"Ha ha, OK, let's go ahead and let these rookies see what real basketball is..." On the 10th, he laughed and patted Li Kai on the shoulder

Just as ye Xiao focuses on the two, a man in a plaid shirt appears with a faint smile in the audience

The last sentence of the Department of physical education was so loud that it was completely heard by the players of the Department of economics and management. Not only the players of the Department of economics and management, but also the fans on the spot also heard the cry. Those people in the sports department or those who supported the Department of sports began to yell at each other to teach rookies and rookies, and some people in the Chinese department made a huge banner "how lucky a dish The bird is also a rookie, and the rookie will be eaten after all... " What else is "trampling on rookies..." "Killing rookies..." Wait a minute. Seeing these banners, Xiao Feng and other people's faces become extremely ugly when they hear the shouting of sports players

"Brothers, today, let them know that we have more than just luck..." Xiao Feng said indignantly.

"Yes, the Department of physical education should let them know what is a gutter capsizing today..." Big fat also roared, he is one of the few who can win with economic management

"NIMA's is just a group of guys with big limbs and simple minds? I'm sure I'll beat them today... " Driven by Xiao Feng and Da Pang, even Chen Dan Shang, who is not easy to play the main position, is also full of confidence.

However, except for the three of them, the other players in the Department of economics and management were frustrated. The other side was a powerful sports department. Last year, they didn't even have the chance to fight with the sports department. Instead, they were divided into a group with the sports department the year before last, and they were defeated by a huge gap of 103-3.

The only three-point shot was a guy in his own team who threw it at will and got a point by luck. Otherwise, they would almost swallow zero eggs. It is almost impossible to swallow zero eggs in basketball games. From this, we can think about the gap between them?

Although the team has joined Xiao Feng, the point guard and the powerful center, their strength is better than other players at most, and they have not even been able to enter the school team. How can such strength compete with the sports department? Even if the goddess of luck is lucky, it's impossible for them to win, right?

So, except for the three who are optimistic, no one believes they can win. Their only hope is not to lose too badly

With the referee's admission, the game is about to start, and the scene is boiling again. As the leader of the economic management department, Da Pang goes forward to guess the coins and selects the venue

The five people in the Department of physical education quickly dispersed, while in the Department of economics and management, except for Xiao Feng and Da Pang, who occupied a good position, others were at a loss and even could see the tension in their eyes

However, it's impossible for them to win the championship for the first time

Big fat and Li Kai, the No.8 center of the other side, are standing in the middle circle, facing his body width twice as wide as his own, but his height is not as big as his own. Li Kai's face shows a disdainful smile

As for Da Pang, he didn't look at him at all. He just glanced at Xiao Feng

At this moment, the referee's whistle sounded, and then he saw the referee throw his basketball into the sky

Li Kai's body was strong when he stepped on the basketball, but his body didn't move when he stepped on the big ball

The basketball sends out the wind and flies to the front. In this moment, Xiao Feng's figure is like a ghost. He catches the basketball shot by Da Pang, and then runs to the other party's basket at full speed

All this happened too fast, until the basketball clapped on the ground and the sports department came to their senses

However, at this time, Xiao Feng was about to arrive at the opponent's forbidden area, and the sports department only left one person to defend. When he saw Xiao Feng rushing over, the No. 3 player sneered and bowed at Xiao Feng. In his opinion, the rookie like Xiao Feng also thought about him, which was just a dream talk

Xiao Feng didn't mean to slow down at all. He directly patted the basketball and rushed to the passer-by at full speed. As soon as his body shook, he was about to break through to the left. However, the guard was the main guard of the team. When the other side was about to reach out to intercept, Xiao Feng suddenly turned around and wanted to break through from the right.

However, the guard also sneered, as if he had expected Xiao Feng to have this move. His body also turned around and blocked Xiao Feng's basketball. But at the moment of his turn, Xiao Feng's body, which was in a rapid turn, suddenly stopped, and then flashed over from the left

"How could it be?" Don't say this defender, even if other people are staring at all this, how can his body be so flexible? How can you continue to turn around in that situation? But in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Xiao Feng's body leaped up in the air, grabbed the basketball with both hands, and buckled hard toward the basket"Pa..." No one would have thought that the Department of economic management would take the lead in scoring, and no one would have thought that the scoring time would be so fast

"Shhh..." The whistle sounded again, and the score on the huge screen became 2-0. At this time, all the people present came to their senses

"Yeah Oil supply by the management system, oil by the management system... "

"Victory must belong to the Department of economics and management..."

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, I love you just like a mouse loves rice..."

"The children of the management department, you will create miracles..." For a moment, the fans of the Department of economics and management began to shout. Even those who wanted to see whether the Department of economics and management would create miracles began to join such a camp. There were countless beauties shouting Xiao Feng's name.

It can be said that the scene of Xiao Feng's powerful dunk has deeply grasped the hearts of many girls

Even the players in the Department of economic management were shocked by the perfect blow of Xiao Feng and Da Pang. Is this the real strength of the two? At the thought of this, their low self-confidence began to awaken slowly

"Hum..." Yinchuan, the leader of the sports department, hummed, even if the economic management department scored first? Just now they were careless. He didn't believe that the other side could defeat them

The Department of physical education is worthy of being a trump card major. One by one, they quickly recovered from shock and began to launch counter attacks. Their attack speed was extremely fast. Only a short time later, they had come to the stop. The team leader yinchuanfeng made a sudden advance with the ball, left and right, and continuously passed two members of the economic management department before shooting. However, Xiao Feng's figure did not know when Hou appeared in front of him.

In the face of the man who scored his first goal, Yinchuan wind was furious, and his body kept beating basketball, trying to break through Xiao Feng's side. However, Xiao Feng did not give him any chance because he held the enemy and I did not move

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