A group of people looked at each other and walked into the room laughing.

Ye Wuque felt a burst of sadness inexplicably, but he didn't say much.

"Brother Wu, what's the matter?" Xiao Lin seems to have found the abnormal leaf. She quickly walked to the leaf without missing a few steps in front of, a face serious looking at him.

"Oh, it's ok..." Ye Wuwei said to Xiao Lin with a strong smile: "Xiao Lin, let's go in together!"

Xiao Lin didn't know anything about them, so she didn't feel sad. She nodded and walked towards the inner room, pulling the corner of Yewu's clothes.

They eat in the living room, just like yesterday.

But this breakfast is still a little bit shabby, even the so-called guest ye Wuwu can't see it.

Because in front of everyone, there is only a bowl of porridge, and the weight is not much, there is no seasoning, just a bowl of porridge.

"Brother ye, there's nothing to eat at home recently. Don't dislike it!" Yang long saw Ye Wuqian's face showing a trace of strange, as the host of his natural some embarrassed.

Ye Wuqi naturally would not mind. He waved his hand and said with a self mocking tone: "I, maybe I have eaten more of those delicacies outside. Now I have some small white porridge, and I still feel delicious!"

Everyone laughed.

After eating several mouthfuls, Yang long put down the dishes and chopsticks on his hand. He asked Ye Wuwei with great interest: "brother ye, are you OK with Bai Qiu's sister-in-law now?"

There was no lack of leaves.

"OK, ok..." At the same time, ye Wuqian can feel the little Lin beside him, and seems to be in a bad mood.

He stopped talking.

"Oh, Fenghai University seems to be quite noisy recently. Will ye go there Although Yang long is in the mountains, he knows a lot about things outside.

"What can I do for you?" Although ye Wuwu said that he was ok, he was worried about Qu baiqiu.

Because yesterday Qu baiqiu gave him that phone call, ye Wuqian seems to be able to vaguely feel what happened to her.

He decided to call Qu baiqiu first.

While people are still there to prepare shotguns and other things, ye Wuqian starts to call Qu baiqiu.

"Brother Wumian, who are you talking to?" Ye Wuque has just picked up the mobile phone and has not had time to dial. Xiao Lin suddenly comes up from behind and looks at ye Wuque with a dull face.

"Er, that..." Now the leaf is not missing actually more and more incoherent up. He looked at the little Lin quietly, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Is it Bai Qiu's sister-in-law?" A word from that small Lin's mouth to say, appears to be so sad, so helpless.

Maybe only Xiao Lin knows. Since being rescued by Ye Wumian repeatedly, she has felt that she is more and more inseparable from his protection, and even has been used to his existence. As long as he is around, no matter how severe the situation is every time, no matter how many people there are in the other party, ye Wuqian, her brother who has no lack in her heart, can basically easily and effectively help her to deal with it.

Maybe this is dependence. This is the curse of habit. Although I know that this feeling for her brother is fruitless, up to now, as long as she sees Ye Wuqian, she will feel a burst of hope from her heart. Every time she sees ye Wuque flirting with other girls, she will become depressed and decadent.

I don't know if ye Wuqian can feel her heart.

"Yes, yes..." Ye Wuqi saw Xiao Lin staring at his own eyes. His eyes were full of burning eyes. He immediately began to become embarrassed: "that, Xiaolin, wait for me first!"

Ye Wumian quickly walked to one side.

"Oh, brother Wuwu..." Looking at the leaves of the back gradually leave, small Lin in the heart of a dark sigh.

She really want to give up, good want to take ye Wuque as her heart, simply as her brother to treat, but do not know why, she felt that she was not so easy to let go. It's like you have been used to a person's existence, but suddenly want him to disappear in your world. Clearly know that there is no result, clearly know that this is their wishful thinking, but Xiao Lin still can not give up, can not give up her feelings for the leaves.

Ye Wuqian walks to one side, picks up his mobile phone again and calls Qu baiqiu.

"Hello, is that Bai Qiu?" Ye Wuqian hears that someone has answered.

"Brother Wuke, it's me!" Actually is the small Ni receives the telephone, this lets the leaf not lack the heart's fear to become more serious.

"Oh, it's Xiaoni. Xiaoni, where's your sister baiqiu, ask her to answer the phone!" Ye Wuqi feels that his heart is still up and down, and he always feels that this is not going well.

"Oh, sister baiqiu just went shopping with sister Migu. What's the matter?" Xiao Ni's voice still sounds so lovely, so young and immature.It looks like it should be OK.

"Oh, I went shopping All right, that's fine! " Ye Wumian casually charged some things, then hung up the phone. When he turned around, he was suddenly shocked.

Because Xiao Lin didn't know when she had been standing behind him. She should have been listening to him.

"Xiao Lin, what are you doing?" At that time, ye Wuque was very angry and said to Xiao Lin, "why do you come here for a call?"

"I, I..." Xiao Lin, who had not been reprimanded by Ye Wuwu before, suddenly heard him yelling, and was immediately frightened to cry. While sobbing, she said to Ye Wuxiang: "brother Wuque, I just want to stay with you I didn't eavesdrop on your call, I didn't! "

Ye Wuqi's heart was moved. It's really pitiful for this young girl. Without her father and brothers and sisters, she can only be with her so-called big brothers. I'm afraid that she has become her last spiritual support.

Thinking of these things, ye Wuque feels sorry for Xiao Lin. If he had not been secretly plotted by Wang Sheng, had not gone to Chuzhou City for treatment, and had not been delayed for so long in collecting herbs from Tianlan mountain, he would have come back and helped Xiao Lin, which would not have caused the present situation.

"Xiao Lin, I'm sorry for you!" Cold not Ding, ye Wuque's mouth suddenly said such a word, at that time called that Xiao Lin was very surprised.

"Brother Wuke, what's wrong with me?" While saying, Xiao Lin more and more toward the leaves without lack of walk.

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