At this time, Yinchuan Feng suddenly saw a tall figure running past him. With a sneer, his body suddenly accelerated and was about to protrude to the left of Xiaofeng. However, Xiaofeng did not let him go as expected. His body shook and stopped him again

But Yinchuan wind sneered, his body actually directly ejected, he even forced to shoot?

Xiao Feng was shocked, but his body jumped up for the first time, reached out his hand and stopped him. Just when he thought yinchuanfeng was going to shoot, yinchuanfeng turned one hand and passed the basketball directly

"Thank you, captain..." At this time, Li Kai, No. 8, has already broken through to the basket. He catches the basketball from Yinchuan wind. When his tall body kicks hard, he will slam the basket by force

He wants to let the people in the Department of economics and management know what the real strong dunk is

"Pa..." But just as Li Kai was about to push the basketball to the basket, a big palm suddenly hit the basketball and flew the basketball bat out

Li Kai's eyes are almost staring out. What's going on? When did the fat man come to him? Why don't you feel at all?

"Xiao Feng, quick..." With a roar, Da Pang ran out in front of him as soon as he landed. Although he was fat, he would gasp for breath when he walked. Once he arrived at the basketball court, he was just like a meat ball and rolled towards the restricted area of the other side

As for Xiao Feng, he has caught the basketball shot by Da Pang and launched the attack at full speed

"Come on, come back and stop him..." Yinchuan Feng was so angry that he didn't expect that Li Kai, the first center in his team, would be blocked when he dunked. This is a shame, not only for Li Kai, but also for their whole team

There is no need for yinchuanfeng's command. Except Li Kai, the players in the sports department are still in a daze. All the other players have retreated. Two more players have rushed to Xiao Feng. They have seen that the boy's body is extremely flexible, and they can't ignore it any more

Facing the obstruction of two players, Xiao Feng didn't have the slightest fear. He shook one hand and made a fake move to pass the ball. He cheated one of the players. Then he turned back to pull back and once again passed the second player. At this time, he had come to the forbidden area

Seeing that Xiao Feng is about to finish a wonderful slam dunk again, Yinchuan is in a hurry. If he makes such a reckless goal again, what is the face of his team?

With a movement, he came directly to Xiao Feng and stopped him

"Late..." This time, instead of a sneer from Xiao Feng, I saw Xiao Feng's body rise in the air

"Not necessarily..." Yinchuanfeng also sneered, his body also ejected, stretched out his hand to shoot the basketball, with him in, how could Xiao Feng shoot easily

"Brush..." But Xiao Feng didn't mean to shoot at all. At the last moment, he pulled his backhand and the basketball flew out from his right side. It looked as if he didn't hold it firmly and threw it out carelessly. However, yinchuanfeng clearly saw a big body coming

He caught Xiao Feng's basketball directly from the side, and then his fat body also soared into the air

"Pa..." Big fat grabs the basketball with one hand and slams it into the basket. Under his huge weight, the whole basket is shaking

Four to zero, four to zero

The scene was boiling again, especially in the Department of economics and management. No matter men or women, they yelled loudly and their faces were full of excitement. Some guys even yelled at them directly

"Sports idiot, can you be a little bit more crazy?"

"Sports department garbage, surrender quickly. It's still time to surrender now..."

"Who said we were rookies? We are the black horse. The champion of this year must belong to our department of economics and management... "

"As soon as Xiao Feng comes out, who will fight against him? Big fat will soar into the air, and ghosts will retreat..."

"Xiao Feng, I love you, Xiao Feng, I love you..." A group of beautiful girls in cheerleading team uniform once again started to dance. The fans in their hands kept waving, and the thighs under their short skirts were kicking higher and higher. By accident, they showed their lovely inner parts, which made a lot of boys' blood boil

Even ye Xiao is so excited by the dunks made by Xiao Feng and others. It turns out that playing basketball has such a hot blooded scene

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene, Xiao Feng and others are naturally excited, but the people in the sports department are all pale, four to zero. For basketball games, four to zero is nothing, but what makes them unable to accept is that they are given four points by rookies like the Department of economic management? Every point is like a slap in the face of all of them

"Li Kai, you keep an eye on that fat man, Zhang Yao, Lin Yuan, you defend that guy with all your strength, and others attack me..." Yinchuanfeng made the adjustment at the first time. Now he can see that Xiao Feng and the fat man's playing skills are not inferior to those of himself. In the previous games, they have always reservedWith the timely adjustment of Yinchuan style, people in the Department of physical education have gradually grasped the initiative. After all, their overall strength far exceeds that of the Department of economic management

However, driven by Xiao Feng and Da Pang, the players in the Department of economic management are boiling with enthusiasm, and their self-confidence is extremely inflated. Almost everyone is playing at a super level. What's more, they are not afraid of fatigue and running as hard as they can. On the contrary, they have brought great trouble to the Department of physical education. In addition, Xiao Feng's left and right movements and Da Pang's strong assault have made the sports department the upper hand, Even catch up with the score, but has been unable to enlarge the score.

Soon, the first quarter and the second quarter ended, and the score on the spot became 48-46. The sports department took the lead for the time being. At this point, everyone understood that the Department of economic management relied not only on luck, but also on the computer department, which had defeated the Department of economic management. As long as Xiao Feng and Da Pang showed their level today, Both of them are enough to beat the computer department.

In particular, Xiao Feng, his ball skills can be called superb, many people even saw the figure of Jordan, the God of basketball, in his body.

No matter the speed, the ability to control the ball, or the ability to bounce, they can definitely catch up with the level of professional players. Even with his strength, it is not a problem to enter the NBA

In addition, Da Pang, a powerful interior player, is really invincible. If it wasn't for the other players in the management department, it might be the economic management department that leads

"Captain, that guy is too strong, unless you are looking at him yourself..." At half-time, the players from the sports department gathered together, Li Kai said in a low voice.

Hearing such comments, yinchuanfeng is a wry smile. Xiao Feng's standard has far surpassed them. Even if he is himself, he may not be able to defend him completely. The reason why he didn't mark him is that he was afraid to be humiliated after he passed. He is the leader of the sports department and the team leader of the University of business and economics. He can't afford to lose this man

"Now the score gap is not big, if I mark him, the attack will be greatly affected, and their luck has always been very bad, if something goes wrong, it will not be good..." Yinchuan wind shook his head

"What shall we do? Will he be left alone? " Li Kai was very depressed and said that he wanted to play a good trick on the economic management department in the competition field, so as to leave a good impression in front of Li Shiqin. Who knows the limelight has been robbed by that guy. Why is he not depressed

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