xiao Lin's voice calling for them.

It seems that Xiao Lin doesn't know about them.

To tell you the truth, ye Wuqian felt very sorry. Not only for Yang long and them, but also Xiao Lin. It's enough to think about all the good lives that have been forced to look like this by the cruel reality of society.

Xiao Lin just came out from the front door, just saw Ye Wuwei. They also came from this side, and immediately met them.

"Brother Wuke, brother Yang long, you're back!" Xiao Lin came to them and said to them, "I just cooked some porridge. Let's eat it."

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