"No, although in the first half, they seemed to be on a par with us, but you should have found that the physical strength of other players in the management department has reached the limit, which can be ignored. Now it is mainly Xiao Feng and the fat man. Wang Xing and Luo Jun, you should play first in the second half. You should know how to do it?" Yinchuan wind's mouth, showing a cold smile

"Captain, don't worry, we know how to do it..." The two men who were stopped nodded. The other players were surprised to hear that the captain wanted to arrange for the two players to play. You know, they are the two people with the worst strength in the team. Under such circumstances, the captain wants them to play, so there is only one purpose

At the thought of such a result, people's faces changed slightly. It was a shame for them to use such tactics in the economic management department. But could they not? If you don't, once they lose the game in the end, it will only be more humiliating

With the exit of the sexy cheerleading girl, the players stepped on the court again. For the players in the Department of economics and management, they were no longer as depressed as the first half, but they were full of confidence. Even though they were tired, they were still excited. The other side was the sports department, but the defending champion of the basketball game, and their own team was unexpectedly Can force the other side to this degree, even if they really lost the game, they will not have any complaints.

As for the coach Xiao Feng, who has won the title of "rookie" in the half court, he has won the title of "rookie team" by his own strength, and he has been able to win the title of "rookie".

Yes, miracles need to be created. In the second half, just after the kick-off, Da Pang made a strong slap and snatched the basketball again, which was passed to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng launched the attack with all his strength. However, due to the replacement of two substitutes in the Department of physical education, the formation was no longer as solid as that in the first half. One was inadvertently pushed into the restricted area by Xiao Feng, and then another was passed to Xiao Feng Nice layup, the ball goes

The score was leveled again, and the faces of people in the sports department changed. At this time, they launched a counter attack, but the ball was intercepted by Chen danshang, who had always been a mediocre performance. He passed it to Da Pang, who then passed it to Xiao Feng. The latter broke through the encirclement and finally passed it to Da Pang, who broke into the forbidden area. Da Pang relied on his strong body , strong dunk score

After taking the lead, the Department of economic management took the lead again, and the scene was boiling again. Yinchuanfeng's face was even more ugly than before. His angry eyes glared at the two new substitutes

They looked at each other and nodded.

Soon, the ball came to Xiao Feng's hands again. Up to now, they have scored four points in a row since the second half of the match. If the ball goes in again, it will gradually open the score, which is definitely a huge blow to the sports department

His eyes are fixed on the front, and his right hand constantly slaps the basketball. The scene makes a crackling sound. Seeing that Da Pang's body begins to rush forward, Xiao Feng starts to start again, and quickly pounces towards the opponent's forbidden area. Relying on his superb ball skills, Xiao Feng quickly comes to the edge of the opponent's forbidden area, and Da Pang is also inserted into the forbidden area. The most important point is that no one has followed him On his pace, Xiao Feng did not have any hesitation, once again passed the ball in

Big fat's body catapulted up. As soon as he caught the basketball flying in the air, he had to buckle it into the basket. Suddenly, a figure ran into the back

"Bang..." The big fat body was in the air, and suddenly was hit by such a severe impact. Where could he keep his balance, he flew out on the spot and hit the floor directly with a fierce dog's feeding posture, and his nose bone was smashed on the spot

"Fat man..." Xiao Feng is shocked, and his body pours at him directly. However, Da Pang doesn't care about his nose bone. Instead, he covers his back waist with his backhand, and his face is full of pain

Xiao Feng knew from this posture that the fat man's back waist must have been blinked, and his injury was extremely serious

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The player who hit the fat man just now rushed over, with an apologetic look on his face, but anyone can see that he was on purpose

"Next door to your mother..." Xiao Feng's character is impulsive. Seeing this guy bump Da Pang like this, he smashed him with a punch on the spot

"Pa..." The man's nose bone was smashed to pieces, and the whole person fell backward

"Well, what's the matter with you and how do you beat people?" A look at this posture, Yinchuan wind and others on the spot happy, but the face made a look of grief and anger, one by one surrounded. The players in the economics and management department are going to rush forward one by one

The referee blew the whistle at the first time, and then ran to the body to stop the impulsive crowd

The atmosphere of the stadium was ignited again, and many fans had begun to scratch their fists. If it had not been blocked by some security guards below, they might have already rushed over

"What's the matter with your mother's force? It's up to you, you can't beat us. With this method, you are also called the defending champion team?" Xiao Feng spat out his spit and sneered. If Chen danshang hadn't pulled him hard, he would have rushed to beat all the people"Fouls are inevitable on the court? Besides, Luo Jun didn't mean to do it just now. He apologized and you beat people. You can't afford to lose? " Yinchuan wind also sneered

"You can't afford to lose. His actions are so obvious. As long as you are not a fool, you know that he is intentional..." Xiao Feng is very angry. These bastards are too shameless

"Even if he did it on purpose, there was a referee's decision. It's wrong for you to hit someone, that is, you should be punished..." The man named Li Kai also roared

"Who are you making trouble? All of you will be punished..." Seeing that the mood of the crowd was getting more and more excited, they had to fight again. The referee yelled, and they stopped the noise and looked at the referee

Seeing that the scene was slightly quiet, the referee made a decision. Luo Jun of the sports department deliberately fouled and was directly punished. Xiao Feng of the Department of economic management started to beat people, which seriously violated the spirit of sports competition and was also punished

As soon as such a decision is made, people in the Department of physical education have no opinion at all, but those in the Department of economic management quit. Anyone knows that Xiao Feng is the soul of the whole department of economic management. If he is punished, will the Department of economic management lose? Such punishment is too unfair to them.

Xiao Feng, in particular, was red with anger. He knew that he should have tolerated it just now. I'd better clean up the guy later. Now it's troublesome

"Send the fat man to the infirmary first, and I'll take it here..." Seeing that the two sides are about to make a big noise on the court again, ye Xiao, who has been sitting on the sideline and watching the excitement, comes to the middle of the court

Naturally, he saw that the other side was intentional and understood the intention of the other party. If Xiao Feng continued to quarrel with them, maybe the referee would directly punish himself and others for losing

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was stunned. The eyes of the players in the management department were all brightened up. Is Ye Xiao a master who hides himself? Even Yinchuan wind looks at Ye Xiao in surprise. Is this guy the ultimate killer of the management system?

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