The next day was the school basketball match. They didn't know whether they had seen Ye Xiao's strength or other reasons. They didn't appear again. The basketball match went smoothly. The first opponent of the Department of economic management was the Department of tourism management, which was also a weak Department of sports.

As a result, with the strong participation of Xiao Feng and Da Pang, the Department of economic management won easily

In the next two group competitions, the Department of economic management won one victory and one defeat. Finally, the Department of economics and management, together with the computer department, which has won a total victory, entered the top eight. Maybe it is the reason for good luck. The Department of economic management was not only divided into the weakest group, but also encountered the art department which was equally weak in strength and entered the art department by luck in the last eight competitions The management department won the art department easily and advanced to the top four.

He created the best achievement in the history of the Department of economic management, which caused a sensation in the whole department of economic management. In particular, Yang Ning praised Xiao Feng and others personally.

However, everyone thinks that the economics and management department's luck has come to an end, because their fourth strongest opponent will be the most advantageous competitor for the champion, the Chinese Department

However, it is amazing that in the last round of the competition, Yao Xia, the number one center in the Chinese Department, who is known as Xiao Yao Ming, suffered a knee injury and could not recover on the day of the game

That's all. With the great strength of the Chinese Department, as long as there are three main players, they can easily beat the Department of economic management, not to mention the number one auxiliary guard Ling Feng.

However, on the day of the competition, Ling Feng's stomach disease, which had not recurred for many years, suddenly committed it, and was extremely serious. He was directly admitted to the hospital.

That's all right. With the rest of the main players, their chances of winning the economic management department were greatly increased. But one minute before the game, their three-point shooter Liu Wei suddenly received a call from his father saying that his mother had a car accident. Now he is dying. Waiting to see him for the last time, Liu Wei, who has changed his football uniform, immediately left the court and went to hospital.

This has to make people sigh that the Department of economic management is so lucky

Maybe three main players were missing. The morale of the Chinese Department was hit by the Department of economic management. At the beginning of the game, Xiao Feng was beaten by the Department of economic management, especially Xiao Feng's continuous passing and big fat's crazy dunking, and even played a small climax of 10-0

At this time, the members of the Chinese Department came to their senses and began to launch a counterattack. Relying on their strong strength, when they were about to catch up with the score, another major player slipped onto the field, broke his arm directly and had to leave the field halfway

Such a blow is a nightmare for the Chinese department. They never thought that their luck would reach such a level. At this time, Xiao Feng and Da Pang made great efforts to increase the score again.

After losing four main players, the score was opened again, and the Chinese department never caught up with it. Finally, it was eliminated by the Department of economic management

When the Department of economics and management made it to the final, everyone's eyes widened. This is definitely the biggest black horse in the basketball game of the University of business and economics in recent years.

However, when we carefully studied the experience of the Department of economic management in the final, we had to say two words: luck

Yes, incomparably powerful to the contrary to the weather Especially in the semi-finals against the Chinese Department, the goddess of fortune was on the side of the Department of economic management.

Even so many coincidental things happened together. What is the name of such adverse luck?

Even many people believe that as long as the main player of Chinese department doesn't hurt his arm, he can win the Department of economic management with his bench strength. However, all the things that should not have happened happened. They can do nothing but sigh at the injustice of fate

Many people feel deeply sad about the experience of the Chinese Department, but for the Department of economics and management, they have given the title of a lucky rookie team.

Yes, they are really rookies, just a little bit lucky

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and the basketball game of the school has entered the stage of the finals. The opponent of the Department of economic management is the Department of physical education, which is known as the most powerful team of the Department of economic and trade. Among the 11 players in the school team of the University of business and economics, seven of them are from the Department of physical education.

Besides Yao Ming, Yao Xia, the main force of the University team is from the Department of physical education

Such a lineup is hard to contend with even the Chinese department. Over the years, the sports department has been occupying the champion position. Now I see that my strongest opponent has been destroyed by the rookie team like the Department of economic management. The people in the sports department are rubbing their fists and itching, but they intend to severely abuse the Department of economic management in the competition.

Is such a team worthy of the finals? They want to avenge their school team mates

On the day of the match, the school basketball hall was full of people. It can be said that there were not so many people competing for the championship between Chinese department and sports department last year.

Many people don't come here to see the sports department, they come to see the competition of the Department of economics and management. They want to see if the lucky rookie team can really go against the weatherWhen playing the Chinese Department, the four main players of the Chinese department were absent, but now the sports department has a full lineup, and even one substitute is not missing. Under such circumstances, can economic management still create miracles?

A large part of them came to see the jokes of the economics and management department. They wanted to see how the luckiest rookie team in history would be abused by the sports department in the end

Of course, some of them came for the four beauties in the Department of economic management. They heard that all the four beauties were present in order to cheer on the Department of economic management.

At this time, there are a lot of people in the basketball hall. Tan Xiaoxiao and others are sitting next to the bench. There is no way. They are beauties. There are beauties sitting on the sidelines to cheer on. The players are more motivated, aren't they?

Xiao Feng and other main players have begun to warm up on the sidelines, while the backup players are sitting on the bench, one by one, head to this side, and want to chat up with the beauties, except ye Xiao.

He was also the only one in the bench who was still wearing a coat. The whole person leaned on the bench seat and closed his eyes. It seemed that everything on the scene had nothing to do with him. But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward to the front, where was the warm-up position of the ball players in the sports department

"Captain, that's the boy..." At this time, the other party's No. 8 is pointing to Ye Xiao, pointing to the handsome man with captain's armband and No. 10 Jersey.

"You mean Huang lingyao refused me because of that boy?" In the eyes of Xiaoye, she looks gloomy

"Yes, it's him. Huang lingyao has been very close to him these days..." No. 8 said with the same displeasure.

"Well, find a way to get him on the court I'd like to see what he can do besides fight? Huang lingyao's bitches are so determined... " The tenth snorted coldly

"Don't worry, Captain, it's up to us. In a moment, you just need to tease him well." No. 8 sneered, but his eyes were on Xiao Feng

"By the way, Li Kai, I heard that you are chasing Li Shiqin recently. You don't want to tease that guy in this competition, do you?" Seeing the eyes of No. 8, No. 10 suddenly thought of something and grinned

"Hey, Captain, you can see that..." Li Kai was a little embarrassed

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